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A tall, brooding man towered over the the table, visibly shaking from anger, face strained and beat red. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, then met the eyes of the assistant, who seemed to be trying to sink through the chair and into the ground. They glinted with fire and malice. "So Mr. Will, would you care to explain how the girl escaped?" He asked in a deadly calm voice.

The assistant practically squeaked, and gave up trying to become a ghost, though he was as pale as one. "Well sir, you see sir, I, well you see, the guard told me that he, well this is what he says, not me, but he says that he, well—"

The man's composure melted immediately, his face twisting into an exaggerated sneer. "Are you incapable of talking? Stop stuttering and spit it out, before I rip your next pay check to shreds." He snarled.

The assistant winced and took a deep breath before starting again. "Well sir, the guard told me he'd been watching the monitors when th-they went black. He went to check it out, and when he got there, a-all the guards were passed out and there was a hole in the wall. I don't know how—"

"Send the kid."

"Th-the kid? Sir, I don't think we have any children worki—"

The man reached down and unlocked a briefcase, pulling out a Pokéball with a flimsy label attached to the front. It had clearly been tampered with, wires stuck out from various locations, and holes had been poked into it. The assistant's face dawned with realization. "But sir, I thought you were testing with that Pokémon. And, I think sending the boy would be reckless, he his unreliable and—"

"I have no use for him or his Pokémon anymore. It's shielding abilities, while remarkable, have not provided anything useful for our research. Tell him to bring her back, and he can have the Pokémon. I'll send out some others, but I know they have no real motivation, and will not find her. He will be the one to bring her back. Go."

The assistant hesitated, and in that moment the man looked at him dead in the eyes. "Now."

Unedited AN:
Sorry it's so short. It's a prologue, ok? *sighs* the rest will be better (hopefully). I hope you enjoy! (Also, I noticed that my other books rarely get comments. I'd really appreciate some feedback, so I can make my writing better! Thank you!) (I have no clue why that's in brackets. Or this) ok, now I'm just making this to long (yay! out of the brackets... *facepalms*) comment gummy beartic if you've read this far. Ok, enough of this note! bye! (EDIT: This is NOT the Silver from the Pokemon games. Sorry for any misunderstandings. Thanks for reading!)

Edited AN:
hoo boy i had to fix that one up quite a bit. i am once again editing this story, this time to add a real plot, character motivations, character arcs, etc. this book is a m e s s but I'm gonna fix it up a bit. I think I'm actually okay at writing now, so I'll flesh out the text too. "The government always gets their way" legit tho what was I even thinking when I wrote that. This is not the government, and I never intended it to be?? Anyways, for this chapter I fleshed out the beginning and cut the second half out completely, and I think it works better. Less clunky.
Over and out!

Poké-shifter [UNDER MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now