Chapter 11: Training

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Soooo I'm not dead. Don't kill me I've been busy. I started another book which I love to death and suggest you go check it out if you like marvel and/or supernatural. I also started high School, so I have no time for anything. I'm at a technical high School so everything is harder too. Wattpad has also been kind of a jerk lately so I posted a whole authors note telling you about my plans for this book and my other two books and about the upload schedule and it was up for a little bit then it was gone. So to recap what that basically said is that there's no upload schedule anymore it's just when I have time and when I'm motivated to. I know I promised a Voltron one shot book when I hit 5K and now we're at like 6.9K which is amazing but I didn't expect to get there so fast so I do not have enough time for that but that will come in the future. In the future I will also have a Marvel One-Shot/ preference book, Marvel daughter book, supernatural One-Shot/preference book, supernatural daughter book, and like I said before the Voltron One-Shot book. I will also decide whether to delete or edit my miraculous ladybug book. I know this sounds like a lot and it is but these will not be coming out all at the same time these will be over a long period of time. Also I will post on the conversation part of my profile what is going on with my books and when the next chapter should be up so be sure to check there. I think that's all so without further ado let's get to the next chapter of the story.
"All right paladins your first exercise will be defeating a Gladiator as a team. Me and Coran will be watching form the observation room. Good luck and remember to work as a team." Allura said and we all looked at each other wondering what this "gladiator" would be, but still got into fighting positions.

"Lance and hunk get on the sides since you have long range weapons, Keith and Shiro get in front since you have close range weapons, and Pidge and I will be in the middle since our weapons can be both." You say trying to get this coronated, but your plan goes out the window when the gladiator drops from the ceiling causing everyone to freak out. It immediately started running at people. Hunk freaked out and started shooting his gun. Everyone was running around yelling and getting thrown. Shiro froze up and you and Keith tried to help. That was a very bad idea... You repeatedly got hit an shocked, but you kept going. You noticed there was a place up high that you might be able to get to and use as a sniper's roost. You ran over and got Hunk to lift you up. Then you jet packed the rest of the way there. At this point you had a couple cuts and bruises and were very sore but you had to keep going. You got positioned and changed your bayard to the bow. You took your shot. The arrow went right through the Gladiators shoulder, but it didn't affect it to much. It spun around and saw you, then charged towards you. You didn't think it could get you so you stayed in position, but it started climbing up the wall towards you. At this point you realize you got to go and decide it would be best for you just to jump and hope for the best. It all happens in slow motion. You jump and while you're falling by the gladiator it kicks you so hard you go flying all the way across the room and to the other wall. Not only do you hit the wall hard but then you fall from there all the way to the ground. And that's not even all of it. Once you hit the ground your barely conscious, but you use most of your strength to look up. You wished you didn't because when you looked up you saw the Gladiator right in front of you. It kicked you then shocked you with it's staff and that's when you blacked out. This all happened within seconds so no one could do anything and they barely realized what was happening. Allura saw that you guys were going to lose, so she was already on her way down not realizing what just happened while she wasn't looking.

"Training level off. That was set at a level for an altean child! You should have been able to beat that easily!" She exclaims walking in to the room. She is confused when she sees everyone running to the far wall. Then she sees it. You lying in a heap on the ground covered with bruises, scratches, and blood. She runs over yelling for coran to get down there.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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