Before Part 1

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The Disaster
Delance Fisher
I lay on my stomach with my men beside me. Some had a gun, some had binoculars and my best mate and boyfriend was right beside we with a radar system. "Got anything Josh?" I ask him as I look through the grass.
"Not yet." He replies.
Suddenly many dots appear on the radar from in front of us. "TAKE COVER!!!" He yells. We all leap down the rocks as where we were exploded in flames.
"How did they know where we were?" One of my men ask as we weave through the rugged terrain of Iraq.
"I don't know." I reply as I look back to see men with guns lined up on the rock line.
"Bazooka!" I scream. Josh shoves me sideways onto the ground and shields me with his body as the ground explodes. I scream and Josh roars in pain.
He flops sideways while breathing in ragged breath and tears leap to my eyes at the sight of his back. It was raw and blood was falling in rivers from him, it was clear he was dying by the way his skin was so pale and was tinting blue. "Josh no. Please don't leave me." I cry as I stroke his brown hair out of his hazel eyes that slowly lost their light.
"I love you more that anything Delance but you must go. Hide out, make a new name, a new life. When your ready you can avenge us. Now go. You must live." He croaks before his eyes held no more life and his breathing stopped completely.
"Ta'akkad min 'an alffttayat alqatlaa." Someone yells in Arabic and I freeze. I'm so glad that I learnt Arabic in school for fun. They want to make sure I'm dead.
Jumping to my feet I look around and spot a river in the distance. I'd have to be fast but I'll make it.
Taking off at a sprint I break out of cover and head towards the river as fast as I could. The dead bodies of my men lay behind me with the dead body of the man I loved. Guns are shot after my but I don't stop. The river gets closer and I speed up as much as I could. The ground explodes off to the side and I shield my head from the debris but don't stop. Whe I get to the river I dive straight in.
The strong current pulls me along, I don't surface at all. I could always hold my breath for ages. One I held my breath for 23 minutes. I get pulled around bends and down some slopes. Rocks crash against me but I still stay under. The minutes drag by and I travel many miles in the fast paced river.
I surface when I spot a bend with grass under the water getting closer. It was quite clear I was somewhere else. Dragging muself out of the water I look around. "Where the hell am I?" I ask myself. Red dots appear over my body and I hold up my hands.
"I'm part of an operation to stop a terrorist attack. It went wrong. Please. Don't shoot." I beg. A woman steps from the bushes and walks over.
"What's your name?" She asks. I was surprised to hear she had no accent.
"Delance. Delance Fisher." I reply as I scan her over.
"Please. They killed my men. The killed the man I loved. I did not hold my breath for almost 15 minutes only to be shot dead here by you people. I just want to go home and pretend none of this ever happened." I say as I drop my hands to my side, tears trickling down my cheek.
"Come with me. We'll get you dried up and on a plane in no time." The woman says kindly.
She had black hair pulled into a pony tail and green eyes, a sniper strapped to her shoulder. "Who are you? And where am I?" I ask her as she leads me to an army jeep concealed in sone bushes.
"Your in Turkey and my name is highly classified." She says and gets me to sit in the front beside her.
She whistles and men and women in army uniforn with guns emerge and climb into the back. "Where do you need a plane flight to?" The woman beside me asks and I think for a moment.
"LA please. Josh's family live there. I think it best I tell them the bad news in person." I reply sadly before shivering from cold. The river was freezing and the breeze isn't helping.
"We're here." The woman says as she drives out into a clear area with tents set up around a wooden cabin.
"Follow me." She says and I follow her into the cabin.
She hands me some clothes and leads me to the shower. I sigh as the warm water washes over me but I be quick and change into the clothes. They fit almost perfectly. Before I leave I check all my weapons. They were completely stuffed. My arm throbs slightly and I massage it gently as I walk out to see the woman waiting patiently.
Her mouth opens to say something but she doesn't get to when an explosion sends shockwaves into the cabin, shaking everything and making us fall to the ground. We quickly get to our feet and run out to see the camp in a smouldering mess. "We have to leave now." The woman drags me after her and over to a concealed helicopter. We jump inside and she starts it up.
As we rise into the air bullets are shot at us from all directions on the ground. They bounce off harmlessly but one flies through the open side and grazes my arm, making me hiss. As soon as we're out of range the woman glances back at me. "You okay?" She asks and I nod.
"I'm sorry about that. They probably followed me down the river. They want me dead." I sigh and the woman shakes her head slightly.
"It's fine. That wasn't the first group I've lost and it's gonna be my last. I planned to leave this life after training those men and woman so I could settle with my boyfriend. Guess I'll just have to settle sooner than I thought. I live in LA so we can fly there together." She says and I smile at her.
"Now can I know your name?" I ask and she sends me a smile.
"The names Crystal. Crystal King."

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