The Heat

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"What do you guys wanna do today?" Ash asks boredly. Silvia and Kyle lent against each other with a yawn.
"We could go down to the Heat." Maddison suggests. Silvias blood runs cold, her body goes stiff and her face goes deathly pale.
"Ah Silvia? Are you okay?" Crystal asks.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." She replies before running from the room. They hear a door and the distant sound of Silvia throwing up.
Kyle gets up and walks to the bathroom and cringes as Silvia vomits again. "Silvia?" He asks cautiously.
"Go away." She yells before vomiting.
Kyle smashes open the door. "You know I'd never do that." He says.
Silvia sat on the floor by the toilet and turned to glare at me. Kyle stepped back when he spotted blood pooling from her nose. Before she could yell at him she vomited again, blood not only coming from her nose but it also speckled her vomit. Kyle walked over and knelt beside her. He pulled back all her hair and rubbed her back.
"I won't leave until your done." He says softly. Silvias body shook.
"Just a couple more. It's always 8. Always has been." She mutters croakily before reaching. Kyle cringes at the smell but doesn't move.
Silvia vomits again and she shakily grabs a hand full of toilet paper. Her shaking hands wipes away the vomit but her blood just drips down onto her mouth. She grabs more toilet paper and holds it over her nose. It didn't take long for blood to soak through it. Kyle grabbed more and held it over her nose, having her also tip her head back slightly.
"I've had my fair share of bleeding noses." He chuckles.
"This is the first time my ears haven't dripped blood." Silvia croaks and Kyle almost drops the toilet paper.
"When I was 15 I stole some files. Files that would help my parents. I just wasn't careful enough. They caught me so I ran. I ran through the trees for hours. They brought in bikes so I made a dash into a town where I got onto the roof tops. I was safe for a while. They shot me with a dart. It made a wave of nausea wash over me. I fell from the roof to the ground. I suffered sever injuries. Every now and then when I'm reminded of when I was captured my brain works faster, I feel sick and both my nose and ears bleed. Luckily my ears didn't bleed this time." She says and gets Kyle to remove the toilet paper to reveal her nose had stopped bleeding.
"Thats not healthy Silvia. Why didn't you tell me?" Kyle asks with a saddened expression.
"Because I was scared okay. I never told anyone that. Not even Josh." She said and Kyle wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap.
"You can tell me anything. Now what triggered your... thing to happen?" He asked softly and Silvia leans her head on his chest.
"They tourtured me by burning my body. Burns, heat. Kinda go together." She says and Kyle kisses the top of her head.
"Let's get you changed and take you there so we can get more food into you." He says. Silvia nods weakly before flushing the toilet and getting to her feet. Kyle walks behind her, watching her carefully, ready to catch her if she falls.
"Get ready to go. Just getting Silvia sorted." Kyle calls back as he and Silvia walk upstairs and into her room. She grabs a black singlet, a black and red flannel and black jeans. She looks at Kyle with a raised eyebrow.
He rools his eyes and turns around. Silvia slowly and shakily changes into the jeans. She puffs tiredly. "Kyle." She says and slowly he turns to face her.
"Yeah?" He asks cautiously.
"Could you help me please. I'm always weak after that whole vomiting and bleeding thing." She says and Kyle slowly walks closer.
"Don't be scared you big woosy. You've seen me show a lot of skin before at surf comps you know." Silvia sighs.
"Well I wasn't dating you then now was I?" He grumbles.
Silvia just rolls her eyes. Slowly Kyoe helps remove her shirt to reveal a deep violet bra. Kyle quickly looks away and Silvia chuckles. She turns his face to look at him. "What is it? Don't like what you see?" She asks.
"No. It's just, I like what I see a little too much." He replies as he fixes his eyes to hers.
"I see. Now hurry up and help me with the singlet." She says with a smile.
Kyyoe gently slips the singlet over her head and pulls it down to where it stopped at her hips. He keeps his hands there for a second before grabbing her flannel top. Silvia slips it on but leaves it unbuttoned before rolling up the sleeves to just above her elbows.
"Shall we go now?" She asks.
Kyle nods and the walk down to the others. They all climbed into their cars and drove off. Kyle slipped his hand into Silvias and they twined their fingers. It didn't take long to get to the Heat.
It was a full time club with 3 stories. When they entered Kyle lead Silvia right over to a narrow hallway with the others. At the end was an elevator door with 8 code pads. They guys all enter a code and the doors open. Everyone steps in and Silvia presses her back close to Kyles chest. He slips his arms around her waist and rests his chin on the top of her head.
The elevator goes up and with a ping the doors open to a large room. It had a bar, a lounging area, a dining area and a place with two pool tables and 4 dart boards. Silvia looks atound and a far off memory flashes through her mind. She had been here before with someone yet couldn't remember who it was. "There were two girls who'd sometimes book this place so we'd get the middle floor. We never got to find out who before they just stopped coming." Kyle said.
Silvia walks straight over to the bar tebder who was an older man in his late 50's. "Miss Winchester. It's a pleasure to meet you. What can I get you this evening?" He asks.
"Are the grapes purple, black or red? Does the hops grow straight or follow the sun?" She asks and the others all look at her oddly. The bartender smiles happily.
"Delance my dear. It's good to see you again. It's been years." He says and mixes together multiple liquids before passing it to her.
"It's Silvia now and yes it has been so long." She replies and takes a sip of the drink.
"Finally someone who can get it right. May I have my usual please with the usual payment." She adds and the man chuckles.
"No, no, no. It's on the house." He says and walks out into a back room.
"What just happened?" Antonio asks.
"I'm one of the girls who would book this place with an old friend. I can't remember who but that was me. I had a reputation here as Delance. Best at beer pong, darts and pools. I was known as Queen of the Heat."

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