«the voicemail»

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it was the morning and bill cleaned out the house super clean you can't even tell he had a party. he cleaned all of yesterday. he had just woken up. bill's mom and georgie were back from there trip.

"bill? wake up we have to go to stans house." bill's mom said.

"huh? w-why?" bill said.

"his mom wants to chat with us." she says.

"uhm... a-alright? i'll be ready in a m-moment." bill said.

bill was still mad at stan. but he tried to brush it off remembering he was drunk.

when bill was ready they headed over to stans.

they knocked on the front door.

stans mom opened it.

"hello you too. so glad to see you both!" she says.

"oh yes of course." bill's mom shakes her hand.

"come sit." she says.

"STAN! COME DOWN NOW!" she yells.

"so basically i have access to stans phone just to see what he's been up too. he doesn't know that so i found something that involves your son and my son" she says.

stan walks down the stairs.

bill smiles at him.

stan does the same.

"sit down sweetie" she directed him to sit.

"okay, here's something you don't know stan. i have access to your phone just to see what your up too. last night apparently you were very drunk. but... not only that. you say some very... very queer sounding things to william denbrough." she says.

bill's mom looks at bill.

bill blushes.

stan looks around awkwardly.

"let me show you." she grabs the phone and presses play. the voicemail plays.

"heyyy billy, so uhm i'm so sorry for saying things and like you know. and you know how hot dogs are not tacos there sandwiches or something along the lines of that? i don't really know, but you know what i do know? that i love you so much and i don't mean to ever hurt you. i love feeling your soft lips, your eyes are beautiful, and holy fuck your smile. i could stare at your face for hours and i wouldn't get bored. bill your pretty, really fucking pretty and i love you more than i love myself. seriously your amazing, and i just love hanging with you. that's all i have to say. please call me when you can love. bye bill love you lots." stan said.

"does that affect you in anyway way?" she says to bill's mom.

bill is sweating hardcore.

"well... it's my child he can do what he wants. let him be gay." bill's mom says.

"wow. so you accept your fag son? i don't! i'm sorry but... i'm not allowing my son near you both anymore till further notice." stans mom says.

"what!? mom what is wrong with you!?" stan yelled at his mom.

"i don't want a gay son!" she says.

"do you have a fucking problem with me and bill? i love this fucking boy so much and your stopping me from love? it's not my fault it's my hearts fault." stan yells.

"how did i end up with a son like you." she says getting up.

"i want you all out of my house immediately." she orders.

bill slowly walks away.

"there's no need to be acting like this miss uris." bill's mom says.

" i do what i want." she says.

stan stands there in shock.

"i said EVERYONE!" she says.

"your kicking me out!" stan says.

"yes, i don't want a fag in my household." she says.

"how could you mom?" stan says. he starts to cry.

bill notices and runs up to him.

he gives him a tight hug.

"disgusting, utterly disgusting! get out all of you." she said.

stan left with bill hand in hand.

"i can't believe your mother stan! why is she so homophobic? i accept bill for whoever he is. and until she's ready to accept you are staying at our house. and if she's not ready then someone should adopt you." bill's mom said.

"i know..." stan said looking down.

"let's go home, tomorrow youll grab all your belongings and stay with us till someone comes for you." bill's mom gets in the car and so does bill and stan.


"welcome to your new home for a few days." bill's mom says.

"hey stanley!" georgie said.

"hello georgie!" stan said.

georgie gave stan a tight hug.

"awh!" bill thought this was the cutest thing ever.

bill had that sudden erge to lean in and kiss stan but... in front of georgie.

"stan can i s-show you something u-upstairs."
bill said.

"just a second." stan said ticking georgie.

"stop!!" georgie said laughing.

"i'll be back georgie!" stan said following bill upstairs.

bill pulled stan and through him to his bed.

"i'm suh-super mad at you stan... f-for kissing someone, planning t-the party when i said n-no, and for letting h-her get to you." bill said.

stan sighed.

"i'm sorry..." stan said.

"i k-know... but, n-no matter a-anything you do, d-drunk or you b-being you. i still luh-love you..." bill said.

"of course. come here billy." stan said. he pulled him in and hugged him and then kissed him.

they held each other again and just laid like that.

"your the cutest..." stan said to bill.

"i know..." bill said smiling


bill had fallen asleep and stan was looking through the messages him and his mom shared.

mom: hey sweetie i love you very much don't even change!! ❤️

stan: i love you too have a great day

mom: you more!

stan: can i go to a party? it's at bill's

mom: of course

stan: thanks mom your the actual best!

mom: be good.

stan: yes

stan was sad...

he missed the relationship him and his mother had.

the only thing stopping it is bill and stan dating...

what's more important a boyfriend of family...?


get reddie guys bring some tissues


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