Chap. 13

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"What was that about?" April asked me after lanie left out the room after yelling at me about how it's my fault he was kicked off the cheer team. Basically in my point of view he just told me that if I hadn't got him pregnant this wouldn't have happened. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid.

"He was kicked off the cheer team because he gained too much weight that wouldn't be able to be dropped soon enough for the football game that we are cheering at this week." April says playing with her nails.

"Well do you know where he could've went?" I ask her worried about kelanie.

"No but I think his new best friend is still around here somewhere. So maybe he's with him" April says with a frown on her face.

"Awe is someone jealous?" I tease her. Laughing at her.

"Yeah right that new best friend ain't got nothing on me" She says shrugging her shoulders with a stank face.

"Uh uh don't make that face" I tell her and we both start laughing.

"Plus his new best friend is a nice scrumptious guy. If anybody should be jelly it should be you. Because you now have competition" April teases. He better only be his boy best friend or else I got something for both of them.

"Whatever" I mumble honestly over the whole situation.

"But Umm Why did he blame it on you?" She asked changing the subject. Uh oh I tried to avoid this question well here goes nothing.

"I been asking him to come along with me out to dinner with my baby mamma because I don't like to go to dinner with her by myself and he says he can read when someone is lying. So I bought him along so he could read her and see if she was finna be a ratchet ass baby mama. I made him eat a lot of good food too because I wanted him to try some different food" I tell her not completely lying. Ok maybe that was completely lying but still she looks as if she's believing. I honestly think the lie is ass. 

"That boy swear he can read someone energy. He read all of my exes talking bout they gonna cheat but he was right though. So what did he read off of her energy?" She asks. Shit! Why she asking all these questions? A nigga ain't no fucking lie creator machine!

"He couldn't read her the first couple of times but he eventually did and said she was a good character." I said. "Lord forgive me" I said in my head.

"Do yo-" she stops talking as the door opens revealing a tall muscular light skinned dude with lanie clinging onto his fucking arm!

"Yo April can you um give us a minute please?" I ask her but my tone wasn't asking I was saying it as a statement and I guess she picked up on it because she left without saying another word.

"Yo what the fuck is this?!!" I yell at Kelanie pointing between him and ole dude while sitting up as best as I can.

"Tre calm down it's not like you think" Kelanie says leaving the unknown dudes side and coming to mine.

"Why did you leave after basically telling me it's my fault you were kicked off the cheer team? Do you not want our baby?" I asked after believing him when he said that he wasn't romantically with the guy. But I sat up straight after asking the last question looking him dead in his eyes.

"What no! I want this baby just like you! I will never regret creating our baby" he says placing his hand on his stomach rubbing his belly. I pull him into the bed sitting him on my lap.

"Bae I might hurt you" He says trying to get off my lap.

"I was drugged but I feel way better now." I tell him. That bitch gonna get what's coming for her and she not gonna see it coming.

"Ok if I'm hurting you tell me ok?" He said. I nodded and placed my hand on his stomach and rubbed his stomach feeling the baby kick.

"Bae feel it" I tell him putting his hand on his stomach.

"Xaviar come and feel our baby moving" he says to the guy who I now know as Xaviar. He walked over to the bed placing his hand on lanie stomach feeling the baby kick.

"When are you guys going to find out the gender of the baby?" Xaviar asks looking at lanie.

"We have an appointment next month on the 17th. We recently went to one" lanie answers back.

"Oh cool. But umm I gotta go Bae waiting for me at home. You have a ride home?" He asks lanie.

"I'll find one or I'll stay until tomorrow when they release my bae" lanie says smiling to him.

"Alright see you later" he says while waving and walks out the door.

"Soo what did you do on your little run away?" I ask him curious to where he went.

"I went with zayzay he was gonna take me home and keep me company until he has to leave but he made me explain to him why I was a crying mess so I told him what happened and he told me that he wasn't gonna let it end the way it did and he brought me right back to this hospital and carried me to the elevator and to this room before putting me down and opening the door" he says before randomly pecking my lips.

"Why was he carrying you?" I ask but I'm not jealous tho.

"Because I didn't want to come up here and I wouldn't leave from the car. But not because I was mad at you. I just thought you wouldn't want to talk to me anymore because of what I said earlier." He says looking down at his stomach.

"I was never mad at you and even if I was mad at you it wouldn't of lasted because I can't stay mad at you when your carrying around part of me." I tell him sliding my arms around his waist pulling him close and pecking his lips.

"We should get some sleep I'm getting tired." He says yawning while stretching his arms.

"Ok baby" I say before we share a deep kiss and getting comfortable the best way possible on the hospital bed. I'm glad he came back.
Chapter 14 coming up next...

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