Chap. 6

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"April I know what you said and I'm not falling for him!" I said sadly lying to her face. The truth is I was falling badly for Tre'vontae that's why I let him cum in me and because I didn't want him to pull out.

"You promise?" April asked calming down from being angry at me.

"Yes you told me that me and him being together will risk our friendship and I don't want to lose our relationship over a fling with your stepbrother" I said truthfully but I still want Tre so I just gotta keep it secrete.

"Ok I'm sorry for freaking out on you earlier." She said while we hugged one another.

"It's alright. I forgive you" I said pulling away from the hug but I feel a cool breeze to my neck and realize my hoodie lowered around the neck area exposing my marked up neck. I try to hurry and cover it up but April had already seen it and before I could do anything she yanked my shirt up revealing my marked up chest. She is strong for a girl!

"YOU FUCKING LIER! YOU LIED DEAD TO MY FACE!" She said well yelled now fuming. She rushed down the stairs  I hurried after her knowing she was going to Tre.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" She yelled slapping Tre who was confused until he looked at me and seen my neck was exposed. I mouthed a "sorry" to him before pulling April back from him.

"April you don't even know if he did this!" I said trying to get her attention.

"Pull yo shirt up! Now!" She said to Tre he looked at me and I shrugged. Tre slowly pulls his shirt up revealing his marked chest. Well our secret is out.

"Turn around because I swear if y'all did more than make out I'm fucking leaving!" She said with tears in her eyes face still red. Tre turned his back to us showing the scratches I left on his back. April gasped loudly. Dramatic much?

"April don't leave please I can explain it was just a one time thing!"  I tried to tell her but she grabbed her stuff and left out the door slamming it shut. I wonder why Mrs Parker hasn't come out yet. I walked to the kitchen to see if she was eavesdropping but I saw her with ear buds in dancing to music.

"Kelanie I'm sorry" Tre said to me once I returned back to the living room sitting next to him.

"I think I just lost my best friend" I said before letting a tear slip from my eyes.

"C'mon let's go to my room for privacy" he said before he picked me up bridal style and carried me up to his room shutting the door. We removed our clothes except for our briefs.

"I'm sorry for the slap you received because of me" I said rubbing where he was slapped as we laid in his bed.

"It's ok I wouldn't blame it on you though. it's my fault because I was coming onto you" He said before wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to his body.

"You know we technically slept together not even knowing each other." I said just now remembering how we barely even talked or introduced ourselves to each other.

"Oh shit you right!" He said with a smile.

We talked about ourself a to each other until we fell a sleep.

"Dinner re-" I hear from the door way. I sit up to see Mr Parker standing in the door way with a disaproving look on his face.

"Mr Parker it's not like it looks" I say before he can say another word. I look down at Tre sleeping body. I guess he heard me talking and woke up kissing me on the lips not even knowing Mr Parker was in the door way.

"I knew you were a fag but you are not turning my stepson into one!" He shouts before walking into the room yanking Tre from the bed. Poor Tre wore a face of confusion and shock.

"Put your clothes on and get out!" He shouts to me. I look at Tre to see if he was gonna do anything but he looked me dead in the eyes and said these exact words.

"Get the fuck out of my room you fucking fagget!" He said to me.

"I knew it was just a phase" Mr Parker said after he placed his hand on Tre shoulder. I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill out my eyes. I hurried and got dressed and ran out of the house with tears spilling out of my eyes. I didn't even know where I was once I started to look around.

"Yo bitch this my block! What the fuck y'all bitch asses doing here!" I hear I look up from looking at the ground to see what I'm guessing is two gangs with guns pointing to each other.

"POW POW POW POW POW" bullets were flying and before I knew it I was shot I dropped to the ground and the last thing I remember hearing is "yeah y'all better run bitches!" Wow my life really does suck.


Chapter 7 coming next...

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