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it was a late night. bill was in his room studying for his big science test for tomorrow. he suddenly hears knocking at his door. so he races to get it. "i-i'll get it g-georgie" bill said as he opened the door.

"sup fucker" richie said as he walked in himself. "u-uh... h-hey richie." bill said as he closed the door. "you've got an admirer" richie said looking at bill. "w-what do you mean?" bill said confused.

"i think someone likes you." richie said sitting down at the couch. "oh hey georgie!" richie greeted georgie. "hey richie!" georgie said as he hid behind the couch. richie as looked back at bill. "w-what do y-you mean?" bill said swearing a little. "uh someone likes you. that's what i mean. what's more to say?" richie said getting up to the door.

"s-so someone likes me?" bill asked as richie opened the door. "yeah that's all i came for." richie said. "s-so you a-aren't going to t-tell me who?" bill said angry. "well no it's an admirer it's a secert." richie winked. bill only rolled his eyes and shut the door on richie.

"what was that billy?" georgie asked with a curious face planted to him. "n-nothing." bill said running upstairs.


"so what did he say?" stan said. "he said nothing he was just mad. oh and curious." richie said. "why are you doing this again?" eddie questioned.

"i need to get my revenge." stan said as he giggled. "what did he do to you?" eddie asked. "don't you know he ruined my life!" stan yelled at stan. "ok but there's no reason to break bills heart." richie yelled back.

"yeah i know but it's my only resort." stan said. "maybe just make out with him?" eddie said. "woah woah make out?" richie said. "i mean make up! please i hate how you guys hate each other like this." eddie pleaded.

"if i do what will you reward me with." stan questioned one eyebrow raised. richie and eddie looked at each other. richie whispered in eddies ear. eddie squirmed around like the whisper was a tingle to his ear. "ok ok. fine" eddie said.

"we'll find you a girlfriend." richie said. "ok i'll do it." stan said. "what's so hard about bill he's kinda nice at times." stan said looking down. "see? you already like him. as a friend!" eddie said smiling to richie.

"thank gosh i couldn't bare you guys with your dirty looks" richie rolled his eyes and looked over at eddie. he tackled him and pinched his cheek. "your cute ed's. cute cute cute." richie looked into his eyes and smiled.

"don't call me ed's." eddie said smiling with him. "i know you like it eddie just admit it." richie laughed and hugged eddie.

stan was still thinking about bill. how would he talk to him. he grabbed his phone and went to his blocked list.

bill den

he unblocked him and started a conversation.

stan: hey bill. listen i know you hate me and shit but i wanna clear up any fights we have. i hate hating you. you seem pretty nice and i want a second chance. please?

stan was scared but he pressed send and threw us phone across the room. "i just did that." stan said as he sat there and thought about what he did.

he then went to get his phone and sat back down to go on instagram. then he went to check in on the message he send.

stan: hey bill. listen i know you hate me and shit but i wanna clear up any fights we have. i hate hating you. you seem pretty nice and i want a second chance. please?
read 12:27

he read it. only read it. "he read it." stan said. "well then we will head over to his place!" richie suggested getting off eddie. "richie it's 12:00 and a school night." stan said.

"then why are we over?" eddie asked. "ok well it's because... i-" stan was thinking for a while he was just nervous and didn't know what to do.

"so let's go!" richie said pulling both stan and eddies hand out of the house.

oh dear god where is this leading to.


another knock was at the door. bill rolled his eyes and walked down the stairs. "i-ill get it a-again georgie." bill opened the door. it was eddie, stan, and richie.

"u-uhm... s-stan? e-eddie r-richie?" bill questioned. "hey can we chill here. "it's 12:00 w-why so l-late?" bill asked. "just let us in" richie added. "why is s-stan here?" bill asked. "did you r-read what i sent you." stan said. "oh yeah..." bill said rolling his eyes once again and then looking down.

"can we talk?" stan asked looking at bills eyes. he was actually looking kind of- no never mind.  "uh... uhm... s-sure. georgie come upstairs time to sleep." bill held his hand and led him upstairs. stan followed.

bill left him in his room and told stan to come into his. stan shut the door behind him. "w-what." bill asked sitting on his bed. stan sat next to him and looked at him.

"i'm sorry. can we be friends. i'm sorry for bullying you. i'm sorry for calling you a stuttering freak. i'm sorry, i'm super sorry. please forgive me bill." stan said looking like he was about to cry.

"w-woah... i'm s-sorry too. i didn't know you f-felt this way. i understand y-you were probably g-going through some t-tough times. it's ok." bill said as he gave stan a reassuring smile.

"oh thank gosh. can we... can we hug it out...?" stan asked. "if y-you'd like." bill said as he gave him a small hug that lasted only seconds.

"let's go downstairs and let's all be friends again." stan said. "yeah..." bill said as he walked down the stairs. stan followed behind him.

"hey guys." stan said. "you guys cool?" richie asked. "hopefully..." stan looked over at bill who was talking to eddie in the kitchen.

thanks guys!! i'm sorry again that it's bad


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