Chap. 12

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Mr and Mrs Parker were the first two to go to Tre room. I wanted to be the one to go in first but the nurse said that she's gonna start with the parents/guardians first and then we can go from there.

"Kelanie I gotta go they need me somewhere else. So I'll talk to you later. If you need anything just call me you got my number." Xaviar says as he stands from his seat. I stand up along with him.

"Thank you for being here for me" I tell him looking into his eyes.

"No problem. You would do the same for me wouldn't you?" He asks me.

"Yes I would" I say smiling I stand on my tippy toes and peck his cheek and he pecks mine when I pull away.

"This friendships gonna last forever" I tell him while smiling.

"I hope so. But I gotta go so see ya later" he says smiling and waving while walking away. I wave at him too before going back to my seat and sitting down. While I'm on my phone scrolling through instagram I feel eyes on me causing me to look up from my phone to see that April and Kyree were looking at me with an "explain" face.

"What?" I ask them.

"So you got a new boyfriend huh?" April asks.

"I told you he is my boy bsf nothing more I couldn't even think of cheating on-" I cut my self off before I let the cat out of the bag.

"Cheat on who?" April asked me

"Who wants to Visit next?" The doctor asks saving me from explaining.

"Me alone please" i tell her standing up.

"Sure if it's ok with everyone else" she says looking at April an Kyree who are looking at me confused.

"Umm we guess so" April says still confused

"Thank you guys" I walk out of the waiting room.

"Hey bae" i said to him once Mrs and Mr Parker left the room.

"Wassssup?" He said with a smile on his face. I looked at the doctor who was cleaning off the small metal table.

"We had to give him some harmless drugs to numb the pain because whoever drugged him did it worse than I've ever seen. He's a tough guy average person would of probably had little to no chance in surviving." She says giving me a head nod and a smile before walking out to leave.

"Bae I'm glad your ok" I told him with a smile while pulling up a chair to sit next to his bed.

"I amm tooo!" He says with a cheesy smile. I stood up and lifted my shirt to show my baby bump. (N/A: in the mm^) He smiled and placed his hand on my stomach.

"I still can't believe I'm gonna be a dad" he says excitedly.

"Me either" I said smiling.

"We gotta come up with names for the baby" he said as he removed his hand from my stomach to rub them down his face. I sat next to him on the bed.

"What baby?" I looked to the door to see April standing there with her faced scrunched up.

"Man I knocked this chick up when I went out with a few friends" Tre said lying so smoothly. I smiled at him and looked back up at April. The drugs must be waring off now.

"That's why I been going over his house. I-I been trying to assure him it was gonna be alright and that I will be by his side as his #1 best friend" I said with a smile. Also lying.

"Oh snap wait till mom here about that. Yo ass is grass nigga" April said with her eyes all big.

"That's the thing mom isn't gonna find out until I am ready to tell her" Tre said sitting up in his bed slowly probably because he isn't fully stable yet.

"Ok I'm not gonna tell. But Kelanie why didn't you tell me?" April asked walking fully into the room taking a seat.

"Because it wasn't my business to tell" I tell her in a duhh tone.

"Be quit with yo fat ass" April said laughing. I knew she didn't mean it in a bad way because it's not her first time saying it but I couldn't help but feel some type of way. So of course I got emotional but I still tried to hide it with a laugh but every body and they momma could see that the laugh that passed my lips was fake as hell.

"Kelanie What's- omg I'm sooo sorry I forgot about what happened at practice. I didn't even think you would still be affected." April says while covering her mouth. I looked at Tre to see him with a confused look on his face.

"I was cut from cheering because of my weight" I told him before full on sobbing.

"It's ok they gonna be sorry they lost you" Tre says trying to reassure me that it will be alright.

"But I love cheering with all my heart! You know how hard it was for me to fucking ignore the fact that people were fucking calling me a fagget for doing something I love! I tried to ignore it and it worked until you fucking came along and fucking fucked everything up!!" I yell at Tre before leaving out of the hospital room with different emotions running through me. Regret being the main one. I really didn't mean to put it like that but it's true ever since I got pregnant this baby has me risking everything. Cheer is the number one thing I tried to hang on to. I tried to hold onto it but eventually it slipped from my grasp and now I ain't got shit to do after school besides study and go to bed.

"Woah! Woah! Slow down Kelanie" I hear Xavier say while he's standing in front of me. Stopping me from walking.

"What's wrong isn't Tre doing better?" He asked with his face frowned up.

"Why don't you have on your doctor coat?" I asked him noticing that he's in casual clothes unlike the last time I saw him.

"Because I'm off the clock unless they need me to come back in. Now stop avoiding the question. What happened?" He asked with a serious tone of voice.

"Nothing I'm fine" I tell him with a weak ass smile.

"Oh ok cool. But one more thing the last time I checked someone speed walking, hell almost running through a god damn hospital with tears streaming down their face is not what some one who is "fine" looks like! What is wrong with you?" He says to me putting air quotes around the word "fine".

"Can you take me home. I didn't ride here in my ride as you know. And I'll explain it to you" I tell him giving up on not coming clean to all the bad things I said to Tre, which probably crushed him.

"Sure come on while we walk you can tell me what happened" he says while we start walking to the exit of the hospital. I followed him to where his car is parked.

"So I love cheer and in order to be on the cheer team you gotta keep your weight in order. And as you know I'm pregnant so of course I gained weight and I was kicked off the team the same day I came home to a drugged Tre and you know what else. But in the room it was going good I let him rub my stomach I talked to him bout a few things but then he brought up the question of what we gonna name our baby if it's a boy or girl and April walked in. Luckily Tre didn't say specifically who baby name he was talking bout so we made up a lie that I'm pretty sure is gonna bite us both in the ass later on in life. April made a joke including me being fat and the fact she forgot about me being kicked off the cheer team recently slipped her mind so I tried to cover my hurt which I failed and then I start going off on Tre about how it's his fault that I was kicked off the cheer team after he tried to comfort me an-" zayzay stoped me from talking.

"Please don't tell me you said it was his fault because he got you pregnant?" He says with an all seriousness face. I started feeling bad all over again.

"Well yeah but I didn't mean it. I was just in my feelings" I tell him with my eyes glossing over and my voice cracking.

"Ight back to the hospital we go" He says pulling into someone driveway making a u-turn.

"Why zay zay?" I asked him using his nickname I made up for him.

"Because I'm not finna have him in there stressing over you and feeling bad about creating a human being. And I'm not finna let you sit at home stressing and hurting the baby" he says in all seriousness.

Well back to the hospital we go!


Chapter 13 coming up next...

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