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I know I said Friday but i was just too excited. Enjoy!!♥♥♥

When Mariah got home a few minutes past 9 pm her mother wasn't happy with her and she didn't bother to hide her displeasure.

"Where were you?" Her mother asked as she walked Into the house. Mariah threw her backpack on an armchair and kicked off her vans silently.

"Mariah I swear to God I will slap the living daylight out of you if you do not open your mouth and answer me right now!" She yelled.

Mariah stared at her. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a tshirt that had a smiley face on it. She was barefoot.

"Harrison's house" she mumured

"Who is this Harrison?" Her mother asked

"A friend from school. We're in the STAN competition together" Mariah replied dragging herself towards the stairs

"Don't walk away when I'm talking to you!"her mother

"What?"Mariah groaned

"What is it? why are you yelling? " her father said finally walking out of his study with Sarah behind him.
"Mariah your mother was really worried about you. Why don't you calm down and tell her what happened." He asked

Mariah rolled her eyes. "You left me alone there how did you expect me to get home? You didn't even tell the driver to come and pick me up. Why are you asking why I'm late now?"

"Mariah do not talk to your mother like that... what is wrong with you?" Her father scolded

"Nothing. Nothing is wrong with me. So I don't like music like both of you, it doesn't mean that there is something wrong with me"

"Honey there is nothing wrong with not liking music" her mother said at the same time her father said,  "I never said that"

"You say it all the time" Mariah said shrugging her mother's hand off her shoulder." 'Oh I'm happy at least one of my children is doing music', or you say, 'Sarah is just like me. She's my real daughter"

"That was a joke, I didn't mean it" her father countered

"I tried to kill myself,  and you went to the hospital and paid them money to change my name on the charts because it would hurt your reputation. I was going through a lot and I was feeling like shit and I couldn't talk to any of you. Because you never see me. You just exist in your tiny self obsessed bubble...." she trailed off. She wiped the tears that she didn't know had been falling.
"When you told me that you were going to see that movie with me I was so excited. It's  just a movie but we never do anything together. I thought maybe I could connect with at least one of my parents. We know how that wish turned out..."

"Mariah I am sorry" her mother, " we'll do something next weekend, together"

"Do you even love me? I mean I know you're my parents and you have to provide for me and stuff but do you even love me?" Mariah asked, her mother opened her mouth to reply, "Forget it" Mariah snapped
She said turning around and making her way up the stairs.
Mariah didn't stop until stairs got to her room she locked the door and collapsed on her bed in tears.
She hadn't cried in a long time, she was mostly numb and just barely existing these days, she forgot how it felt to actually let go and have a good cry.

Harrison would be proud of her if he'd seen her.  She smiled at the thought. 
She pulled out her phone wiping her eyes dry. She saw a text from Harrison.

Home? The message read

Safe and sound. She replied
Are you okay? She added

Yeah. See you in school. Sleep tight  came his reply

She smiled. She hoped he would actually sleep and not spend the rest of the night awake, worrying about his father. She couldn't believe she was friends with Harrison. She'd tried to hate him, that hadn't worked, obviously. He was a good guy and despite everything,  he cared about people sometimes more than he did for himself. She liked him.
Mariah chided herself. Was she really thinking about Harrison in that manner? Kami liked him. They had to be a code she was breaking.

There was a knock on her door breaking her out of her semi inappropriate thoughts. She got uo from her bed to open it and there her sister stood wearing a playsuit Mariah was sure wasn't hers.

"Is that mine? " she asked

"I think so..." Sarah replied, "the temp maid thought it was mine and placed it in my drawer along with my other stuff"

"So you just decided to wear it?"

"It looks good on me  don't you think?"

Mariah chuckled, "come in" she said holding the door open wider

"I didn't know you felt like that" Sarah said as she sat on the bed. Mariah sat beside her crossing her legs.

"You don't know a lot of things " Mariah mumured

"Yeah" Sarah said her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm sorry" She said taking Mariah's and in hers, "I'm really sorry. I've been a terrible sister"

"It's okay"

"No it's not. I suspected that something was going on, but I didn't know what to do. You had always been introverted and so even when I saw that you retreating more and more into your shell I just told myself that you were never an extrovert to begin with. I tried to convince myself that that was who you were. But when I saw that ambulance in the driveway, I knew I fucked up. I kept running all these different scenarios in my head... how I could have helped you... I felt so guilty... I couldn't look at you. I was praying that  you live and that if you did I would never make the same mistake again. Those three days you were unconcious were the worst three days of our lives. They had to check mummy into the hospital because she refused to sleeep or eat or leave your bedside and she was always crying. Her body gave up and  she collapsed on the third day. That was where she was when you woke up. She wasn't at work Mariah, she was at the hospital getting treated. Daddy would never tell you this but he said it to uncle Mark, he asked them to change your name on the charts because he was embarrassed. He was ashamed of himself. He didn't understand how his daughter could be struggling so much and he never saw it. He loves you Mariah and he's so proud of you, he created a whole bookcase for your trophies. He doesn't know how to connect with you because music is all he knows. You know he was never good at school, and you're great at it. You're the smartest person in this house. 
I wrote that song for you. And I thought that that was the only was for me to let you know how much I love you and how I regret that I didn't do more for you. The song is about you Mariah, you're my lion hearted girl. "

"What?" Mariah said finally finally finding her voice, " so you're not a lesbian then"

"If I woze you eh... lesbian ke?" Sarah threatened cheerily. She laid on the bed and Mariah collapsed beside her. They lay there silently staring at the ceiling.

"You can talk to me" Sarah said turning to face Mariah

"Hmm" Mariah hummed in reply

"I love you sister" she said

"I love you too sister" came Mariah's reply

"Ah... who is this Harrison guy?" Sarah asked

"Who? Who's that?" Mariah feigned ignorance

"Like I'm letting you off that easy. Start talking" Sarah said

"Okay. He's a boy..."

Sarah rolled her eyes, "Obviously"

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