Chapter 8 |Beginning of part 2|

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Third person

They all suddenly got warped into Stan's mind, You looked around, everything gray and confusing, but she immediately popped out of that thought when she heard loud cackling.

"Ooh, it's been ages! Sixer, long time no see, my little puppet, Pinetree, and Shooting Star!" Bill cackled then noticed Y/N looking at Bill curiously. You caught his eye Hm honestly just looks like a floating nacho chip. Heh, nachos. Dang, I'm hungry. Maybe I should've eaten before we-

"And who is this little fleshbag you brought with you eh?" You fell backward, as Bill had multiplied himself around you and his voice intensified.

Tears were chilling in your eyes, and her back hurt from falling over like a stupid little goat. "Hm," Bill turned back into one, and floated over to Ford. "Why would you bring someone who isn't on the Cipher wheel? Is she important?"

"Well, I mean sh-she was the one who set you free..." Dipper awkwardly piped in before you shot him 'sh' in sign language. Bill looked at Dipper then turned to you.

"Hmm..." Pictures flashed on Bill's body before he got to a picture of, your family?

"Ah, Y/N L/N. Ford, aren't you proud that your great niece's friend summoned me?"

"Well, I mean, I'm surprised that-"

"Awww he's so excited I came back he can't even tell Y/N how proud he is! Shooting star, haven't heard from you yet." Mabel scrunched up her face and crossed her arms.

"I didn't miss you at all you evil isosceles."

"Well, Y/N, how about that deal?" He held out his hand and it lit with blue fire, you DID want to forget all the heartbreak and trauma in your life, but what would he want in return? "Well, Y/N, I'm not quite sure what I would want yet-" He can read minds?! "Yes I can read minds, gosh Fordsy didn't you tell her anything?" You looked at his hand and back up at Bill.

"I just, um, don't-" Bill had a non-existent smirk on his face.

"Cat got your tongue?"

"Well, what I meant was, I'm not sure yet..." The flame in his hand disappeared and he looked right at you

"Well, when your sure just give me a call!" Bill snapped and he was gone. Ford looked at you with a concerned face.

"We need to go, immediately." They all woke up on the floor and got up feeling nauseous. Ford got up and started pulling you to the basement.

"Wait, hey! What are you doing?" Ford sighed and looked down at you.

"Well, only creatures with strong magical signatures can usually summon something like Bill, especially if he's encaptured in stone..." You followed him downstairs, and you uncomfortably watched as he hooked you up to different machines. One looked like a colander that read your thoughts, one looked like it was measuring your heartbeat, and one was wired to a screen Ford was looking at that measured your magical signature.

"The normal human is about five to ten, people who have faced magic like me and Dipper are more in the 10 to 40 radius, demons like Bill, are around 40 to 1000 and you are..." You waited, obnoxiously hearing all the machines either beep and say what you were thinking. You zoned out for a while before hearing a loud gasp and

"No, that can't be right," You watched as Ford went over to you and put the magical signature detector on himself and it gave him his signature. "Thirty-six, but that means it's working?" You were confused about what was going on.

"W-whats my number?" Ford sighed and mumbled

"Seventy-four..." You were extremely surprised, the number didn't seem right to you either. He let you go shortly after trying to figure out what gave you that extremely high number.

"Well, right now we have more than this to focus on. Let's go find Bill." You looked over at the clock and it read 4:23 in the morning. Jeez, how did that much time pass just with us going into someone's mind, confronting Bill, and testing me or whatever?

"Hey it's late, do you think we could start the search in the morning?" Ford glanced at his watch then felt the bags around his eyes and quickly nodded shuffling all his papers together and finding somewhere to put them.

"Your probably right. He couldn't do much in 8 hours. Let's get some sleep to have a lot of energy to go around in the morning." He leads you out of the basement, and you walked up to your room and sat in the window ceil. You noticed the light from the moon made a red eerie glow emit from the window, and traced your pointer finger in the stained glass pattern that made the shape of Bill. I wonder what he wants. I mean it couldn't be much for the solution to all of my problems. Most of my problems. I don't know what to do about being tired all the time. No matter how much I sleep? You shifted around before pulling a blanket around your entire body (Gotta cover your feet or else imagine what could happen?) and letting sleep take you into its comforting arms of silence.

Your eyes popped open lightly and you were in a room with a rocking chair and a dresser. You walked and opened the dresser to find a small box with flowers on the sides. It was old and faded but you slightly opened it to peek on what was inside and some scratchy noise came from it when you completely open, it played a song you think you heard before. Oh, right. It was by Vera Lynn, a dedication to world war two.

You didn't remember the name of the song though. You noticed a shine that came from something sitting in there and you picked it up, it was a pin for your hair. It was smooth and looked like the infinity symbol, but more flat on the sides, shaded in completely. You put it on and thought it looked quite nice. You were feeling a bit of confidence for once until a hand covered your mouth and carried you away. AHHHH-

You jolted awake for you heard a loud scream, you looked around and realized that it was your scream. You swiped some sweat off your forehead and walked to the twins room. Dipper was wide awake reading his journal. Does that kid ever stop being adorably nerdy? He looked up at you until you stopped staring like a creep and decided to speak up.

"I had a nightmare... Can I crash in your room for the night?" Dipper clapped his book together closing it loudly and patted the other end of his bed.

"uh-Ahem, sure. I know what it's like to have an awful nightmare." You smiled and sat on the foot of his bed your back against the wall.

"Thanks, Dipper." You noticed he turned a little hot pink, but he cleared his throat to stabilize himself.

"Anytime." He smiled and you closed your eyes relaxing, giving this thing called 'sleep' another chance.

A/N: Screw update schedules. Also, I'm doing a Halloween special thing I guess have part of the plot but it's not gonna be completely canon unless I have a change of heart thanks 1219 words.

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