Eraser Head x Ms. Joke (Special)

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Hey guys we passed 500 reads! I am so happy :D thank you guys so much for all your support and for tuning in I really love you guys and I appreciate all the love! In this story we are focusing on Eraser Head A.K.A Aizawa and Emi Fukukado A.K.A Ms. Joke. This is just a short story about them, this takes place after Midoriya met The Big 3 :)

Aizawa POV
"That's all for today" I left the students inside their classroom and walked to the office to do my work but then... "Eraser! Is that you?" Joke shouted while she walked with Principal Nezu, "It is you!" She shouted again, "U-Ugh..." I tried to walk away when the principal called me and said that we were going to work together, "Eraser we're going to be working together! Let's go out" Emi said convincing me "No" she laughed but I ignored her "Let's just get this over with" we then walked to my office to do some work, "Oh! This is your office?!" she was shocked to see my office that was pretty much boring, "You can look but don't touch anything, except your workplace" I said while I sat down and did my paper work, "Man this is many... oh?" I saw a bottle rolling towards me and heard Joke fall, "Woah!" she screamed, "Hey! Are you okay?!" I ran to the stockroom and saw her lying on the ground "O-Ow.. oh?" we both stared at each other for a good 5 seconds "Oh Eraser Head! It's you.. sorry for the mess..." she quickly said like she was in a hurry, "It's a good thing you aren't hurt or else I would've taken you to the infirmary" I picked her up while holding her hand, "Can you walk?" I asked her "Y-Yeah" she replied, "Okay" we then took a small step when suddenly... "O-O-Ow..." she held her right leg "What's wrong?" I questioned her as to why she was hurt "N-Nothing... let's go" I ignored her answer and looked at to what she was covering with her hand "You got an injury, I knew this would happen" I carried her and made her sit on a table, "W-What are yo--" I quickly put alcohol on the towel and put it on her leg, "W-Wai-- Ow, ow, ow..." she closed her eyes trying to endure the pain "Does it hurt?" I asked her, "Not... really..." she said still enduring the pain "Tell me the truth Joke" I asked her impatiently, "Ok it hurts.." she replied in relief "I'm going to take care of your wound it looks like we're going to be here for a while" she blushed and looked away from me, "What is it?" I walked over to her and saw that she was blushing "H-Hey!" her face got more red as she looked at me "E-Eraser! Don't... l-look at me!..." she looked away from me the second time. "Alright I'll just take care of your wound" I continued to put alcohol on her leg, "Aren't you going to take me to the Recovery Girl?" she asked me confused, "This is just a small wound and it will heal faster plus we will be inconveniencing her" I then put a bandage on her leg and carried her, "Can you walk?" "I think so.." she replied, I put her down gently "You okay?" I said while still holding her hand "Yeah I think I can manage" I let go of her hand and she began to walk like a baby taking her first steps, we continued to do our work. After a few hours we were tired, "By the way I haven't asked you why are you here in UA?" I questioned her, "Oh, my boss said to try different schools and experience their works" she replied to me, "Ok" I worked for about an hour and I was tired. "Eraser? Are you there?" Emi waved her hand in front of me making me wake up "What?" I realised that I was asleep, "You slept like a baby" Emi smiled, "What time is it?" I looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:00pm in the evening, "Ugh... I wasted.. time" I regretted sleeping I thought I could sleep for only 10 minutes but it I slept for 1 hour.

"Wait where are the other teachers?" she asked me looking for everyone "They left early, they didn't have that much work" I replied while rubbing my eyes, "Oh? Eraser!" Joke shouted, "What?" I was confused as to why she was screaming, "Y-Your fly is down..." she chuckled a bit "No it's not" I knew she was pranking but I fell for it and looked down on my zipper "Hahaha! You fell for it!" She continued to laugh loudly, 'Why do I always have to be with her?' I dragged her to her workplace and told her to start working, "Ok, ok... hahahaha!" she laughed but I ignored her and started to do my paperwork it went for about 2 hours and I was tired as heck, "There we finished it" she said to me, "Yeah, I'm gonna go sleep now" I walked to my table and bowed my head but Joke was so loud that she made me wake up "Aizawa... are you really sleeping?" she questioned me while chuckling, "I can't sleep if you're here" I replied, "We should go out" she suddenly suggested, "We can't... it's late" she then dragged my hand out of the office. "H-Hey!" I tried to pull my hand but her grip was strong "It'll be fun!" she said while we walked for a few minutes. Finally we were there it was a place that was too dark to see, "Welcome to my place!" she opened the lights and I saw her room it was a bed, a couch and just a regular room "Why are we here?" I asked her "Oh nothing!" she went to the kitchen and I walked with her "Surprise!" she shouted, "What's this?" I simply asked her, "It's for our anniversary ding-dong!" she smiled and laughed, "I don't remember us having an anniversary..." I walked over to the cake that said "HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO US!" "Why do we have an anniversary?" I asked Joke who was simply saddened, "You don't remember?" she was saddened more, "Tell me, what is it?" I asked her while being serious, "It was time when we met" she looked at the ground, "Is that so?" I quickly felt something inside of me that was there but I couldn't describe it, "It's okay... you can go now... I guess..." she walked out of the kitchen while looking at the ground I felt her sadness and held her hand, "Don't go" she stopped for a brief moment, 'What am I doing?' I never thought I would be this kind of person, "Just go before I change my mind..." Joke said to me with a little bit of anger "Then who's going to eat the cake?" I tried to act concerned but I felt that I really was concerned about her, "I'll just eat it later... now go... you said it's late" she let go of my hand and walked faster but I stopped her and hugged her, "Just go!" she shouted and got out of my hug, "Are you really concerned about me or are you just acting that you are?!" Joke teared up, "Jo--" I was interrupted "Stop it! Stop acting like you really care about me! You're always like that! You're still the same boring person I know!" I was angered by what she said "Hey!" I shouted and it echoed through the room, "Look, I'm sorry I forgot our anniversary but that doesn't mean I don't care about you" I wanted to continue what I wanted to say but she interrupted me and told me that I was the worst guy in the world, "I HATE YOU!" Joke shouted so loud it could be heard around the room "You... why are you always like this... I hate.. this side of you... you don't like me at all do you?..." she contemplated and cried "Joke--" I was stopped again, "What's your problem? Am I too much of a joke to you or am I just a girl who loved a guy who doesn't even love me back?" she said still crying, "I really hate this... I hate that I loved someone like you.." she hit me in the chest lightly "What am I to you?" she asked me I couldn't say anything and we stood there silently, "Okay... if that's the way you want it.. you can get out" Joke pointed at the door, "Just get out..." but before she could do anything I wrapped her up with my bandages and she tried to get out but I went up close to her, "What are you doing?" she blushed " “What am I to you?” You were my partner for the past 3 years and you have been one of my closest friends" I deliberately said, "W-What?" she blushed more and there was a long silence that entered the room. I didn't even know that I would be closing my eyes and getting closer to her face, 'What am I doing?' I don't know what to think she closed her eyes as well and began to pull herself closer to me. I felt her presence, her warm soft presence getting closer every second and every moment, "Eraser..." I heard her whisper as we kissed, of course this was our first time and I couldn't help but feel her soft luscious lips touching mine, "Nngh! Eraser what are you--" I touched her body and her arms feeling every part, I carried her to the bed and dropped her breaking our kiss. "Eras--" I kissed her lips again and I began to touch her clothes as if I was removing it from her and I removed my scarf. I kissed her neck making her moan silently, "Eraser... please..." her hands touched my body as if she was feeling the pleasure, our tongues felt each other and our saliva drooled, I stopped kissing her for a moment and she breathed heavily, "Joke... are--" I was quickly interrupted by her, "Thanks!" she smiled, "What are you smiling for?" I briefly asked her, "You made my night" she kissed me on the cheek and she blushed, I felt calmness move around the room like air, "Joke--" All of a sudden Class 1-A along with The Big 3 barged in the door, "Aizawa Sensei!" they screamed, "What?" I questioned them, "We need your assistance!" Iida exclaimed, "Haha your class is really crazy Eraser Head!" Joke continued to laugh "What were you doing in bed?" Midoriya asked me, "Oh... It's uh..." Nejire came in and barraged me with a bunch of questions "What really happened Aizawa Sensei? I really want to know!" her curiosity became an annoyance "Ok! I'll tell you" all of the people suddenly stopped, "We--" Joke quickly said something out of topic, "We slept!" she exclaimed and a lot of students screamed, "Is that really it... Aizawa Sensei?" Mineta drooled, "Mineta! Stop acting like a pervert for once!" Iida walked to Mineta and threw him away, "Ugh... oh? It's 3:00 in the morning what are you staying up late for?" I asked Iida, "It's because of the rumors of the ghost going around the school" he replied then the door opened creaking then all of the girls squealed "IT'S A GHOST!!" they panicked and ran around the room, "Everyone calm down it's just the wind!" I screamed at everyone "Is it really just the wind?" Mirio wondered if it really was the wind, the girls continued to scream "LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!"


Hey guys! Sorry this took a long time to make school was really a pain and I had a lot of projects, I wanted to publish this story early but I was too tired to make it but I'll try to publish more anyways I hope you like this story and I hope you enjoy it as always peace out! :)

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