Chap. 23

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Me and kelanie are sitting in Malik room while he is still in his coma. The doctors said he is in a coma that shouldn't last for too long but he slipped into a coma because from the amount of blood he lost.

"He's brave" kelanie says. I nod agreeing with him.

"Did you guys meet before April brought him to the barbecue?" I ask him because him and Malik looked as if they were friends.

"Yeah when me and Aliyah went to the mall. He was there with April and she sent him to talk to me i the men's bathroom and he saw my stomach. He thought it was a tumor" he says before laughing I laugh with him.

"He seems like a cool dude." I tell kelanie.

"Yeah. He is." The door opens revealing a dark skinned dude. He looked at us confused.

"Who are y'all?" He asks.

"I'm Tre'vontae and this is my boyfriend kelanie. We're here because he jumped in front of a built to save my boyfriend-" I say gesturing to Kelanie who's arm is in a sling because they don't want him moving his arm and messing up the stitches."-one of Malik friends who became his friend through April. So we figured we would stay and keep him company since the doctors couldn't get in contact with any parents." I tell him.

"Yeah well thanks for getting him here on time. And his parents died from walking on the wrong block at the wrong time of night and were shot in a shoot out between two gangs. But I'm his boyfriend, Devon, I'm glad you guys stayed to keep him company but umm. Can I get a minute with him alone for a minute?" He asks after informing us as to why the hospital couldn't get in contact with Malik parents.

"Sure we were just gonna go pick up our kids and head home." I tell him while standing.

"Y'all adopted kids?" He asks us we shake our heads.

"Nah he got pregnant" I tell him showing him a picture of kelanie during his pregnancy so he can see proof.

"Oh my gosh bro I though that Malik was the only male who was able to get pregnant he had twins too we got twin boys" he tells us smiling. Oh snap! I look at Melanie who looks as shocked as me.

"We should link up with our kids one day" I tell him.

"Ight let me get your number and we can keep in contact." He says and we exchange numbers and we say our goodbyes before me and Kelanie leave the room and head to his grandma house to pick up the twins.

"Can you believe that? So that's why he couldn't believe that I was pregnant in the mall!" Kelanie says smiling with a look of disbelief and shock on his face.

"When did you see him in the mall"

"When Aliyah lost her Gucci shoes. She didn't want Parker to freak out on her about how she's irresponsible. So I went to the mall with her and Malik and April were there" he tells me.

"What happened upstairs between you and April?" I ask him remembering that they went upstairs to talk.

"I explained my reasoning for leaving for so long and some other things. But she says she lost her trust in me she said I have to gain it back." He tells me.

"Well at least you two are on talking terms" I tell him

"I guess" he says shrugging. I unlocked the car doors and opened his door for him and closed it once he got in. I headed over to the drivers side and opened my door and got in.

"Ky'ree we cant keep walking around like we aren't fucking on the low!" I tell him slightly pissed.

"Look Xaviar, If you want to tell everyone that we got something going on, you can but you better say it in past tense because I will leave yo ass and just worry about my kids" he says while scrolling through his phone not even looking at me once.

"Fine then if you so ashamed of me you need to fucking leave because I'm not finna waste my time on you when I can go find someone who actually fucking care for me and isn't afraid to show me affection in public!!" I yell at him.

"Fine imma leave and you can go look for your picture perfect guy while I take care of my kids and fuck a couple bitches on my free time. Da fuck you think I look like staying here wit yo complaining ass? I'm out of here bye bitch!" He says with a simple shrug before getting out of bed and putting his clothes back on.

"Are you seriously just gonna walk out on US like that?! Are you fucking serious Ky'ree?!" I ask him literally about to cry.

"Xaviar... save yo fucking tears for someone who cares because I don't. FYI there was never an US to me it was me getting my quick nut... thanks for your service but if this is what comes with it I'm out!" He says loudly before walking out of the room and down the stairs slamming my front door when he leaves. I try to wipe the tears from my face but they keep on coming.

"Don't cry over him Xaviar, don't cry" I keep repeating in my head. I stood up and walk to my bathroom. I start my shower before I remove my clothes and get in. I start thinking about all that me and Kyree did together. He looked so fucking interested in to the "relationship" we had as I did but I guess he a good actor or I'm just a dumbass who fell for him with his fake ass.

I laid in bed with nothing but my boxers on after taking my shower. I turned my phone off so I wouldn't be disturbed.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"GO AWAY!" I shout downstairs to whoever was knocking on my door. I hear muffled yelling from what sounds like multiple voices. At this point I'm starting to get scared. They start banging on my door way more harder than the first time and they continuously rung my doorbell.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!! YOU FUCKING QUER!!!" I hear a man shout from the outside of the door. I did the opposite of what most black purple would do and that is to run but instead I got out my bed and headed downstairs and to my front door. I look out of my peep hole and see 5 men standing on my porch.

Chapter 24 coming up next...

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