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Mariah was dragged into the bathroom for the umpteenth time in her short number of years on this earth. This time she wasn't afraid, she was annoyed. She had the state round of STAN in two hours and JJ was trying to exert his pathetic sense of masculinity again.
Micah was probably waiting for her in the parking lot.

"What is it JJ?" she asked

"Is is me you're talking to like that?" he asked

"No... your ancestors" she replied sarcastically

The sound of his palm hitting her card echoed throughout the tiny stall.
"You really are crazy! Is it because of that small boy? You're talking back? To me?  Me? JJ...  Your own boyfriend?"

The anger in his voice almost made her cower back in fear. His hair was spiky, he always had it done that day?  Had she liked his hair that way?  Ever?  Because he looked insane, she barely stiffled a laugh. What did she really like about him? She couldn't place her finger on it. Maybe she liked him because he sang really well... She almost laughed at herself and her stupid sense of reasoning.

"Something funny?" he asked her

"Mmhmm" she hummed

"Tell me before I bust your head open" he seethed

"You." she said and he slapped her again. Her tongue got caught in between her teeth and she tasted blood in her mouth. She spat into the sink behind her.

"I think that guy that you're cheating on me with is getting ideas into you head. What did he tell you?  That you're beautiful? That you deserve the world? Oh that he's in love with you?"

"Yes" she replied. JJ slapped her again.

"Ashawo...  Na so you dey give everybody abi?" he yelled.

"Yes." she replied again. Something about being able to talk back to him made her feel powerful. Strong.

"You are a prostitute!!"

His voice was getting louder, Mariah knew with time he would attract people onto their floor. She was starting to worry that it was taking too long.

"I love you" he stated. Mariah ignored him. She wasn't going to dignify that statement with a reply. "I said I love you!" he said again, this time a lot louder.

"Tell me you love me. Say it!" he yelled again

"You wish somebody loved you JJ" she seethed

His hand rose from her wrist and slowly rested against her throat. Then he added pressure slowly, she spluttered and choked and he smiled his lips curling up to the side.

"Not mouthing off right now are you?" he teased increasing the pressure on her neck. The insane look in his eyes, she felt like she was really doing to die

She spluttered up words that were indecipherable.
"What are you saying? Begging me to let you live are you?" he yelled again.

Mariah tried talking again but nothing was coming out. He released his had just a bit and she was able to take air into her lungs.

"Fuck you" she yelled.

"Ha you can talk now?" JJ yelled,  "Let's see how much longer you can stay, Ashawo from the gutter"

Mariah forced her face to twist up in a smile. If JJ was going to play mind games. She was going to do it to. She smiled.

"I slept with him" she whispered smiling, "I did"

Mariah could have sworn she saw JJ's eyes go ten times darker.  It was like something was possessing him.

"You're lying. You're a liar" He yelled

"But I did" Mariah whispered again.

"You told me you were a virgin. You said you were not ready. "

"I lied" Mariah said

JJ groaned loudly smashing her head against the door of the bathroom.
Mariah fell limp against the floor. She felt thick warm liquid dripping down the side of her face. She touched it with her hand.


She closed her right eye. Feeling for the wound, her head was throbbing badly.

"Fuck! Why did you have to say that. Why?  Why? Why? I don't want to kill you. Why did you have to go and make me angry like that" he was pacing and his fists were slamming into anything that he could find.

She tried to stand. She wobbled on her feet. Her vision was getting blurry and her eyes were heavy. She wanted to hold out till she heard footsteps or someone wanted to use the bathroom.  She had seen the stages of JJ's rage multiple times. Right now if she didn't apologize, he was going to get even angrier,  but she wasn't going to apologize. She wanted him to get angry.
She leaned against the wall, taking in deep breaths.

"You will go out there and you will tell him that do not love him anymore and you want to stay with me." he said.

Mariah chuckled, "No" she said as she shook her head.

"Mariah...  Don't get me angry. You love me"

"I love Harrison"

"You love me,  right? " he asked even louder. His hand pressing against her neck again. Mariah took a deep breath.

"Not even a single bit" she mused and he slammed her against the door of the stall again. This time her whole body shook with pain.

"You cannot leave me Mariah. I love you.  Say you love me too!" he yelled as he pressed her against the door applying pressure to her neck. He lifted her up and her feet were dangling in the air, he slammed her to the ground again.
"You love me. You love me!" he cried delivering punch after punch to her scrunched up frame on the floor.

"You love me! You have to love me!"

Voices were heard just outside the door. It sounded like they were yelling. Mariah couldn't hear properly and JJ was too busy being angry to care. Mariah felt her body giving away slowly. She was hurting all over but she kept chiding herself to stay awake. She heard the banging on the door. Someone was forcing their way in.

She wasn't going to die after all.

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