Triple Threat

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Kyle drove faster than he had ever driven before. "I never knew you could drive." Crystal states as he glided around the corner.
"Of course I can drive or else I wouldn't have a liscence." Kyle retorts sharply and she looks at him with an eyebrow raised questioningly.
"Oh right. I learnt after many years of sleeping with girls then almost being late for a surf comp." He says sheepishly.
"What is wrong with you guys? Girls are not toys you can just play with." Crystal growls.
"You married one of us you know." Kyle says.
"Yeah well he's changed. You have no idea of how protective he us if me. He almost killed one of my body guards at work last week for following me around. He may be slightly overprotective sometimes but I still love him." Crystal sighs with a giddy smile.
"That's not gonna be me. I don't care for what girls do." Kyle says as he flies down the street.
"Then why did you get your top Alpha members to watch over Silvia? And why are you going to save her?" Crystal questions and Kyle slams on the brakes.
"Mind your own buiseness. Now you drive. They'll be shooting at us and your a better driver. Plus this car isn't bullet proof." He growls.
He and Crystal swap positions and Kyle looks through the weapons bag. He pouts slightly and puts the bag down. As he reaches around to get into the back Crystal spins around the corner making him smack into the window. "Whoops. Sorry." Crystal says and Kyle grumbles unhappily as he pulls his sniper from the back of his seat.
Crystal stops as the sound of gunshots fron close by are heard. "Up on the roof." She says and Kyle lowers his window slightly.
Sure enough on the roof of one of the ruddy buildings was a man in black with a gun pointed at something out of veiw. He shot at it continuosly except for the brief seconds he reloaded. Kyle lined up the shot and fired. All that was heard was the sound of the man fall from the roof.
Crystal pointed out target after target, all if which Kyle shit down. He had no idea of how she knew where they were but he didn't question her. "That's all I can see." She says and Kyle put his sniper back into the back of his seat.
"She'll be taking cover in her car. It's bullet proof and only she and I can get it." Crystal says and Kyle looks at her oddly before his eyes widen.
"You gave her the car." He gasps.
"Now's not the time. We have deadly killers out there who will try to kill us as soon as I drive around the corner. I'll drive up alongside her car so she car jump in." Crystal explains and Kyle nods.
"I've been in so many near death situations yet the worst and/or craziest always seem to involve you." Kyle sighs.
"Blame Ash for that. He's the one who fell for me." Crystal laughs but held no amusement in her voice only seriousness.
"Lets do this." Kyle says as he prepares himself. Crystal takes a deep breath before speeding around the corner.

Silvia Winchester
I huddle shaking on the floor of my car. Gunfire was everywhere, the bullets bouncing harmlessly off the car. For some reason there were less gunshots now than when they first started.
I want to drive off as fast as I can but my car won't start. It's completely dead. For the moment I'm safe but they will get me eventually.
Suddenly I heard the sound of screeching tyres and the sound of bullets pierceing metal. I leap onto the seat and look out the window to see Crystal speeding closer in Kyles car with Kyle in the front passenger seat. Holes littered the car all over and I stare at them in shock. Crystal had her window down and indicated to me then at the window.
I curse under my breath and scroll down the window. I duck under a rain of bullets before getting ready. Crystal was driving fast so if I missjudge my jump there's a very, very low chance I'll survive.
As she gained closer I readied myself. I leaped out the window and flew into Kyles car but not before a bullet knicks my leg. I pass over Crystal who speeds up quickly and land in an uncomfortable heap on Kyle's lap. He quickly shoves me to the floor by hus feet and leans over me, shielding me from the heavy rain of bullets that shatter the front window. He grunts in pain and I know he got hit yet he continues to shield me.
The gunshots come to a stop and Kyle slowly sits up, wincing in pain, a wave of shattered glass falling from him. I slowly look at Crystal to see she had a slice above her left brow. She skids to a stop and I smack my head, filling my vision with stars. Kyle grunts again before climbing from the car, pulling my after him. I let out a yelp as he chucks me to the ground.
"You should have just left me." I hiss and Kyles eyes narrow.
"If he didn't go I still would have. We made a promise remember? Josh did too. He wanted you to be safe and to avenge him. Can't do that if your dead." Crystal says as she climbs from the car.
"Yeah well now you have some of the most powerful Isis members on your people who want to kill you list. Also you pissed off an already pissed Assassin from Iraq so now he wants you dead." I hiss and I swear Kyles eyes almost popped out of his head.
"Because of you one of my guards is dead and so is one of your Snipers. Now I have three groups who want me dead. Some navy, Isis and now a few Assassins." I continue and Crystal cringes.
"Who shot out my Snipers camera? Who killed my Sniper? Who was that you were meeting and who the bloody hell do you work for?" Kyle growls before wincing in pain.
With a sigh I stand and walk over to him. "Take your shirt off so I can remove what needs to be removed while I tell you." I say and Kyle looks at me in shock.
Crystal gives him a look and both slowly and painfully he removes his shirt and turns around. His back was littered with glass and a bullet had knicked his side. As I remove the glass carefully I explain.
"My guard Max shot out your Snipers camera. I couldn't have anyone see who I was meeting or they mught have gotten the wrong idea. I don't know exactly who killed him but it was messy and the shooter worked for the the guy I was meeting. He's the head assassin and was willing to protect me. That's why we met up. We were going to sort out a deal. However he saw your Sniper and thought I'd set him up. That's why I was being shot at. He set his assassin friends on me. I work as a diver. My boss pays ne by dropping it off af a certain destination. I've never met him before so I don't know his name or what he looks like. All I know is he's male." I finish as I pluck out the last piece of glass and Kyle turns to face Crystal. She nods and he turns to me.
"Your gonna need a place to stay. They know where you live and our place is wired up tighter than Fort Knox. You'll be staying with us at the manor for your own safety and there won't be any argueing." He says and my jaw drops.
From his and Crystals serious expression I knew I couldn't get out of this so I sigh. "Fine." I grumble.
"Yay. Another girl to hang with. This is gonna be fun. Now get in the car before your triple threats come for us. It would be best if you hide at Kyles feet." Crystal says with a happy smile.
"I have 1 condition." I say and the two look at me curiously.
"You tell nobody of what happened. Only that we were attacked or else you'll both be swimming with the fishes." With that they nod and we get into the battered car. Now it seems I have to live with the people I trust least in the world.
Billionare playboys.

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