«do you really like me?»

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it was the morning, bill felt stans arms were around his waist. they were warm and very soft. it felt nice so bill didn't want him to let go. bill grabbed his arms and pulled him tighter to his body.


stan moaned a little bit. he lifted his his head up to see bill. bill looked back and smiled at him.

"hey stuh-stan."

"hey bill."

"we fell asleep here..."


bill shuffled a little and moved over.

"we shu-should probably go. or i muh-mean i should go."

bill got up and grabbed his backpack he had there.

"oh...? don't you want me to walk you home or something?"

"i'm fine stuh-stan i just need to go eat suh-something."

"we can go eat at ihop!"

"stan! i said i'm f-fine."

bill crawled out of the tree house and ran home.

"why does bill not wanna be with me anymore."


bill was at his house and he priced open the door. he saw his mom and georgie sitting at the living room couch.

"hey bill where have you been?"

"sorry muh-mom i was hanging out at the tree huh-house and i slept there by a-accident."

"okay, i made pancakes would you like any?"

bill shook his head and ran upstairs.

he threw his backpack on the ground and jumped into his bed.

"oh my gosh.. stan tried to have sex! sorta... i'm scared."

bill  thought to himself.

he had an idea in mind so he just stopped thinking about it and did it.

he opened a drawer in his nightstand next to him and grabbed a notebook.

he opened it to a page and grabbed a cup full of colored pencils and pencils.

he grabbed a number two pencil and started to sketch.


stan was walking home, he looked really mad. his eyes brows were scrunched up, he would throw anything that came across his path. and he would also mumble to himself random words.

stan was so mad he just couldn't control himself. but why? was it because of bill?

stan got home and didn't say a word to his aunt.

"hey stan."

his aunt got up and looked at stan. she noticed he was very mad.


"don't give me attitude stanley. where have you been?"

"i was out. i'm sorry."

"i want what's best for you, and i wanna make sure your safe. listen i'll accept you whatever you are, but you need to follow my rules. you need to behave and you need to be safe. under my roof my rules. got it stanley?"

"okay i understand."

"why are you so rude today? get out of your bad mood and pull yourself together stanley!"


"stanley! stop it."

stan rolled his eyes and walked up the stairs.

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