The Best Surf Competition

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Kyle Brandon
I ran downstairs and almost crashed into Steve. "Sorry mate." I call over my shoulder as I sprint outside and leap into my car. Speeding down the drive and out onto the road I ring Crystal.
"Yello. How far away are you?" She asks as she answers.
"I just left the manor." I reply.
"Hurry up will ya." Crystal says and I can basicaly hear her rolling her eyes.
"Well sorry. I got... Distracted." My face heats up slightly and I can hear Crystal laughing.
"I see. I'm waiting outside." She says before hanging up.
I race around the corner to see Crystal waiting outside her work. Quickly I wind down the window and as I speed past she throws a small box through the window and I catch it gently. Ignoring stop lights I fly down the road and race up into the car park building by the beach, opposite where the surf comp is. Parked on the fourth floor was four army trucks with the canopies over the back.
Skidding to a stop I leap out and race over to where Candy was waiting with her hands on her hips. "You're late." She sighs.
"Well I'm here now." I puff.
She opens the back of the truck she was standing by to reveal Scales. He watched me with bright yellow eyes. I grow nervous as I approach him and climb up into the back with him. "Ah Scales I was wondering if you could help me please." I say cautiously while also feeling kinda silly that I was talking to a crocodile.
He hissed and moved his head closer making me gulp. "Wow. I thought he would have eaten you by now." Candy snorts and I glare back at her.
"Please. I plan to propose to Delance and it would mean a lot if you could bring me the ring since she loves you so much." I say to Scales.
My eyes widen in surprise when he holds out his tail to me and puts it on my lap. "Do you think she'll like it?" I ask quietly as I open the box. Inside was a golden ring with a blue sapphire in the middle. On either side was a blood diamond. Scales hissed and flicked his tail. Quickly I tie on the box and climbed out.
"See you all soon." I call as I jump into my car and speed off.
I skid to a halt at the beack car park and climb out. Delance jogged up to meet me and I smile. "Where were you?" She asks as she kisses my cheek.
I shrug. "I took a detour. Just needed to take care of something." I reply and she smiles.
"Let's go. I wanna kick your ass." She says excitedly.
With a laugh I grab my board and follow her onto the beach to where the others all stood. They nod to me with knowing smiles. Thr commentator is getting ready and I remove my jumper. "Wait here." I say and race up to the stand where the commentator and judges are.
"Hey can I ask a favour of you?" I ask and whisper my plan in his ear.
"Why of course." The commentator chuckles.
"Ladies and gentlemen. We have the Kyle Brandon here who would like to make an announcement." He calls through the mike and everyone looks up at me.
Delance cocks her head to the side curiously and I smile down at her. "As you all know I'm dating Delance Fisher who we all knew as Silvia Winchester before she revealed herself. This is the first time she's surfed since she got attacked at her last surf compitition. I wanted to make this time special so I invited a few guests." I day and the four army trucks drive down onto the beach and all Delances old friends jump out.
She squeals happily and smiles up at me. "Oh my god. I love you Kyle." she calls up to me amd yhere's a few 'aw's from the crowd.
"I love you too Delance." I say into the mike before nodding to the judges and commentator and climbing down.
Delance runs over and jumps into my arms. "Thank you, thank you, thank you." She squeals and I chuckle.
"The surprise isn't over yet. Candy lower the ramp." I say as I lead Delance closer.
She looks at me oddly and I smile. Candy lowers a ramp and from under the canopy Scales crawls put making people back away screaming. "Don't worry everyone. He won't hurt you. He's friendly to humans." I call and everyone slowly calms down. "Unless you're a navy that is." I whisper so only Delance can hear. She kisses me softly before breaking away and running over to Scales who was walking towards us. She drops by his side and hugs him.
With a snort I walk over abd drop to my knees. Crystal snuck over with a TV camera which was shooting live. While Delance was hugging him happily Scales swung his tail around so it was beside me. When I glances at it I could see the ring box tied to it.
Delance looked up to see Crystal and slowly stood. "What's going on." She asks as she frowns in confusion. As she looked away from me I grabbed the box and shifted so I was on one knee. When Delance looked back at me she gasped.
"Delance Fisher." I begin and open the box. "Will you marry me?" I ask.
Delance stands there speaklessly. "Yes. Yes, yes, yes." She says as tears of happyness fall down her cheeks. She dives at me and I fall back into the sand with Delance ontop of me. I hold up the box with a smile and slip the ring onto her finger.
Cheers fill the air and even Scales hisses happily. "Now my dear could you please allow me to sit up? I don't want to get too much sand in my hair." I tease. Delance moves bacj to si on my lap as I sit up. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.
"Thank you so much. But this doesn't mean I'm not going to kick your ass today." She says as she lets go and gets to her feet.
"Damn. That was the whole idea of the proposal." I joke as I get to my feet and brush off the sand.
She laughs and ruffles my hair. "Let's go then. See who's the better surfer." She says as she grabs her board and races towards the water.
"Oh it's on." I laugh as I grab my board and race after her.
"This is going to be intense. The two newly engaged couple of the top surfers in the world of Kyle Brandon and Delance Fisher are going head to head in this round. Who's gonna win?" The ommentator calls.
I couldn't care less about who won. This is still the best surf compitition ever.

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