«bills party»

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the losers would hang out today all together. there were two new members to the group, amber and rohan. they were already dating.

"so your house?" richie asked bill as they walked side by side to seventh period.

"y-yes all o-of us. including the n-new ones." bill said holding on to his binder making sure it wouldn't fall out of his hands.

"okay see ya later billymcbills" richie said laughing.

"d-don't c-call me billy only s-stan c-can. bill angry

"whatever you say, you and stan haven't had sex yet correct?" richie asked

"richie! n-no!" bill shouted.

"chill i was just asking."

"have you guys ever kissed?" richie asked again.

"n-no we made o-
bill covered his mouth and kept walking.

"see you l-later richie..." bill said numbing because his hand was still on his mouth.

"bill?" richie said trying to catch up.

but bill sped walk faster. he ran into stan

"woah, why are you so surprised cutie?" stan said smiling going up to bill and hugging him.

bill hugged him back. "cutie." that was one bill liked.

"i... i w-was talking to r-richie about something..." bill said.

"about?" stan questioned.

"nothing i-it isn't i-important" bill said looking down.

"hmm... alright. i trust you billy." stan said walking away to a class.

"b-bye stan." bill stuttered as he got on his tippy toes and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

stan only smirked and walked into his class.


it was a crowded house today...

mike, carole, rohan, amber, bill, stan, richie, eddie ben, and beverly were all over at bill's.

"can we have some fun?" richie pleaded

"like what richie?" mike rolled his eyes.

"i dunno spin the bottle?" richie added.

"but we're all taken!" ben commented.

"we're not..." eddie mumbled looking down at his hands resting on his legs.

"well then how about you and richie go and make out?" beverly said.

"woah..." amber said giggling.

"fine... who's in for spin?" mike asked.

"i'm cool with it... but we have to get high or drunk first. let's have a party. invite a couple more ppl not a lot." rohan said.

"oh yeah let's do that. is that ok bill?" richie looked over at bill.

"m-my mom and b-brother are out of t-town. so i g-guess we could." bill said.

"yay!" everyone cheered at each other.

it's gonna be fun. the losers and like 4 others...

bill was wrong.

it was almost the WHOLE school plus other schools.

bill was stressing... but let's rewind the story a bit...


bill went to go get stuff at the super market for the party, stan drove him.

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