Chapter 6

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When Elena woke up the next morning, Harry was humming in the bathroom.  She felt her mouth curve into a smile as she rolled onto her back while she stretched her limbs.  She felt the bed shift just as her eyelids opened.  Harry hovered over her, a dreamy, happy smile gracing his perfect face,

"Good Morning, Pretty Girl."

Elena lifted her arms to snake around his neck and pull him down to her,

"Good Morning."  She whispered into his neck.

Harry pulled away just enough to press his lips to hers, the kiss lingering just a bit longer than he intended.  When Elena moaned into his mouth he pulled back.  She lifted her hips up off the bed to grind into his. 

"Harry..."  She breathed.

He pressed his lips down the side of her face to her neck,

"You were so beautiful last night."  He whispered, "I couldn't get enough."

Elena slid her hands up under his shirt,

"God, I need you."

Harry was just about to slide under the covers when they heard his phone spring to life.  The moment deflated immediately.  Harry frowned as he glanced over his shoulder to his phone sitting on the dresser,

"Thought I turned that damn thing off."

"Better go see who it is."  Elena suggested.

"What if I don't care who it is?"  He said as he buried his face back in her neck.

"If that's all means don't let me stop you."

Harry sighed as his phone continued to ring.  He stood up in a huff,

"Damn thing rings forever when I don't want it to but whenever I am actually trying to get to it it goes to voicemail immediately."  He grumbled.  Elena giggled as she pushed herself onto her elbows.  Harry grabbed his phone angrily, "Hello?"  He barked into it.

Elena smiled while she listened to the only side of the conversation she could hear.  She knew well enough by the tone of Harry's voice that he was speaking to Jeff.

Harry let out a deep sigh,

"Alright."  He answered robotically, "Yes, I heard you."  He said after a few moments, "No, I'm not ignoring you but I'm on vacation."  He said after a few more moments.  He nodded, "I'll talk to you when I get back."

He said goodbye a few moments later before hanging up.  This time he made sure to turn his phone off.  He took a running jump back onto the bad, landing in a hover over Elena before collapsing on top of her and burying his face into her neck again.  Elena giggled as her fingers wound around his forearms,

"Maybe the mood is gone?"

Harry lifted his head off of her neck, his head shaking,

"It's not gone.  Gimme a minute."

Elena lifted her hands to push some of the curls off of his forehead.  Her smile faded as her eyes travelled over his features one by one before her eyes rested back on his,

"I love you."

Harry's smile faded as well,

"I love you." 

Elena sighed as her hands fell back onto the bed.  Harry pushed himself up onto one elbow over her stomach as his other palm spread out over her tummy,

"Everything going ok in here?"

Elena watched as he moved his hand back and forth,

"Everything is cooking just fine."

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