«im sorry»

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stan knocked on bill's door.

"bill?" stan said placing his hand on the door knob.

"w-what?" bill said from the inside.

"can i come in?" stan asked.

"yeah w-whatever." bill said. whateverindeed

"okay." stan said. he opened the door and say bill in his bed with his face buried in his pillow.

"i'm sorry...? i guess i just i'm mad at richie." stan said.

bill looked up

"your m-mad at him for t-telling the truth?" bill said.

"we did k-kiss stan." bill said looking at his ceiling.

stan went to go sit at bill's bed.

"well i guess so..." stan said.

"i'm so sorry and i apologize." stan said.

"okay.." bill said turning over at his side.

"you don't forgive me?" stan said.

"i d-don't know i think." bill said.

stan laid next to bill.

bill started to sweat.

stan pulled bill over to his chest.

"stan..." bill said. bill just let it happen

"what?" stan said.

he laughed.

"i.. this isn't.. i... l-listen i love you b-but sometimes y-you can be a t-total jerk to richie and n-not saying i like him but... h-he's my friend and i..." bill said.

stan slides his hands through bill's waist.

bill grabs on to his hands.

"i won't be a jerk. i promise you." stan said. he kissed bill's head.

"c-can we sleep?" bill asked.

"of course billy." stan said.

"you know y-you really u-understand me." bill said.

"and same here." stan said.

bill shut his eyes and tried to fall asleep.

"i love everything about you bill." stan said.

bill sighed and snuggled more into stans arms.


the morning time arose and it was time to wake up.

"bill wake up!" stan said shaking bill lightly.

"mmm?" bill rubbed his eyes.

stan toppled on top of bill.

"stan! g-get off!" bill said trying to push stan off.

"nope. not until you beg." stan said.

"i am! get o-off please!" bill said.

"no!" stan said ticking bill.

bill gave stan a quick kiss.

"now that m-makes me reconsider y-you laying on top o-off me." bill said.

"well that's a shame cause i wasn't gonna leave anyways." stan said.

bill, with all his force pushed him off and walked to his closet.

"bill! i wanna take you somewhere." stan said getting up.

"let me chuh-change first stan." bill said grabbing a red flannel.

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