When friends leave

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Kami didn't get over it.

She ignored Mariah in the hallways, she never replied her messages, she never answered when Mariah called, she even changed her seats in class.

"She hates me" Mariah stated as she collapsed beside Harrison in the library. He was eating know the library which wasn't allowed but it smelt nice and Mariah was eating better. "What's that?" she piped up

"Chicken jacket" Harrison said taking some on his fork and putting it in her mouth

"Jacket chicken" she corrected chewing slowly. The chicken inside was shredded. She preferred it diced but she didn't mind it. It was tasty.

"Whatever" he said putting another forkful in her mouth.

"Why am I the only one suffering this? Is she talking to you?"

Harrison shook his head as he held out another forkful for her to take.

"How did you sneak this in. Home food isn't allowed in school"

"I just put it in my bag" Harrison replied, "Is it good?"

"Yeah, very"

"I made it"

Mariah sat up in her seat when she heard the sigh at the door, thinking it was Micah, she wasn't ready for his insults. They had won the second and third round of STAN and they were on to the state round. But Micah wasn't easing up at all.
But she didn't see Micah,  she saw Kami

"Uggh." Kami groaned. She looked like she was contemplating leaving the room. She sighed and dragged her chair all the way to the back of the room.

"Kami" Mariah called to her

Kami rolled her eyes, "I don't want to talk to you" she stated plainly

"I want to talk to you" Mariah said turning to face her.

Kami hissed louder rolling her eyes. The librarian glared at her and Kami glared back.
Mariah sighed

"You can go back to being the backstabbing bitch you were" Kami stared rudely

"Kami!" Harrison scolded at the same time Mariah said a hurtful, "Wow"

"Shut up! Okay?" Kami almost yelled. "I don't care what you think. You are the worst human in the world. I can't believe I liked you" she pointed to Harrison.

"Kami would you just listen to me?" Mariah pleaded.

"You are such a bestie. How long had you guys been dating? Deceiving me? I kept telling you about how much I liked him. Did you have fun laughing at me behind my back? 'Oh poor Kami she has a crush on my boyfriend because I'm Mariah I'm so great I have two boyfriends'

"Kami please stop" Mariah pleaded, "I wanted to tell you Kami. But I was afraid you'd not understand"

"Of course I wouldn't understand. Why would I understand how I told I liked him but you went ahead to seduce him. And of course he fell for it because boys are bubble heads when it comes to you. Whether it is because your wastline is smaller than mine or because you  are so perfect all the time. Sorry to burst your bubble sir, she's not perfect"

"Kami" Mariah called, "Kami don't"

"Kami, Micah will be here any second. Don't make a scene" Harrison chided

Kami rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day. Of course Harrison was taking Mariah's side
How hadn't she seen it sooner?  The stares, the hand holding, the lingering gazes, the smiles... She had brushed it off as them getting closer as friends. She had felt happy, Mariah didn't open up to a lot of people, she could be pretty judgemental when she wanted to be and she could shut people out for days, so she was happy that Mariah was getting a new friend. How stupid she felt when she thought about it.

"She cuts herself. She tried to kill herself last year. I saved her. I did. Me.  If I didn't you'd be dead by now.Didi you tell him that? In case he gets carried away by you being miss perfect all the time. Miss 'I'm so rich my parents give me all the money but they don't give me a lot of attention so I started to cut myself and when that didn't work I tried to kill myself' "

"Please Kami could you shout it a little bit louder?" Harrison commented sarcastically.

Kami and Mariah looked up at the same time to see Micah headed towards them.
Kami huffed in her seat but she quieted down all the same. Mariah sat quietly in her chair. She wasn't sure what surprised her more that Kami had told Harrison things she'd told her in confidence  which such venom that one would think that Kami actually hated her or that Harrison wasn't phased by the things Kami said.

"What is going on here? What's the matter?" Micah asked looking between the them. Both girls looked away avoiding his prying eyes, Kami stared at the bookcase beside her and Mariah looked down at her notebook.

Harrison cleared his throat, "Uhm..."
He began but he was cut off by Micah saying,
"I do not care. Keep you little children problems to yourself. Just don't let it affect my competition, okay?"

"Yes sir" they murmured at once.

"Good. Now let's talk about magnetism"

Mariah sighed again, pulling her notebook out of her bag.
She felt Harrison squeeze her hand under the desk and the corners of her lips curved up in a smile.

Micah's lecture took the usual hour and a half with an extra half hour of raining abuses on them, making sure to remind them of their incompetencies.
She excused herself to go to the bathroom and right after that Micah packed up his things and made his way out of the library.

Harrison got up picking up Mariah's bag and his own. Waving to signify to the librarian that they were going to leave in a second.
"Kami... "

"Please don't... I'm not about to listen to any pitiful excuse you have to tell me" Kami seethed

"Good because I'm not going to give you any excuses. I like Mariah. I love her and I don't need permission from you to date her."

"You lied to me"

"We went on one date, Kami. I doubt that qualifies as cheating on you. You are quick to blab your mouth when something bad happens, it makes you a terrible friend"

"She told you"

"Yes. And you know why she tried to kill herself? JJ was abusing her... Still is but you are so wrapped up in getting everything to be about you that you can't even see that she's struggling. Heck I've been here two fucking months and I can already tell. She didn't try to kill herself because she was seeking attention it's because she was tired of being alone...  Because even with you around she still felt like she was drowning. So o think, Kami that you are the reason she tried to kill herself, I mean if she couldn't talk to you then who was she going to be able to talk to? So before you pride yourself as being the best best friend ever, why don't you reevaluate yourself. Because if didn't notice what she was going through then that goes to show how selfish and self centered you are and if you noticed and you decided to ignore it then you are a terrible human being"

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