Chap. 2

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Me and April are sitting in our last class period which is about to end soon. Hallelujah! I turned to face April.

"You still taking me with you to yo crib after school right?" I whispered to April trying not to get caught by the teacher.

"Nah. I'm trying to be on the cheer team you should too." She suggests to me. I shake my head while frowning my face up.

"No. You know I don't feel like fooling with the football team and those prissy cheer girls who wanna disrespect me for being gay and doing something I love." I whisper yell to her with my face still scrunched up.

"Oh you right well how about...." She trailed off with her thinking face on. Oh god why can't she just take no and be done with it. Every body that knows April knows that when she comes up with an idea that's good in her mind there's no changing it.

"Oh oh oh I got it!-April you need to be paying attention or you won't be successful when your out on your own in the future."The teacher says cutting April off.

April responds back to the teacher with an eye roll and starts writing down fake notes. I just watch her and roll my eyes and let out a quite giggle. Once the teacher puts her attention back on teaching April drops the pencil and turns towards me faster than you could say "pony".

"So my idea is..."

After class...
"Hey what's your name?" Kayla, the cheer captain asks Kayla and me when we make it up to the sign up table.

Now April is gonna put her plan to work 🙄. "Hey my names April and this is my boyfriend of 3 years, kelanie. I am here to sign us both up for cheerleading sign ups." April says with a wide beautiful smile on her face.

Her story sound so real I could believe it myself if I weren't par of it. I feel bad for her boyfriend when she is cheating and lies to him, which I'm sure won't happen because April is faithful.

" You got him to sign up for cheerleading?" Kayla asks in a shocked tone and a surprise face.

"Yea but she better keep up with her part of the deal." I say.

I smirk and look at April and slap her butt while acting like I was looking at it and biting my bottom lip but I was really looking at her lower back. Y'all don't know how uncomfortable that was for me. I looked back up at Kayla she had her eyebrows raised about to fly off her forehead and she had a huge smirk on her face.

"Ohhh I see you girl you better get it." Kayla says excitedly playfully hitting April arm.

"Y'all goals for sure. I wish I could get my man to do cheer with me." Kayla continues.

"I know I got lucky." April says with that wide smile again.

"Well go ahead and sign here and here." Kayla says pointing to different sections on the paper as April signs it.

"Ight let us see what you got!" Kayla says clapping her hands leading us away from the table and towards the sideline of the football team.

"Wassup baby!!" I hear from a distance.

We look around to see who called out. I saw one of the football players jogging our way to Kayla and kissed her on the lips.

"Yo you a faggot?!" The football player asks loud as hell gaining attention from the other players. Some start to make their way over to us commenting on what he said.

"No I'm here with my girl." I say smoothly and wrapped my arm around April waist pulling her close and kissing her cheek.

"Then kiss her on the lips." One of the boys say who has brown eyes, light skin tone, with dreads, and a nice body. But I'm not interested in him though. I looked at April and raised my eyebrows asking for permission.

She smiled and she leaned in and we started making out despite the crowd around us. We pull apart from each other and stare into each other ey s and start smirking. We look at the boys and they all looked shook.

"I told y'all this all me." I say and slap April butt and grip it and acting like I'm looking at it and biting my bottom lip like before.

"Oh my bad bro. It's just real sus for a boy that's not gay to be cheering around this area."Kayla boyfriend says while putting his hand out to dap. I dap him up.

"Yeah my bad too." The dread head boy says. And doing the same as Kayla boyfriend did.

"Ight boys come on stop trying to get you some butt." The coach yells and the boys start jogging back to the field after mumbling apology's.

"I'm sooo so sorry about that he is so blunt and ignorant with his words. I'm sorry he called you out of your name. I- it's ok it was just a lil misunderstanding" I say interrupting Kayla and her rambling of apology's. I let out a low chuckle.

"Ight come on show me what y'all got!" Kayla says while heading to take a seat next to the second cheer captain.
After the audition...

"Omg! You guys were so awesome!" Kayla exclaims.
The other cheer captain finally puts a smile in her face.

"Good job you guys! My name is channel! I can surely tell you guys you made the team!" Channel says while standing up also with a huge smile on her face clapping her hands together.

"Thanks. We really appreciate it" April says with a big smile also. I just nod my head and smirk.

"Ok we'll see you at practice tomorrow!" Kayla and channel yell to me and April as we are walking off the field.

At Kayla house after picking up the twins...
"OMG! Lanie I can't believe I let this slip my mind the whole entire day!" April exclaims as we walk into the house after letting the twins roam around in the house.

"What? What is it?" I ask beyond confused.

"I got a step brother!" She says while looking at me with wide eyes.

"Your lying!" I say surprised her mom went out and actually married another man that had a child of there own.

"No I'm not! Well technically he isn't my stepbrother. He is my foster brother." She says.

"So your mom adopted a lil boy?" I question trying to make sure I'm understanding this the right way.

"Noooo! He is not a lil boy! He is tall, medium skinned, and has muscles that are big but aren't to big that he looks like he's on steroids. He's 2 years older than us. But he's in 12th grade due to the fact that he was held back in fifth grade. He gave a kid a broken arm and leg and put him into a coma. He got sent to juvenile for 6 months and he had to take 5th grade again. His name is Tre'vontae." She says explaining it all to me at once while I took it all in.

"So what your telling me is that you have a angered issueed foster brother who lives with your parents?" I question trying to make sure I took it all in the right way.

"Correct." April says confirming my statement.

"Just what ever you do please don't date him or start falling for him" she says warning me. But for what I don't know.

"Why? What's wrong with me and him dating. if he is gay of course." I question.

"Because you know my dad is homophobic. If he finds out about you guys hooking up if you do. Then that's basically telling me you'd rather hook up with him then be able to be friends with me because my dad will make sure we don't contact each other ever again." April explains. Making it more clear as to why she doesn't want us to date/hook-up.

"Alright I promise." I tell her before we engage into a hug.


Chapter 3 coming up next...

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