Kyle Snaps At The Air Guy

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Kyle Brandon
I sat outside, leaning against my favourite tree while looking at the sunset. Whenever I needed to get away while I was training I'd always come here. Two days ago Delance was bitten by a large, female crocodile and had fallen unconcious. She hasn't woken up yet and with every second she's not conscious I become more heart broken.
A cool breeze blew my hair into my face yet I didn't care and closed my eyes. "Delance's parents planted that the day they found out her mother was pregnant." A male says and I open my eyes to see someone my age leaning against another tree.
"No wonder I'm so attached to it." I mumble as I look him over. Tall, tan, muscular, dark eyed, blonde hair, clearly a trouble for me.
"What's your association with Delance?" I ask curiously.
He runs his hand through his hair before answering. "I was one of her regulars before Josh came along. Josh was one lucky fella. Now I suppose you're the lucky one."
I grunted unhappily to know he's slept with Delance, more than once. "The names Philip Wilson." He adds.
"Let me guess. Air force?" I grumble.
"How'd you guess?" Philip asks as he stares at me with narrowed eyes.
"I was both navy and army. I've never heard of you so I catagorized you in the most likely catagory." I say as I turn my head away from him to look out at the colour streaked sky.
"Yeah well at least I didn't get kicked out of what I do. You however got kicked out of both navy and army while being stripped of all your rankings." Philip taunts and I clench my jaw, trying not to snap.
"Now you're probably just using Delance for popularity. Afrer all you are jusg a sleep around money bags. Oh and by the way she woke up an hour ago but you weren't there to fullfill her needs so I gladly did them instead. Or should I say I did her instead?" He sneers.
At that moment I snap and lung at him. He lets out a gurgle of shock as I pin him to a tree by his throat, feet dangling off the ground slightly. He claws at my hand as I glare daggers at him. "I don't sleep around anymore. Delance changed me. She is the only girl I ever want to be with. Who cares if I don't serve and help the country or world like you do. I don't need rankings to be able to help and save lives. I donate over 2 million dollars of my money every two weeks to various child cancer and disability foundations and hospitals. Kids are the next generation. They will be taking over from us and I use my money so they can live like they should. I help the kids of the world. Delance us mine and mine alone. If I find that you laid one finger on her I will hunt you down and kill you. If I hear that you or anyone else touches her I will also kill you amd anyone who does. Now bugger off and spread the word." I say lowly before dropping him to the ground and walking away without a look back. Behind me I can hear him gasping and choking for breath.
As I walk towards the academy Ash races out and towards me, skidding over the grass as he comes to a stop. "Run, hurry. Delances awake. She threw a glass at us saying she wants to speak to you and only you." He pants.
"When did she wake up?" I ask quickly.
"Just now." Ash replies. With a silent sigh of relief I sprint inside.
I leap upstairs and fly around corners and down hallways. When I see the others with Candy and Gunner all standing in the hall by an open door I try to slow down yet I couldn't. I slam into the doorway with a painfull crack and fall to the ground with a pained groan. "That crash and fall was a good 9/10. Maybe if you flailled a little more or shouted something halerious you'd have gotten a 10. Better luck next time Sharky." An amused and familiar voice chuckles.
Dispite the pain I scramble to my feet to see a smiling Delance sitting up in her bed with her arms crossed over her chest. I slowly walk to her side and she hangs hed legs over the edge bed, one heavily wrapped. She holds her arms out to me and I chuckle before picking her up. She wraps her legs tightly around my waist, her arms drape loosly around my neck with her face buried deap into the crook of my neck. I hold her firmly, one hand on her back pulling her closer to me and the other running gently through her hair.
"If you leave me again I swear I will die. Every second you weren't concious and by my side my heart broke a little more. I'm a big, mean, vicious and scary Great White shark. You are like you saud the Ocean. Full of secrets and dangers. Your beautiful, deep and mysterious but as a Great Whitr shark I can't live without you." I say and Delance sobs into my neck making my heart race in fear that I'd said something wrong.
"That was the most beautiful thing anyone's ever said to me. Thank you Kyle." She whispers and I smile.
"Of course. After all I love you." I murmur.
Delance pulls her head back and looks into my eyes. Her dark brown ones swallowing me. This girl is one I didn't know even existed. She is the thing I've been missing my whole life. "I love you too." She says before crashing her lips onto mine.
I missed the feeling of her body against me. I missed the way her eyes swallow me. I missed the taste of her lips, the sound of her voice. She was out for two days but I still missed her more than anything.
She nibbles my lip and I smile slightly before kissing her back with every ounce of love and passion that my body holds for her. A door closes but I barely notice. Delance fills me with warmth, heals my wounds fills all the emptyness and hollows inside of me. She completes me. She is my other half. She is mine and mine alone.
I pull away from her and rest my forehead against hers. "Just so you know I almost killed some air force guy by the name of Philip Wilson. Hope he wasn't a friend of yours." I say quietly.
"Nope. It's all good." She replies equally as quiet before she bites her lip. I can't help but kiss her again.
I made fun of how Ash had said he felt for Crystal before he proposed go her. But now it seems as though I'm having those same feelings for Delance. She pulls back and presses her face back into the crook of my neck before whispering against my skin.
"I love you."

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