Chapter 14

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"CUT!!!"  The director yelled so loudly that Elena jumped.  She quickly realized it was her fault for the interruption as she closed her eyes.

"Daniel, I'm sorry."  She apologized.

Daniel Norris, the director for this little straight to video movie, jumped off of the rig.  He approached her slowly, a rolled up copy of the script clutched in his fist,

"Everything ok Elena?"

Elena's eyes opened as she glanced around at the crew members.  None of them seemed to care that she was screwing up as they reset the scene.  Still, she couldn't help but feel responsible for the fact that had it not been for her, everyone probably would've been sent home hours ago.

She nodded,

"Yeah.  I-I'm ok."

"You seem distracted."  He said softly.

Elena was grateful, he was at least trying to keep her failings between the two of them.  She cleared her throat,

"I'm just...dealing with...some things..."

Daniel glanced around them, resting his hand on her shoulder gently as he pulled her to the side,

"Look, I saw the pictures too.  Are you sure everything's alright?"

Elena wanted to explode with everything that had happened the last few days but she held it in,

"I am.  I just...can I get five minutes?"

Daniel nodded,

"Sure."  He looked up at the crew milling around them, "Hour break so we can reset and regroup people."

Elena's feet felt heavy as she trudged back to her trailer.  She felt so weighed down, like she was drowning and her limbs were dead weight pulling her to the bottom.  Was there a single person in her life she hadn't let down?

She pulled the door open and closed it behind her.  Her body slumped into the couch like a sack of potatoes as she buried her face in the pillow.


Harry's face registered a smile.  Probably the first time he'd genuinely smiled since Elena left.  Randy's text message was long and rambling, but he'd grown accustomed to it.  She was funny and sweet and supremely freaked out that Harry Styles was texting her on a daily basis, but she was entertaining and she kept his mind of the dumpster fire that was his current life.

He felt Jeff's hands on his shoulders,

"You ready, Buddy?"

Today was kind of big.  Harry's first interview about his upcoming movie and what was in store for his next CD.  He hadn't really put himself out in the public eye since his last tour ended, opting instead to enjoy his time with Elena.  His first few writing sessions had turned out little that was viable so he decided to do another movie instead.  And now that the pictures of Elena at an abortion clinic had come out he was sure to be asked.  The terms of the interview had been set months ago, when he was happy.  So he had agreed to a "no holds barred" interview.  This was sure to be brutal.

Harry pushed his phone into his back pocket,

"Yeah.  I'm ready."  He answered as he turned to look at his friend.

Jeff glanced behind them nervously as he watched the interviewer get situated.  He turned back to Harry,

"They're gonna ask you about Elena."

"I know."

"About the pictures."

"I know."

"They're gonna wanna know if you're-"

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