Bite Of A Crocodile

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Kyle tied the man to the fence before looking at Delance. She was laying on her stomach in front of a 6 meter crocodile. Candy walks over and leans on the fence. "I see he hasn't forgotten you." She says and Delance looks up at her.
"Why would he?" She replies with a smile.
"He has a mate. Normaly when that happens the male is very protective of it's mate and children. The male would kill any human around if they are in their territory." Candy says and Kyle slowly walks over.
"But you don't know Scales Candy. Do you remember when he killed a navy member?" Delance asks. Now Kyle is curious.
"Of course. We shot that thing with electric pulse guns but it only made him more angry. Why?" Candy asks.
"The time was 0630. He left my rooms at 0620 and came straight here. Scales thought ge had hurt me for he could smell me all over him. That's why he attached hin with such viciousness. He wanted him to suffer. That's why Scales didn't kill him instantly." Delance says as she glances at Kyle who flinched slightly. He hated the idea of her sleeping with other guys, even if it were years ago.
The crocodile rolled onto his back and hissed slightly. Delance laughed and moved to his side where she rubbed his stomach. "He trusts you." Kyle says as he approaches the fence.
"I've killed numerous crocodiles to save him. He knows I would never hurt him." Delance says.
Theres a quiet snap and Delance stiffens. Scales wiggles slightly and she continues to rub his stomach but stayed on high alert. Suddenly another large, male crocodile leaps from the long swamp grass and clamps his jaws down onto Scales showing underbelly.
Without thinking Delance dives at the attacking creature and wrestles it off of Scales. The large pewerful creature whipped back and forth. Delance wasn't strong enough to hold on. As the crocodile spun towards her she swiftly pulls out a knife and drives it hard into the kill spot on the crocodiles head as it lunges towards her. It dies almost instantly and Delance breaths heavily.
She looks at Scales to see he was slowly rolling back over, his underbelly bleeding from the large wound. She made a move towards him when sharp teeth clamp onto her lower leg and she screams. A female had clamped it's jaws onto her and was slowly dragging her towards the water.
People rushed over with guns. "No. Don't shoot, don't shoot!" Delance yells franticly through the pain.
"Scales. Scales please." She pleads quickly. The water was drawing closer. As soon as she was in she would be dead meat.
"Please. Scales. Help me." She cries. The large crocodile moved forwards and made a vicious hissing sound. The female stopped but didn't let go. Delance cried in pain, her conciousness slowly slipping.
Scales snapped at the female threateningly when he got alongside Delance. Quickly it lets go and dives into the water. Blood poured from Delances leg yet she was too weak to move. "No." Kyle yells.
Delance rolls her head sideways to see many people holding him back. He was fighting against them with all his strength, tears in his eyes. Delance just closed her eyes.
She felt something grab her shirt and she was dragged along the ground slowly. She could hear voices yet the words were too muddled for her to understand. Cold metal pressed against her skin before she blacked out completely, certain this would be her end.

Kyle Brandon
I fought as much as I could to get to Delance. She lay just away fron the waters edge with her eyes closed, blood pouring from her leg. The people holding me wouldn't let go. I cried as I watched her lay there helplessly. Suddenly the large crocodile named Scales grabbed her shirt between his jaws and dragged her over the ground towards us.
I was astounded. We all were.
"Never in my life would I have ever thought I'd see this." Crystal says. Scales lets go of Delance by the gate and people rush to get her out. The hurry her away before I'm let go. Antonio and Ash walk over. I cry silently and they give me a brotherly hug.
"She'll be okay. Worse has happened to her before." Candy says as she walks over.
"Worse?" Maddison snorts.
"She fell from the roof of a two story building after being shot by a dart while trying to escape terrorists when she was 15. She suffered major injuries. We were all shocked to see her walk through the doors. However she was never the same again. They tourtured her, broke her mentaly and emotionaly. She was like a wild animal when she came back. She'd kill for fun, for pleasure. We helped her as much as we could. She's so much better now. Although she does still have that wild animal side inside of her. We just don't really see it coming when she lets it out. Trust me when I say this. She's a hell of a lot scarier than Crystal. In comparison I'd say Crystal is a territorial lion. Delance is the devil on steroids." Candy says seriously before walking to where Scales was resting by the fence.
"Holy shit. That girl is a death magnet. She's come close to death so many times and the amount of people who want to kill her and have been killed by or around her. I can believe the devil part." Ash says.
I glare daggers at him.
"She is not a death magnet. She just has bad luck alright? I can't have her thinking everything is her fault. Not again. So never, ever day that again." I growl lowly before storming off.
I storm outside and head to the shooting range. The sound of gunshots thrummed through my head as I got closer. When I entered the familiar building my body calmed. Grabbing a gun I walk to an empty target area and stare at it. I take aim and breath in deeply.
Quickly and fluidly I shoot bullet after bullet till there's none left. Everyone else was silent as they stared at me in shock. Each bullet was in the same spot, just outside the very center if the bullseye. "How did you do that?" One of the men there asked.
"The name's Kyle Brandon. Ex-navy seal and army sniper." I reply dryly and everyone blinks in shock and surprise.
Will a dull smile I add, "Also I'm dating the one and only Bullseye."

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