They Want To Hire Me

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Kyle Brandon
I cursed and kicked over the couch as I clenched and unclenched my fists. Silvia turned off her coms before she left the hotel room to head back downstairs. Now I didn't have a way of knowing if she was okay or if she was dead.
"Ah Kyle? You okay mate?" Ash asks cautiously.
I slam shut the laptop quickly and stuff everything into the bag. "I'm fine." I snap.
"You sure? Cause it looks to me as if your pissed. The couch is on it's back and you keep clenching and unclenching your fists. Also what are you hiding? I swear I saw a communication system before you stuffed it into that bag with a laptop." Ash said and I fix the couch with a sigh.
"I am pissed okay. Silvia could die and I wouldn't know about it until it turns up on the news with a headline saying 'Famous Surfer Killed by Isis and Assasains.' That is not what I want. I want her alive and safe right here beside me." I say as I sit and put my face into my hands.
"So it was a coms system." Ash says as he sits beside me and I look at him.
"Is this how you felt with Crystal in the Damien situation?" I ask and Ash laughs.
"You've fallen for the surfer girl." He teases and I glare at him.
"But yes. It is. She'll be okay. I'm sure of it. Set your stuff up again. Just in case she turns her coms back on. I'll leave so if she does I don't intrude." He smiles before clapping me on the back and walking away.
Quickly I set everything back up yet Silvias still offline. With a sigh I lean back on the couch and wait.

Silvia Winchester
I made sure to turn my coms off as I left the room. If I beeded Kyle I'll just turn them back on. At the moment whatever goes on he doesn't need to hear.
When I walk back out into the lobby I scan the crowd. When I see Jeremy I walk towards him. He's talking to a woman with black hair and almost black eyes. She nods goodbye to him and walks away before I get there. When I do I run my fingers over his arm as I step in front of him.
"Hello again Jeremy." I say with a bat of my eyelashes.
"Hello again miss Bullseye. Do you perhaps have a name I can call you by?" He asks as he steps closer do he stood only a few inches away.
"Call me Rose." I say sweetly as I tap his chest lightly with my fingers.
"I was wondering if I could perhaps help out. This mustn't be easy for you." I say as I look up at him, smiling sweetly.
"Why off course. Why don't I take you to the boss." Jeremy says and I smile.
"That would be wonderful. Thank you."
Jeremy leads me around the crowd, hand resting on my lower back. I felt uncomfortable and uneasy yet I held it in. "Boss. This is Rose. Also known as Bullseye." Jeremy says.
My eyes widen slightly when a tall, broad shouldered man turns. I'd expected him to be older but instead he was abound the same age as Jeremy and was a fair bit more attractive with a perfect jawline, tousled brown hair and blue eyes. He looks me up and down slowly and I spotted a slow smile appear on his face.
"As in the Bullseye?" He asks.
"The one and only." I reply as I look him over. He was almost too perfect.
"It's a pleasure to meet you miss Rose. The names Chad Bradley." He says as he kisses the top of my hand and my cheeks flush which makes him smirk slightly.
"If you'd excuse us Jeremy but I'd like to speak to Rose in private." Chad says. Jeremy nods and walks off.
"In private? How do you expect to pull that off with all these people around?" I ask slowly with a suggestive smile.
"I was thinking about taking you to my rooms." Chad says as he leans his head down so his lips brushed against my ear.
"How would you like that?" He whispers, his warm breath tickled my ears.
"I'd find that quite pleasent if you'd kindly lead the way." I say as I supress an unplesant shiver.
"Of course." Chad smirks and leads the way. I follow him down the hall, him glancing back at me every few seconds.
"I don't plan to kill you nor run away Chad. I find your company quite pleasing even if it has only been a few seconds." I lie sweetly and Chad slows to walk beside me.
"Is that so." He says with a grin and I smirk up at him.
"Quite." I reply.
Chad leads me into a room and locks the door behind us. "What is it you belong to Chad? Are you navy? Isis or an assassin?" I ask as I slowly walk closer to him.
"Assassin. The best there is." He replies as he swiftly pins me to a wall smirking.
"I have another question for you." I say slowly as I run my hands up his chest then down his sides to his black jeans. I loop my fingers into the belt loops and tug him slightly closer as I nibble my bottom lip.
"What would that be?" He asks lowly as he rests his forhead on mine. I shofe away the urge to stab him. I hated being in this position with him. All that stopped me was images of Kyle. Now all I wish is for Chad to be him.
"I was wondering if you could tell me what you plan to do with Isis and the navy." I say as I look up into Chads eyes, imagining they were Kyles.
"Well I plan to use them so I can get to Silvia Winchester who is also Delance Fisher." Chad murmurs as he lowers his face closer.
"How come?" I ask softly.
"Well we wish to hire her." Chad replies before pressing his lips to mine.
His words shocked me so much that I barely realised he was kissing me, trailing kisses down my neck until he hit my sweet spot which made me gasp.
I couldn't move. My body barely staying together. I was glad when Chad pulled back so he could look into my face for I thought if he kept going I'd either collapse or snap, kill him and break my cover. "Your rather beautiful you know?" He whispered before stepping away.
"You flatter me." I say as I shook away my shock and smiled at him.
I slipped my jands behind my back as I walked towards Chad. As I did so I pushed a button on my bracelet. My phone bleeped wildly and I mentaly sighed happily. I checked it and looked at Chad apollogeticaly. "I have to go. Someome on my hit list has been found. I do hope to see you again." I say to him with a cheeky wink before walking out.
"Yes. I hope we do." Chad calls after me. I walk quickly. Wanting to get out as quick as possible.
As soon as I exited the hotel I took of my boots and ran. Turning on my coms as I went. "Kyle. Kyle do you hear me?" I say but there was no answer. No doubt he was asleep.

I didn't stop running till I got onto the jet I took to get to Paris. I changed in the bathroom and froze at the sight of a hickey on my neck. "Kyles gonna kill me." I grumble as I remove my coms and pack everything up. I couldn't wait to be back in the manor. Chads words buzzing though my head.
They want to hire me?
Then why the hell have they been trying to kill me?

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