Chap. 35

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Me and the kids are leaving the park they love to go to soo much. I couldn't play with them tho I had to sit out with my kids.

"You guys wanna get some fro-yo?" I ask them.

"Yeah" they answer with smiles on their faces. We pull up to the fro-yo shop. We walk to the door and you can hear yelling. I don't have time for this shit but I'll go for the boys. But we ain't finna stay because they don't need to be around that drama.

"What's wrong with them peoples that make them want to yell?" Adam asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"I honestly don't know." I tell him.

"Hey he's yelling at our daddy!" Aiden says and him and Adam run to the table and I immediately realize who the people are. I see kelanie, the guy from the bathroom, Malik and April.

"Hey don't talk to our daddy like that you punk!" Aiden yells with Adam standing defensively next to his brother nodding his head in agreement. The guy looks at me then kelanie before sitting down next to kelanie, grabbing his bag while telling kelanie something and they engage in a half hug like bros would do. I squint my eyes at their actions.

"See ya" he tells me as he walks past me. I look at kelanie with an 'are you a serious' type of look on my face. I walk to there table and the boys follow me over.

"Can we get ice cream now?" Kyle asks and the other boys agree with him.

"Come on" I tell them after sitting the twins car seat in front of Kelanie on the floor. Me and the boys walk to the counter. After they tell the girl what they want she gets they're stuff made and they take it and we walk up to the table and they fill in the unused space that kelanie and his friends have at Their table.

"Kelanie can I um talk to you alone for a minute?" I ask him. He nods in response.

"April can you keep an eye on the twins please?" He asks her before getting up and walking away from the table with me.

"Look Tre I don't want our relationship to end or change because of this please. I made that stupid mistake with Darion but I regret ever doing it. I only have romantic love for you... nobody else." He tells me with a pleading look on his face.

"I'm for damn sure not gonna end our relationship over that mistake you made. But you did hurt me, like real life hurt me. Imagine me being caught kissing another man or a women. How would you feel? That's how I felt. When you kissed that Darion nigga you gave away a percentage of my trust along with that kiss" I tell him while looking him dead in his eyes letting him know I'm dead serious. He nods his head but his eyes are still getting watery.

"So you.. you don't trust me anymore?" He asks me with a tear rolling down his left cheek.

"I didn't say that I said you lost a percentage of my trust, meaning I still trust you it's just not completely 100% like before it's more like... 95% now." I tell him.

"So you aren't gonna leave me for someone else? And your not leaving our kids either?" He asks me. I shake my head no. I would never leave our kids. He lets out a sigh of relief but then starts crying.

"Come on Lanie you know I hate to see you cry" I tell him while I hug him close.

"I know I just thought I messed up what we have" He tells me while he wipes his tears off of his face.

"Group hug!" The boys yell as they run to us and join our hug. Causing me and kelanie to laugh.

"I love your laugh" I tell him before we engage in a passionate kiss.

"Ewwwww! Group hug over!" I hear kJ yell while they are walking back to the table. Causing me and kelanie to smile into our kiss. We leave the fro-yo shop after a little bit of talking and sharing laughs together. kJ and Kyle are going home with April since they live at her house, Aiden and Adam are going home with they're dad. They are all riding together and I guess Malik is gonna drop off April and her nephews since it's his car and me, kelanie, Trevon, and Zy'air are riding in my car.

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