|Fluff and Stuff|

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WARNING! THE TITLE SAYS IT! THERE IS LOT'S OF LIME! (No lemon tho. Just like the dialogue you would see before the lemon actually started. IDk


You walked up to Bill and brushed your finger's through his hair.

"Okay, act normal. No weird things you usually do, we have to convince them that your 'Lucas', not Bill." He rolled his eyes

"It's kind of ironic asking me, An insane dream demon, to act normal. Normal can mean many different things, Doll."

"Whatever." 'Lucas' was wearing a white shirt with the supreme logo, a black leather jacket, blue-eye contact lenses, black skinny jeans, and black converse. He was 3 to 4 inches taller than you. To be honest, he doesn't look that bad... Bill smirked at the mental comment, but you didn't notice. You called a cab and got dropped off at the Mystery Shack.

"Oookay let's do this..." You knocked at the door and waited for arrival before Mabel swung open the door and hugged you at the speed of light.

"You're here! And your boyfriend is too~" She whispered that last part so Bill couldn't hear but dragged both of you in.

"What's your name?" Mabel pleaded as we walked towards the living room.

"Lucas Clove Goldsmith, but you can just call me Lucas." You sighed in relief at the normal greeting and watched as Dipper walked in, smiling to see you there, not even paying attention to Bill.

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Hey, Dip-Dop!" you ran and engulfed him in a hug, ignoring how fast the smile on Bill's face went away when Dipper entered.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to hug me this long, you just saw me 5 days ago."

"I know but it feels like forever."

Bill's (Or Lucas') P.O.V

I growled at the sight of Pinetree giving Y/N a hug. He doesn't talk to Y/N for that long and just goes full in? Not even apologizing? No manners, I tell you. None. (Like Bill knows anything about manners.) He looked at me and smiled a bit less.

"Hi, I'm Dipper Pines. " My hand darted out for him to shake. Force of habit, I guess.

"Hi, P-Dipper. I'm Lucas." Damnit, I almost said Pinetree. Let's hope these contacts do all the magic. He was reluctant at first, but soon shook it, and quickly took his hand back. I saw Shooting Star go upstairs with Doll to hang out. I can't let her gain too much trust in them. I at least need her to trust me as much as she does them. My plan needs to work.

"So, Dipper," As much as I want to make him mad, I have to stick with the whole 'Lucas' act... "Do you have any interests?" He shrugged and squirmed a bit. How I love to make people squirm.

"I kinda like mysteries."

"Really? Me too! I've heard there's a ton of weird stuff going on around in this town. I just never know how to find the anomalies." Pinetree's eyes lit up, and he slowly pulled out Journal 3.

"Well, this book has a lot of cool things in it. Ask Y/N where to find some of these, unfortunately I can't let you touch it though. My great uncle Ford won't allow it." I slipped through the living room and went over to the stairs.

"Well, I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. Sorry to interrupt." Pinetree smiled and shrugged again.

"It's okay. We got all summer." I chuckled and nodded, going serious when I got to the stairs. Not likely. But to make it a complete "Not true," I need Doll's complete trust. 

 I walked up the stairs and saw Shooting Star just sitting on her bed. "Where's Y/N?" She pointed towards the window 

"Out on the little deck-window-thingy." I thanked here and crawled to where she was. 

"Hey, Doll." She shot her head over to me from the sudden conversation, releived it was just me.

"Hey, Bill." She ignored me and continued to star gaze, which angered me a bit.

"Whatcha thinking about?" 

"Oh, you know, just, existence. And other stuff. I'm a bit scared. I know me not existing is coming, and that I can't stop it, but I always imagined how great things would be if I could live forever. So much more time to make choices, discover things, try new foods." (< My personal favorite) "I just don't know..." 

You're P.O.V

Suddenly, Bill grabbed your chin, along with your hip, and made you look up at him.

"Don't think about that right now. We're in the present, we'll figure things out later." He quickly leaned in, resulting in a lip-meeting kiss, which surprised you, but you didn't half despise it. You broke apart, only to meet again, except this time, he worked faster, and asked for entrance. You felt weird things pulsing through your body, your stomach wasn't just nervous butterflies, it was goo. You felt as if you had just ran a mile under the heating sun. 

Your thoughts had you distracted, and he wrapped both his hand around your waist, and forcefully entered your mouth, his tongue searching any place possible like it was frantically looking for something important. He put his hands to the side of you and pushed away, pinning you down just staring into your eyes, before smirking and kissing across your face gently. 

You wrapped your arms around his back, as he slowly kissed down your neck, sucking, and leaving marks like they were trophies, or his mark, like he was reserving you. No, like he was claiming you. He slowly moved around, before something he did alarmed you in too many ways possible. Oh gosh, please no-

"Nghh..." Your eyes widened at the sudden noise, trying to figure out how that happened, before realizing that it came from, you. Bill looked down slyly grinning at his acheivment. No no no, how'd he find my soft spot... Oh lord. "B-Bill can we maybe-" He suddenly thrusted his body aganist you to shut you up, which made you slightly uncomfortable, for you were crotch to crotch and could almost feel the bulge.

He sucked at your soft spot and you couldn't help but moan some more, which only made Bill get more drive."Gnnhhh~..." A sharp pain went through you, and you felt something trickle down your neck. Blood. You felt Bill sadistically lick it up, making you shiver in a oddly satisfying way. He's never like this, what's gotten into him?

"Bill w-what do you want from me...?" He smirked and thrusted himself into you once more.

"It's not what I want from you, if I just want you." You gulped and layed back, knowing there wasn't much you could do against him. Just enjoy the ride.

A/N: ACK. Was that good? I've never written anything like this before. Sorry if it's bad. I actually don't know if I'll post this. I don't think Y'all will even like it. Should I make a part two? Was this too weird? Oof whyyyy. Anyways, 1328 words, Bitchelle out!

(I MADE THIS A WHILE AGO, AnD oof. It's not as bad as I actually once presumed. A bit more "Narrating" and less action. But It's still embarrasing. I don't want to really post this but I r e a l l y need a filler for you lemon-lovers (Sorry, Jadyn :P) and C.B. insisted that I post it. Don't expect the next chapter for a while. The fandom is loosing it's grasp on me. BUT I AM DETERMINED TO FINISH THIS STORY! I WILL NOT BE LIKE THE OTHER AUTHORS WHO GIVE UP! I'M A STUBBORN PERSON, AND I'M NOT GOING DOWN THAT EASILY! *Cheering in the distance* Wooh... Stress has it's grasp on me, which is probably why I''m loosing interest in Gravity Falls. Or at least, I hope. Right now I can't do anything about the stress, I'm kinda in the "Calm before the storm". I'm basically waiting for the bad thing to happen.

The Cipher is Lying {Bill x reader} ⚠️DISCONTINUED⚠️Where stories live. Discover now