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"fuck stuh-stan go harder! p-pull it out!"

"i'm trying bill! it's just so tight."

"truh-try harder it hurts!"

bill squealed.

stan was trying to pull a bucket that bill got stuck on his foot at the quarry.

"why the fuck did you put your foot in the bucket bill?"

"i... i d-don't know i'm so dumb."

"don't say that, you were just curious to see if it'll get stuck right?"

bill nodded. stan pulled super hard and finally the bucket came off. bill breathed heavily and took of his shoe to have only his sock on. he started to rub his foot.


stan got up and put the bucket to the side.

"you still wanna go swimming?"


"okay, good because i didn't wanna leave."

stan grinned. bill looked at him and then looked down. stan took off his shirt  and then down to his pants where it's only his underwear. bill sat there staring at at him getting un dressed.

"are you coming?"

bill slowly took off his shirt and pants. stan smiled and held out his hand. bill grabbed it and they walked over to he edge of the cliff. bill gulped, he's done this millions of times but he would jump off a smaller cliff because he was too scared. and plus it made bill more nervous because he was with stan, alone was a different story. bill squeezed stans hand.

"are you nervous?"

"n-no i well... lets juh-just go."

stan counted down and they both flew off the cliff. bill screamed a high pitched scream. once they plummeted into the waters of the quarry stan started to laugh.

"wuh-what?" bill giggles.

"the scream you sounded like a little girl!"

stan started to laugh more

"i was scuh-scared okay?"

bill rolled his eyes. stan went underwater to see where bill's waist was so he could grab it, he got up and grabbed it. he pulled him closer to his body and kissed him lightly. there heads were together. bill licked his nose.

"what the hell did you just lick my nose?"


"your weird bill."

stan smiled to himself.

"i know thuh-that."

he giggled. bill connected thete lips together so that they were making out. but can you make out with someone underwater?

"come here."

stan grabbed bill's arm and took him to the sand.

he placed bill onto the sand and now they were making out. bill grabbed stans hair and stan grabbed bill's face.

"oh shit."

stan heard the voice from far away. he stopped kissing bill and looked up. bill looked up too. they got up and blushed.

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