Chapter 28

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Niall was nervous. Odd considering he'd spent more time with Randy lately than anyone else he knew.  There was no awkwardness between them any more.  Or, at least, there shouldn't have been. 

But Niall wanted this to go well.  Or rather, Niall wanted this to be the best date Randy had ever been on. 

Sure, when they'd first met he was positive she was after Harry, but things had definitely changed.  And Randy was a challenge, one Niall definitely was up for.

So he toyed with his collar on his shirt a bit and ran his hands through his brown hair before he finally grabbed his keys and got into his car.

The drive to Randy's apartment was quick, just a few left turns once he came down the hill from Harry's house.  The closer he got the more his nerves ramped up.  By the time he pulled into a spot in her parking lot he was sweating bullets.  He looked up at the number on her door.  He gave himself one last pep talk before he reached up and rapped his knuckles on the wood.

The door was thin.  Easy to get through.  Niall made a mental note to ask her about the safety of her neighborhood when he got a chance.  And could form a coherent sentence.


Niall frowned.  He could hear her loud and clear.  Not only a thin door, but thin walls.  He busied himself with concern she was living in a death trap while he waited for her to open the door. 

"Sorry."  She apologized as she opened it after what seemed like 20 minutes, "I was late from work."

Niall shrugged,

"No worries.  Are you ready?"

She reached over to grab her purse,

"Yeah, let's go."

Niall watched as she turned to close and lock her door.  She was wearing a pair of jeans that seemed to hug every inch of her body and a black t-shirt covered by a hoodie.  When she turned back around, he took her hand which seemed to not bother her at all.

Randy's nerves had been eating at her all day until she finally blew out a sharp breath and let it go.  And now that Niall was here, she had totally calmed down.  He seemed to have the effect on her.

Niall opened her door and then got in his side,

"So..."  He started as he latched his seat belt, "You up for any food in particular?"

Randy thought for a moment.  A move that amused Niall considering most girls he went out would answer that they didn't care.  She turned to look at him,

"Kind of up for Chinese...but no sushi."

"Sushi isn't Chinese."  Niall pointed out as he backed out of the parking spot.

"Even better."  Randy stuffed her keys into her purse, "What are we doing after dinner?"  She asked.

Niall smiled,

"It's a surprise."


Ordinarily, Niall would never suggest video games for a first date, but something told him Randy would enjoy an evening of competition.  The surprise was just how much she enjoyed it.  She pulled Niall around the building to every game, exclaiming how much she used to "love this game as a kid".

When they finally got a chance to calm down, Niall took the opportunity to slide his arm around her waist and kiss the side of her head.  Randy looked up at him,

"This is fun." 

Niall smiled,

"You're kickin' my ass at all these games."

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