Cuteness Overload

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"Good afternoon take a seat" the vice principal said and Mariah did as she was told.

She hated interviews and the panel in front of her just annoyed her. She was determined not to pass this vetting process but her school records were impeccable, she knew she would ace it. That was her fear.

She wanted to skip school today but she'd never skipped school without a reason, and not without her parents calling in advance.

"So Mariah, can you tell us why you want to be head girl?" the principal asked.

Mariah couldn't help herself she rolled her eyes.

"I don't." she replied.

"Then why are you here?" a fairly new teacher asked. Clearly he wasnvt privy of the fact that the school had a system. Why was he even on the panel?

She frowned

"I don't have a choice." she replied easily. She was on her way to tanking this vetting process.

"So Mariah we've taken a look at your records..." new teacher continued, "It says here that you were absent from school on medical grounds for almost two months last year...can you tell us about that? Do you have a medical condition and if so how would that affect the efficiency of your service?"

Mariah stared at the guy for a second. Where is this human from?
"Yes. I tried to kill myself and failed so I was put in a psych ward for six weeks. I believe that I do now have the capability to lead others right now. I'm still trying to get my act together. I am in no position to be head girl."

Mariah watched as all of their eyes widened in surprise. Except the principal's, he knew. Her father had told him and she was surprised that he hadn't blabbed about it to the rest of the staff.

"When you say you're not in a position to lead. What do you mean by that?" Mrs Uwana the bio teacher asked.

"I'm not where I want to be mentally, I'm still relatively unstable, I still have to see my therapist weekly. I would be lying if I told you that I thought I was fit for this job"

"You talk about you mental instability here but you...  I'm looking at your grades and you don't have a single B, I find it had to reconcile these two things, mental instability and doing well in class. How's that possible?" the  male vice principal said

Maybe because you head is like that of a snail you narrow minded man. Mariah wanted to say but she bit her tongue holding back her words.

"With all due respect sir, I was born with my brain. I don't need to read twice my brain runs on turbo speed. I wrote the entrance exam into uni and I scored a 381. I failed two questions on your test on purpose because I thought you would find it insulting if I score a 100 every time. I'm  fifteen years old and I'm in my final year of secondary school where all my mates are seventeen.
To be honest, I get bored here, I listen to you talk about hearts and I act like I'm  interested when honestly I could draw and label the heart and when I was 8.
My brain works fine...  But it doesnt help me when it comes to real matters , like making friends, keeping the friends I manage to make...  Relating with others, getting my parents to talk to me.. It doesn't help me stop feeling like I'm abnormal or depressed. There's a difference between being mentally unstable and being smart and you can be both. Studies actually show that the smarter one is the more likely for that person to suffer from depression." Mariah concluded.

She almost gave herself a hi-five she was a hundred percent sure she had failed it. No one wants a blabbermouth as head girl.

"Thank you, Mariah. We'll get back to you, just wait outside" the principal said

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