Lost Things

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Silvia steps out of the building to see Kyle leaning on the wall waiting in a full body dive suit. He looks Silvia up and down slowly. "You look good in a dive suit." He says and Silvia rolls her eyes with a small smile.
"You don't look so bad yourself. Follow me." She leads Kyle towards the warer and he follows curiously.
"Don't we need dive gear so we can you know... breath?" He questions.
"Unless you know how to breath under water then duh. It's on the Float. To get there we use these." Silvia smiles and jumps down onto the floating platform where two boxes the length of Kyle and as high as Silvias waist were.
Kyle jumps down and looks at her questioningly. "They're boxes."
Silvia rolls her eyes and and pulls a spike from her hair. Kyle takes a step back and Silvia laughs before using it to pop the top of the boxes. She drops the tops onto the platform and the box unfolds.
Kyles jaw drops in amazement. "Holy crap. Who gave you those?" He gasps. In the boxes were two pitch black jet skiis. One had a gold strip running around it.
"I brought them." Silvia replies and shoves them into the water.
She climbs onto the one with the gold stripe and looks back at Kyle with an eyebrow raised. He stood with his jaw hanging open. "Stop drooling and get on the jet ski unless you don't know how to drive one then you can share with me." She says cheekily.
Kyle shakes his head quickly and gets onto the other jet ski. "How did you buy these? The must have cost a fortune." He asks.
"Same way I brought my speed boat. With the money you payed me. Now lets see if you can keep up." Silvia smirks. It a swift movement she turns on the jet ski and is skimming away over the water. Kyle laughs and does the same. He swerves awound in front of he sending a wave of water over top of her.
She lets out a squeal before picking up speed. She flies past Kyle and spins completely in her seat so she was sitting backwards. She blows a kiss back at Kyle as she drives backwards. He shakes his head with a smile. He gazed at Silvia as she swerved around in front of him and did tricks. The moon making her hair glow.
Silvia spins around and comes to a stop. Kyle stops beside her and kills the engine. "Wrap this around the handles and wait here. I'll be back in a minute." Silvia hands Kyle a rope before diving into the dark water. He does as he's told and waits.
There was no land in sight. Only endless ocean. The jet skiis rocked gently on the small swells. Suddenly something grabs onto his ankle and pulls him into the water. He resurfaces and looks around quickly. Silvia surfaces in front of him laughing. "That wasn't funny." Kyle huffs.
"It was a little funny." She giggles.
"Now your gonna have to trust me on this. To get to the gear we need your gonna have to hold your breath and follow me." Silvia says seriously.
"I won't be able to see you down there." Kyle retorts.
"Fine. I'll have to hold your hand to lead you down. There will be a large tube down there that will suck you in. Thats what I was doing just before. I had to turn it on. You'll be sucked up into the float. It's where you'll be able to breath again. Then you'll wait for me. I have to turn the suction off from down there which means I'll have to swim up. Don't worry about me. I can hold my breath for almost half an hour." Silvia says. Kyle furrows his brow in worry.
"Trust me." She adds upon seeing his expression.
"Ironic words for someone who doesn't trust anyone." He grumbles.
"I trust you Kyle. If I didn't I wouldn't have told you about the triple threat becoming the single threat. If I didn't trust you I would never have taught you how to throw a dart for I would be worried you'd use it against me. If I didn't trust you god damn it I would never have asked for your help and I would have left the manor two nights ago." Silvia burst and Kyle swam backwards slightly.
"Now lets get this over with." She says quietly.
Kyle nods, afraid to speak. Silvia takes his hand and the two dive down into the dark. Kyle strains his eyes against the stinging salt water and can only just make out the form of Silvia swimming by him. Theres a slight tugging sensation and Silvia lets go of Kyles hand. He gets pulled into a dark tube and is sucked through.
Kyke gasps as he gets thrown up out of the water and onto a metal grate which drained away the water. He breaths deeply. His ribs sore from the landing. Slowly he sits up and looks at the water. He watches as it stops bubbling and goes still. Silvias outburst runs repeatedly through his head.
Silviad head pops out of the water and she hauls herself out beside Kyle. "That was fun. Last time I did that was with Sophia. That was last year. I've refused to use it ever since after a shark was pulled in with her. She never survive." Silvia says with a slight cringe.
"So I could have died?" Kyle asks and Silvia shrugs.
"The wetsuit your wearing is especially made to resist a shark bite from a smaller shark. You could've handled it anyway I'm sure." She replies as she stands and rubs her temple.
"Are you okay Silvia?" Kyle asks cautiously.
"I hit my head. It's fine." Silvia waves him off and turns on all the lights.
Kyle gets to his feet and looks around in amazement. Dive gear and tech was everywhere as well as underwater weapons. He looks over at Silvia to see a slight trickle of red running down the side of her head and walks over. Her body stiffens as he brushes her wet hair behind her ear and runs his fingers over the small cut on the sude of her head.
"The amount of blood you've lost while I'm around is unbelievable." He chuckles as he wipes the crimson liquid away.
"I've lost many things with you around Kyle." She replies and turns to face him.
She wipes his fringe out of his eyes with a small, barely noticable smile before whispering. "My sanity appears to be one of them."

Sharks Under The Surface; Book 2Where stories live. Discover now