Chap. 4

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Me and April were playing with the twins waiting till theire dad get off in an hour. My phone started ringing indicating someone is calling me. I pull it out my back pocket and see that it's an unknown number calling. So being the chicken that I am I hand the phone to April so they won't know my voice if it's a crazy person.

April hands the phone to kJ and tells him to say hello before answering the call and putting it on speaker phone.

"Helllloooo!" Kj says into the phone with a big smile on his face.

"Oh ummm are you by any chance answering kelanie's phone for him?" I hear Kayla's voice ring through the phone. I sigh in relief and I take the phone from kJ before he drops it.

"Yes. But I'm here now so what ya need?" I question with speaker phone still on.

"Umm is their by any chance April is with you because I don't really feel like calling to different numbers that are in the same room. Telling them the same message." Kayla asks/complains through the phone.

"Yeah she can hear you so what do you need from us?" I question once again.

"Ok good. So we told you guys you already made the team so I need you to come to the address I text you so we can practice some cheers for examples!" Kayla says getting overly excited towards the end of her sentence.

"Yeah we are available. But you gotta Wait about 35-45 minutes because we babysitting our nephews until their dad gets home." I explain to Kayla.

"Alright that's fine that gives us more time to prepare things around here. Thank you bye!" Kayla says hanging up the phone before I could say "good bye" back.

Ding! I look at the phone screen and see: unknown has sent a message.

"I need to give her a contact name before I forget who this is." I mumble to myself before unlocking my phone and doing so.

1 hour later...
"Where we going again?" A confused April asked.

"Look you done asked that question 5 times now. If you gonna keep forgetting than you need to just sit back be quit and chill!" I yelled out of frustration.

"...... and you still didn't answer my question. Sooooo?" April says which pushes me closer to the edge. so just to keep me from doing something stupid I hooked my aux cord up and started blasting my music to tune her annoying ass out.

"SO TECHNICALLY YOUR KID NAPPING ME BECAUSE I DONT KNOW WHERE IM GOING SO....HELP HELP SOMEBODY HELP ME HELP ME PLEASE HES KIDNAPPING ME SOME-!" Before she could finish I pulled into Kayla drive way and slammed on breaks and turned my car off locked my doors and went up to the house door and knocked.

Now remind you I'm still annoyed so I have this annoyed look on my face with my nostrils flared and face red. I go to ring the doorbell that I didn't notice before I knocked but the door swings open to reveal the football player who dates Kayla.

"Umm... I must got the wrong house sorry bye." I start to turn around a tad more annoyed to the fact I pulled up to the wrong house. But I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"Are you here for Kayla?" He asked with an eyebrow slightly raised.

"Yes. She told me this is where she lives." I say after nodding my head. I looked back to the car to see April finally getting out of it. What took her so long?

" why're you bring me along to one of your hook-ups?" She asks once she reaches the porch we're standing on. My face immediately comes alive with a shocked expression replacing my annoyed one that I once wore.

"This isn't a hook up. This is where Kayla told me to come to practice." I tell April.

"Oh well why is he here? Isn't he the same guy who accused you of being gay?" She asked tilting her head to the left.

"Yeh but Kayla practically lives with me so she sent you my address. But she didn't let me know beforehand and now I have a guest here who doesn't feel like fooling with anyone. But welcome in." He says finally letting us in.

"Nice place" I complement him.

"Thank you. Kayla helped decorate it. I'm gonna go get Kayla and let her know you guys are here." He says heading up the steps.

"I'm finna go look for the kitchen." April tells me.

"I don't mind to join either because a nigga starving." I say agreeing to her and following her around until we found the kitchen.

"Jackpot" I mumble after opening the fridge and found Reese cups. I picked the whole pack up off the second shelf in the fridge. When I was about to close the door I saw water bottles that were nice and cold. I bent over to grab one but froze when I felt somebody's mid section pressed against my bum. I grabbed the water bottle and stood up and closed the fridge with my body pressed up against the mystery person.

"Oh my bad" He says before grabbing what he was reaching for.

"Oh umm it's alright" I tell him while blushing.

"My name is kelanie" I introduced myself.

"My name Tre'vontae" He says and we shake hands. I nod with a smile. We just stand there smiling at each other well more like me blushing and smiling while he's smirking at me.

"Kalanie hurry yo big booty head ass up Kayla ready!" I hear April voice yell out to me. I didn't even know she left. I snap out of my days That's I was in and wave at Tre'vontae and head to where I heard April voice.

"Oh there you are c'mon we ready to start practicing" Kayla says grabbing my hand and pulling me to what I'm guessing is the back yard.

"Alright so follow after me" Kayla instructs before she starts doing a cheer taking breaks for us to try the part she just did.

"Wait hold up I gotta stretch first" I say befor bending over to touch my toes. While I'm bent over I hear the slide door slide open and hear deep voices talking.

"Damn" I hear one voice mumble from who I'm guessing is Tre'vontae. I stand up and do lunges and etc.

"Alright now that y'all stretched let's try this again!" Kayla shouts loudly.

"We finna be the audience" Kayla boyfriend said heading to one of the lawn chairs with Tre following after him with a bag of chips in his hand. I guess that's what he was reaching for earlier.

1hr 45minutes later...
"Practice is over with for today guys" Kayla says after we finish the last cheer.

"Good but umm can I use your showers because I can't stand smelling like this." I complain.

"Sure but you got your own stuff right?" Kayla questions. I nod my head yeah.

"Good umm Tre'vontae can you show him where the bathroom is because Parker gave you a tour of where everything is" Kayla says. So his name is Parker.

"No problem. C'mon" he says heading back into the house with me following him.

"Here's the bathroom." He says opening the bathroom door.

"Thank you" I say before stepping in to the big bathroom. About five minutes into my shower I hear a knock on the door. Since everybody knows I'm using the shower I figured it must be April.

"Come in!" I shout so she could here me over the water. The door opens I try to look thru the foggy glass door of the shower only to see the outline of s body that does not belong to April. It's more muscular shaped.

"Who is that?" I question as the person goes to the toilet.

"It's me Tre'vontae." He answered back. I hurry up and turn my back to him after seeing him take out his monster. omg he is packing.

"Nice ass"


Chapter 5 coming next...

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