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2 years later

Parking on the grass Leanna grabbed the flowers that she had in her hand and stepped out of her car, well struggled to step out of the car, due to her swole belly.

Holding her belly as she walked she could feel the kicking from both her baby girls with every step she took making her smile.

"Sh, it's going to be okay." Leanna shushed her twins as she continuing walking until she came up to the gravestone she drove all the way by herself to see, when she's supposed to be in bed like her fiancé requested of her.

Looking down at the grave her eyes got all little watery due to her hormones making her more sensitive and also because she felt some type of way since this is the first time she came to see this person.

Raymond Michaels
"Loved Brother And Son, gone so soon"

Wiping away the tears Lea bent to her knees and placed her hand on the ground.

"This is not what I wanted.." She started as if she was talking to the man she used to love.

"It's been two years that you're gone..and I still can't shake the thought..that you would do..why? I never understood why you treated me the way you did. I know damn well it's not because I was easy." She rambled.

Lea sniffed more as she continued wiping the tears that wouldn't stop coming from her eyes. Thinking about it more she realized what it was...

"You was scared. You lost your mother so you thought you was going to lose me so you didn't care anymore and you went to those drugs.."

"It was the drugs. But it was you who hit and abused me. You let those drugs consume you you forgot about me!" She yelled at the tombstone and holding her trembling mouth.

"I loved you. And you treated me like shit..but I will always praise the man you used to be. I do thank you for showing me who you was so I could leave and see the woman I need to be."

Hearing my phone vibrate my attention got cut away from the grave and to my phone seeing I was getting a call from Ant.

"Yo, whea you at? I come home and find yo ass not in bed." His thick accent coming through the phone making me shake my head knowing this would stir up a big commotion.

"I had to be somewhere." I sighed as I stood up fixing my clothes.

"Baybeh what we talk about? If you need something i'a do it. Yunno what happened last-" "Yes. Ant I know, it's a constant reminder that kills me everyday. Please don't continue to throw that in my face." I cut him off.

"Look I ain't een mean it like dat.." He started starting to realize what I took it like.

"I'll be home soon, Ant. Bye." I hung up throwing the phone back in my purse wiping a tear that fell down.

"Bye Ray." I said before I made my way back towards my car.

Once I got in I sat in the seat and put my head into the steering wheel.

Reminder of what I lost, Ant always throws in my face if I keep doing the most I'm going to lose my babies. And this was my second time being pregnant.

Drugs. Book 1 | COMPLETE|Where stories live. Discover now