Chapter 12

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Bond Broken


"But Tomura. We're still not enough. We're gonna need more-."

"Shut it. We have enough. Why? Do you think we're not strong enough to handle ourselves?!"

"N-no. But we failed in capturing 1 of them 4 years ago!"

"Times have changed, we won't lose this time. Heh... Trust me. We'll definitely capture those two."

"Ooooh! I can't wait to get my hand's on one of them!"



It was a normal day. However, the students had a day off, not that anyone knew why. Shouto resting on a sofa, despising the existance of Kirishima. Izuku, Ochako and Iida talking like always. Katsuki, grumply looking out the window; never wanting to speak to Eijirou ever again or even look at him. After what he did.

"C'mon man. Apologise," Spoke a begging blonde hair.

"... I can't... What I did to him, was just.. Foul."

"Ugh! Yeah, I know. But at least show him that you have the guts to talk to him. Let alone, apologise."

"... No," The red head simply replied.

"Do it! Be a man! You always talking about being manly!" Denki explained.

Eijirou banged his fists on the wooden table, lifting himself up. "I SAID NO!"

Everyone in the lounge had their attention on the two. Katsuki trying his hardest not to look.

"You know what, im trying to help you. You're never there for me! What have I ever done to you? I was always on your fucking side im literally spending less time with Kyouka, just for you! And here you come being a selfish mother fucker, just so you can put your one inch, FUCKING WONDER IN BAKUGOU'S ASS!" He yelled, gritting his teeth.

The classmates eyes widened, Shouto shocked, Izuku blushing slightly, Katsuki feeling an urge of doing something.

Iida needed to stop this. "Guys! Stop this, this instant. Mr.Aizawa may come! As class rep it is my dut-."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Denki screamed at him, clenching his fist. "Im not done. You changed a lot. You started ignoring me when I needed you most. You started leaving me out of groups, conversations, after school hang outs. TELL ME? TELL ME WHY YOU LEFT YOUR ONLY TRUE ACTUAL BEST FRIEND TO ROT IN SORROW, LONELINESS and GRIEF?! Yes, I was being rhetorical."

Denki walked over to Katsuki. Katsuki heard the footsteps and turned around to look at him.

"Whatever it is, if it's something to do about 'him' I don't give a shi-."

Denki stopped him. "Your so call 'Only' friend......" Denki paused for a couple of seconds. Now taking  a big inhale, looking into his eyes. "He's told me many things. Many things that include you and your body! He's always talked about how he wanted to do it with you, even stating that he'd do anything to make that happen!" He finished off, with almost tears.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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