«bills party 2»

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eddie watched as the bottled spinned fast.

it landed on richie. he gulped.

"well i guess it's time, pucker up eddie." richie said smiling walking over to eddie.

of course of course... so predictable.


eddie shook his head. it was still spinning.

it then landed on that excited girl.

"oh..." eddie sighed.

"yay! i've always wanted to kiss you!" she said as she got up.

eddie pulled himself up and stood there awkwardly.

"don't just stand there! kiss me."  she said smiling. she closed her eyes and leaned in fully.

"i'm gay." eddie said. he stood there for a moment then he ran out the room.

"look what you did too him you... you... you fucking spider." richie said laughing at what he called her.

"i'm not a spider!" she crossed her arms and sat down again.

people discussed what just happened.

richie went to find eddie.

"i'll be back corn on the cobs i'm gonna go find eddy." richie said winking then leaving the room.

"why don't they just date...?" beverly looks at ben and grabs his hand.


"eddie?" richie says searching around the household.

"eddie there you are!" richie went to catch up with eddie.

"what richie?" eddie yelled at richie.

"your gay?" richie asked.

"yes okay, have a problem? i'm sorry..." eddie said ashamed.

"eddie, i'm gay too. b- richie was cut off and eddie looked away.

"i... i know your gay but... richie i like you!" eddie said.

"yeah i know.. me too that's what i was going to say." richie said rolling his eyes then smiling.

"so you like me back?" eddie said excited.

"of course! your really cute and all i think about is you and your stupid face." richie laughed.

eddie joined in.

"i live for your jokes richie." eddie said.

"i live for your smile eddie." richie said grabbing eddies chin.

he leaned in super close and almost kissed.

till eddie pulled apart.

"you know how many germs that mouth has?" eddie said disgusted.

"so you'll never kiss me ever?" richie frowned.

"maybe... but not today." eddie said pulling his arm back to the room.

he forgot that this whole thing just happened. he forgot richie was drunk and was gonna forget about this night tomorrow.

"oh... wait. i forgot something." eddie said pointing to the kitchen. he ran back.

"ok see you." richie said walking in the room.

eddie walked out of bill's house.

he walked home.



the last person was leaving.

ben and beverly were cuddling scrolling through instagram on the couch.

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