Chap. 3

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"Tre wake up baby" I hear my kinda foster mom say from the outside of my door.

"Ight. I'm up." I respond while getting up out of my bed.

I'm Tre'vontae Cullun and I was addicted to fighting hence why I'm living with Mrs. Parker. I was in the detention center for almost killing a boy during a fight. I was bailed out by a women named "sarina Baker". She claimed she was a friend of my mom and she found out about me through a friend. She took me to her home and feed me, bought me clothes, and shoes. she took me to church with her every time she went and she helped me with school work. She became a second mother to me because even tho she was nice no one can replace my actual mom who passed away when I turned 12 years old.

But she started to get sick at the age of 75 and she told me that she couldn't continue to take care of me due to her illness. She told me that she talked to a nice/kind church women who she was friends with and the lady accepted the offer of taking care of me for her. As you probably guessed the lady is Mrs. Parker. I'm still able to visit mama baker though after school but I just gotta let Mrs. and Mr. Parker know.

I took a shower and did all my other morning hygiene stuff. I put on some black designer jeans with my black Hollister shirt with a pair of Jordan's. I brushed my waves put some of my secret hair supplie to help/keep my waves, I grabbed my Jordan bag and duffel bag for football, and I headed down stairs to the kitchen.

"Hey Mr. and Mrs. Parker" I say greeting the both of them.

"Hey boy. So you trying to play on the football team huh?" Mr Parker greats back while putting a hand on my shoulder after putting his phone in his pocket.

"Good morning baby" Mrs. Parker greats me and smiles before turning back to the stove to find cooking breakfast.

"Yeah. I'm tryna find a different way to take my anger out instead of fighting. What better way to do it then playing football where you get to hit people with out getting in trouble. And I can just take all my anger out on the field and use it there." I say and smile to mr Parker who smiles back and let's out a chuckle.

"Your something else boy. But I understand where you coming from though. Good idea though because I don't need the school to be calling me because you done got in trouble. I get enough of that from my daughter." He says while he goes to sit back down.

"A daughter? Y'all have a kid" I ask confused because I never saw a room in this house that looked like it belonged to a girl.

"Honey we got a daughter, son, and two grandchildren." Mrs. Parker says while fixing our plates. I put my bags down and head over to the island and take a seat across from Mr. Parker.

"How old are they and which one gave  y'all the grand kids?" I asked.

"Our son gave us the grand babies. He's the oldest. He recently lost his girlfriend/baby momma to drugs. He recently moved back down here so we can help him out. He's living with his sister though because the schedule for the twins will be more easier there since she only works on weekends and me and my husband work all week. Our daughter is the youngest. I know your probably wondering why she doesn't live here and that's because we put her out but not because we don't love her. We put her out because her bsf and her were always too loud together and he came over everyday, she kept complaining about no privacy. So we told her we find her a nice sized apartment with 2 floors and 4 bedrooms but she gotta pay the rent after we pay the first 5 and she been doing good so far." Mrs. Parker explains while we eat.

"Oh. Do I get to meet her?" I asked.

"You might come across her at school she skipped 11th grade and is in 12th this year along with her best friend." She tells me after taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh cool cool... so how am I getting to school today?" I question because it's almost time for me to get going so I don't end up late at school.

"Today I'm gonna take you but for the rest of the year our daughter April will be taking you." Mr. Parker answers while he finishes his plate.

"Oh. Ok." I say and I get up and place my plate in the sink along with my empty glass. I grab my things and let him know I'm ready. He got up and grabbed the car keys.

"Ight let's go boy." He says while heading to the door.

After school football practice...
"Ight boys out of the locker rooms and let's hit the field!" I hear Coach rob yells to the remaining boys in the locker room. Which isn't me.

"Then kiss her on the lips!" I hear from the side line witch catches my attention. I looked over there to see this light skinned boy who has a nice fat 🍑 no homo though. I mean just because I complement a boys body doesn't mean I'm gay and that's a fact. He standing close to this girl with long curly hair she got a nice body too.

The boy and girl start making out. The boys over there look shock. When they pull apart the boy looks back at Collin and smirks.

"I told y'all this all me." He says and he slaps the girl butt and grip it and looks back at it while biting his bottom lip. I think I'm the only one who noticed this nigga looking at her lower back instead of her ass. These niggas slow. Have the idea of the boy actually being gay and his "girl" is just his close best friend and she helping him cover up the fact that he's gay😒🙄.
These niggas slow but I ain't finna mess up this lil nigga school year. He seem chill. The coach calls the boys back over to start practice. I turn towards coach as he starts talking. He sends us to run the track.

"So you the new boy?" I hear to the right of me. I look to see Parker jogging next to me looking at me.

"Yeah. You must be the quarterback I been hearing people talk about." I respond back taking a glance at him before putting my focus back on the track.

"Yeah. You seem cool and chill. You trying to chill after school?" He asks while taking a glance at me.

"I don't know man. Ion feel like being around a bunch of hormonal teenage boys who only talk about ass, tits, and pussy. That gets annoying bruh!" I stress to him. He stops jogging for a second and he looks taken back. I slow down and look at him.

"What?" I question him.

"I thought I was the only one who felt that way bro!" He says as he begins jogging again and I follow beside him.

"I thought I was the only one who felt that way. Real talk!" I say kinda excited that someone else feels the same way I do.

"So what you  say about hanging out with me? Just me and nobody else." Parker said taking another glance at me before continuing to face forward and continue focusing on the track in front of him.

"Yeah I guess. Where we chilling at?" I ask and take a glance his way.

"We can chill at my crib." He says just as we finish our last lap and head to the center of the field to start actual football practice.


Chapter 4 coming up next...

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