Open Wounds

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Somehow at the end of that day Mariah found herself in the back of Harrison's mother's car, beside the delectable Aretha who somehow happened to hate the idea of sitting in the car. She was currently wedged between the driver's and passengers' seats her palms on either one. There was no use trying to coax her to take a seat she wasn't going to no matter what anyone said.

Mariah stared at the car seat beside her. Should she force Aretha and strap her onto the thing?
She stared at the woman and her son seated in front, Harrison was saying something to him his mother and they chuckled silently. She couldn't make out what they were saying, they were speaking in another language that sounded a lot like pidgin but with a hint of something else. would they care if she forced their daughter and strapped her onto the car seat?

"Mariah I have to pick Manny up, I hope you don't mind..." Harrison's mom trailed off turning into the primary school on the right. Well almost. This was Lagos trust that someone would come from the back and bypass her as if this were a competition.

She slammed her foot on the brakes almost immediately. Cursing out loud as she did.

Harrison chuckled and Mariah seemed stunned. Her mother would never cursed it wasn't ladylike.

When Harrison's mom finally turned into the school she expected her to go out and fetch Manny but none of them made a move to leave the car.

Moments later Manny, or who she suspected to be Manny clambered into the car noisily.

"Jesus primary 5 students are so dumb" were the first words that left his mouth.

"Manny watch your mouth" his mother scolded

Aretha sat on the chair for a second her tiny palms clasping Manny's cheeks.
Whatever she whispered to him Mariah didn't see but Manny rolled his eyes and whispered "I know" to her

"Who's this?" Manny breathed out after a couple of seconds

"A friend " Harrison replied

"Well I believe that... She' s way out of your league" Manny commented.

"How do you even know what that means? How do you even know what my league is?"

"Definitely not her" Manny countered

Harrison's mother ignored them. It seemed like she did that a lot. She drove on silently.

"My name is Mariah" Mariah offered

"Ah," He nodded as if Mariah had just revealed a secret that made the whole world make sense, her brows furrowed, "You're the smart girl that intimidates him"

"Shut your dirty mouth Manny!" Harrison screamed from the front seat.

"It's not my fault your deepest darkest secrets come out at midnight and I share a room with you" Manny continued

"Manuel I will slap you into yesterday" Harrison yelled again. This time he was almost climbing over his chair.
Mariah chuckled, she had never seen Harrison like this but yet it felt so normal.

"Who would you rant to at night if you do that?"Manny cooed

"Manny, I am never telling you a thing in my life ever again"Harrison continued

"Do you feel like someone with sense now? You're arguing with an eight year old" his mom finally piped up
Mariah felt herself chuckling. She loved his family. Were they like this all the time? She wondered.

"Why do you keep saying that? He's not a normal eight year old. He's al least 15 just in an eight year old ' s body" Harrison murmured

Of course Manny took Harrison's reply as defeat and turned to Mariah, "Well it's high time you met the intellectual half of the family. I say half but really it's just me"

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