Chap. 21

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Saturday day of barbecue

Mr and Mrs Parker had recently just called and let me know everyone was there already and waiting for me and they didn't know where Tre left to. Little did they know he was right here with me dressing our sons in matching Jordan outfits. Me, Tre, and our kids are all rocking our red Jordan's shoes and Jordan outfits.

"Alright you got everything in Trevon bag Bae?" I ask him while I finished packing Zy'air baby bag.

"Yeah. You got Zy'air stuff packed?" He asks me

"Yeah" I answer him finally looking up at him finally.
We did our couples handshake we made up Friday (yesterday) after we finished moving our things into our apartment while our sons spent time with my grandma.

"Ight I'll take them out to the car and get them situated while you make sure Aliyah and Parker are ready." Tre says as he picks up Trevon and Zy'air in their carrier seat carrying them out of the room and out to the car.

I head down the hall to Aliyah room and knock before entering. She opens the door with her matching blue Jordan outfit with her blue Jordan's.

"You can head out to the car Tre ready now" I tell her she nods before turning her room light off and walking downstairs. I knock on Parker door and he opens it in his matching outfit with his sister.

(A/N: they all are wearing Jordan head to toe. The siblings have on blue Jordan T-shirts and blue Jordan joggers with a pair of blue joggers. The same thing with Tre'vontae and kelanie and the newborns.)

"Time to go" I tell him.

"Ight let's go" He says walking out of his room leaving his light on. I turn it off and follow him out to Tre Range Rover I hop in the front passenger side. Parker climbs to the 3rd row with Trevon and Aliyah is sitting in the 2nd row of seats with Zy'air sitting next to her. If you want to know, Tre seated it like that so parker and Aliyah can take care of them if they start getting whiny.

"Every body buckled in and ready to go?!" Tre says hype while I'm a nervous wreck.

"Yeah! Let's go we squad Jordan up in here" Parker says all hype while me and Aliyah laugh at them after shanking our heads and rolling our eyes. Ion know what these boys ate for breakfast bedsides what I cooked but they need to calm down.

"Put some music on" Parker says. Tre connects his phone and plays music off of his iTunes playlist.

"You better not turn that all the way up and make my baby's cry" I tell him when he attempts to turn the volume up.

"I know bae I got this" He tells me before turning the volume up but not really loud but the base is still loud.
45 minutes later...
"Finally! Parker you need singing lessons" I tell him as we pull up to the parkers house and find somewhere to park since there driveway was full.

"You always hating on me because yo voice don't sound as good as mine" Parker says

"Yeah ok. Keep telling yourself that lie" I tell him rolling my eyes.

"Ight you two get out and stop the bickering.we gotta walk in there like we the shit Ight?" Tre says smirking.

"Tre you grab Trevon seat and hold him in your left hand and stand on my left and hold my hand and Aliyah stands on my right and Parker you stand on Aliyah right and you hold Zy'air car seat in your right hand." I tell them

"We finna be shittin on al of them" Aliyah says.

"Ight y'all ready" I ask them yeah let's go. We walk across the street to the parkers house. We walk into the house and walk through the house to the slide Glassdoor's leading to the back yard. Parker slid the door open and stepped out then I stepped out the house into the backyard then Tre while holding my hand and our son in his other hand and then Aliyah.
We were talking amongst each other on purpose. Parker handed me Zy'air car seat.

"He's heavy" Parker complains

" Boy why are you lying you just weak" I tell him

"Boy please" he said before turning around and he lets out a low "damn" only for the rest of us three to hear. We all looked up and started actually paying attention to everyone else.

"Hey everybody! I'm parker and this is my sister and this is Kelanie who recently gave birth to him and Tre'vontae baby boys" Parker says with a smile. I nudge him in his side.

"Really?" I ask him he looked at us to see us all looking at him with the "Why you do that" face.

"My bad" he says shrugging.

"So... hey I'm Aliyah, Parker sister if you didn't catch onto it by now" Aliyah says giving a small wave.

"Hello fellow friends and best friends. Umm we would very much appreciate it if you guys would say something." I say giving a small smile.

"How are you able to get pregnant?" Xaviar asks. He already knew but he was just asking the question that is probably on everyone mind.

"Well my body has a females reproductive system somehow. They think it's because of my twin sister who was eaten." I tell them

"Wow!! Kelanie are you serious?! I fucking told you not to get involved with him! Then you lie and lie to my fucking face! So you left and disappeared because you got big and you couldn't hide it anymore or blame it on food?! You blamed Tre for getting you kicked off the cheer team because he got you pregnant! How did I not see that?!" April shouts at me angrily.

"You didn't see that because it's not every day a boy gets pregnant. And you gonna stop hollering at him and putting his info on blast because he went trough a lot carrying him and Tre'vontae kids! So until you know what it's like you can bring yo voice down! Mater of fact come here kelanie." Aliyah says. I give Zy'air to Parker and walk up to Aliyah she pulled my shirt up to show my stomach. I'm glad I worked out with Tre while I was pregnant so I won't have so much baby fat on my stomach. It paid off to.

"Do you see this scar right here?! Do you know how soar he was after giving birth?! Do you know what it's like to carry twin boys?! Do you know how painful it is to have a c-section?! If you don't how bout you just be glad he even told you or any of y'all! So if you not opening your mouth to say something positive to him then you need to just leave him alone!" Aliyah says finishing off her shouting with a thank you to everyone.

"I'm sorry" I tell April who looks like she's mad and sad. She walks past me bumping my shoulder causing me to stumble back a little because of how hard she bumped me. I watched her walk in the house. She slammed the door causing Zy'air to cry then Trevon. I wipe my tears off of my face and walk to Zy'air and take him out while Tre takes Trevon out of his seat. I take deep breaths before turning around holding Zy'air who stopped crying.

"Anybody want to meet Zy'air and Trevon?" I ask no one in particular. Xaviar rushes up to me and takes Zy'air from me. Everybody else slowly start to talk again and start to go up to Xaviar and Tre to see Zy'air and Trevon. Except mr. Parker who was glaring daggers at me.
Chapter 22 coming up next...

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