Chapter 27

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Elena wasn't sure what she expected out of her first night with Joey alone with no hospital staff, but something along the lines of a four alarm fire would've covered it. However, quite the opposite happened. Harry changed Joey's diaper the two times it needed it before they both put him to bed together.

Elena sat in the most comfortable rocking chair ever while she read one of the books she and Harry had chosen together from the stocked bookshelf. Harry set to unpacking all of Joey and Elena's things while she read. He refused to allow her to lift anything at all.

Once it seemed as though Joey was fully asleep, Elena laid him down in his crib gently with Harry right behind her. They both stood there for the next 30 minutes just watching him as he slept before they finally left the room to get ready for bed themselves.

Joey woke up three times that first night. Each time, Elena would turn from pulling him out of his crib to see Harry walk into the room behind her.

Elena watched as he made sure everything was set with the rocking chair. She smiled when she watched him run a hand over his face and yawn,

"You don't have to get up every time..."

Harry nodded,

"Yeah, I do."

Elena got situated easily,

"I'm still breastfeeding, there's nothing you can do anyway." She said as she waited for Joey to latch on.

Harry shrugged as he leaned against the wall and folded his arms,

"Still doesn't mean you have to sit in here alone."

Elena leaned her head against the back of the rocking chair,

"This is easier than it should be." She commented, "I feel like something is going to happen that we aren't ready for."

Harry raised his eyebrows,

"Oh I'm sure we're going to. But don't look a gift horse in the mouth. It's been a good night."

Elena knew she and Harry had a lot that had gone unsaid between them, but she didn't really think the first night home with their son was the time to discuss it. So instead, she focused on Joey,

"He's so beautiful." Elena mused.

Harry nodded,

"And vocal. Did you hear him earlier? For a four day old he's got a lot to say."

Elena smiled down at him,

"Of course he does...neither of his parents have ever been known to shutup."

Harry chuckled,


The room fell silent, but it wasn't awkward. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of Elena and Joey, going to bed that night had taken an act of God inside of his head. Harry had no idea these kinds of emotions were even possible. He was used to being fascinated by Elena, but his draw to Joey was unfamiliar territory.

Harry would have sat in that room all day watching the two of them.

Elena was quite in love with her son in the same exact way. If a bomb had gone off in that room she wouldn't have taken her eyes off of him.

"He has green eyes." Elena said suddenly, breaking through the silence.

Harry instantly smiled,

"I noticed in the hospital they were blue."

Elena shook her head,

"They're turning green, trust me."

Harry shrugged,

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