The chaos that is family

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Harrison made his way into the tiny apartment that had been given to them in the barracks. It had three rooms. It was by far one of the biggest they had here in the barracks, even in it's obvious cramped state. He dropped his bag in the corner as he heard his sister yell.

"It's Harrison. Harrison" she couldn't pronounce Rs so his name sounded more like 'Awison' when she said it.

"Yes baby" He said. She ran as fast as he little feet could carry her and jumped on her brother. He caught her are raised her up, high above his head, making swooshing sounds with his mouth as he held her in the air, moving about so she felt like she was flying

"Higher, higher" she yelled, "Higher"

"Harrison stop throwing your sister" His mother yelled from inside the house

"I'm not" He yelled back as Aretha giggled.

"Stop whatever it is you are doing. I'm not taking anybody to the hospital" She yelled

He sighed, "It's not like I can drop her or anything"

"No, no. no" She yelled when Harrison brought her down and placed her on his side. He walked to the direction that his mother's voice was coming from.

Manuel was seating at the dining table writing in a notebook. Harrison assumed he was doing homework. Manny always did this, acted like he was too grown to care.

Harrison pushed his head on to the table.

"Ow. Harrison." Manny yelled angrily

Sometimes the boy acted like an old man

"Good afternoon, Mummy" Harrison said leaning against the door of the kitchen.

"Come and carry your food, Harrison. I'm not your maid" she said. Her back was still to him.

Aretha tried to climb up to his shoulders several times, he stopped her. When she realised she couldn't get where she wanted, she opted for blowing raspberries at him

Harrison carried the plates to the dinning one after the other. He was keeping Aretha steady on his hip so carrying the plates one after the other was all he could do. He dropped a plate on Manny's notebook and went back for another one.

"You are not funny" He heard Manny yell

Mind of an old man. He thought as he laughed.

"Why do you tease your brother?" His mother ask as he picked up another plate. She came out with two other plates, one for herself and one for Aretha.

"Because it's fun" He said simply

She dropped Aretha's plate in front of him. Her plate was far smaller and more colourful than anyone else's. His mother did it because Aretha was attracted to bright colours.

He placed Aretha on his lap as he sat.

Trusting Aretha to eat by herself was trusting her to pour half the food on the floor and the other half on herself and only succeed in getting two grains of rice into her stomach. As he placed her on his lap she made to climb his shoulder again

"'Retha," He whined, "Just eat first. I'll put you on my shoulder later"

"Tall" she said raising her tiny hands up

"Yes I know. Tall. Later"

"Let's pray" His mother said and they closed their eyes, "Thank you for this food, father bless us as we partake of it, in Jesus name"

"Amen" they chorused

"What are you doing this time?" he asked Manny as he placed Aretha on the table and began feeding her.

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