My Hero Academia Halloween (2K Special)

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Hey guys sorry for being inactive had a lot of work to do but this week is our break so I guess more stories will come not to make it any longer I just want to thank each and everyone of you for reading this story and thanks for all your support we have reached 2000 reads I can't thank you guys enough I'll continue this in the end. This short story is about the legend or the haunting of UA Halloween is coming so buckle up and let's get it on!

Midoriya POV

Halloween is closing in and we are all very excited. "Alright class Halloween is almost here which means it's a holiday tomorrow so dress up in your scariest costume and trick or treat you're also free to stay in your dorms if you want" Aizawa Sensei walked out of classroom, "Yeah! Halloween!" Uraraka shouted at everyone, "Midoriya what's your costume?" Iida asked me, "Ah well I guess... Um.... OH! A ghost!" I replied hastily "Hm-hm well I'm going to be a zombie or I guess you could say Frankenstein!" Iida caught everyone's attention "Awesome Iida!" Kaminari shouted, "Well I'm going to be a devil!" he showed a picture of his costume, "Todoroki what about you?!" Kaminari asked Todoroki, "I'll be a vampire" he replied to Kaminari, "I think Uraraka will be a witch" Asui implied, "Yes I'll be a witch!" Uraraka walked up to me, "I have an idea Deku!" she suggested that we would meet up at 7:00 p.m. tomorrow in our costumes and go trick or treating together "Umm... Do you mean just the two of us?!" I blushed intensely, "Eh? No no! We have Iida, Kaminari and Bakugou with Kirishima!" she replied to me I sighed in relief, "Wait... Kacchan?!" I screamed "You got a problem with that nerd?!" Kacchan angrily shouted, "Well... nothing much..." I laughed, "Well then it's settled we'll meet up tomorrow!" Iida implied.

One day later...

I woke up feeling excited and refreshed I yawned and went to the bathroom but I suddenly stopped in my tracks because of a letter on my table, "It says to “Midoriya” from..." I was shocked to see that it was from Shinso "Wait..." I opened the letter and saw a note saying "Sorry I won't be able to train with you, change of plans I'll have special training with Aizawa Sensei from now on... well see ya" it left me in shock and I stood there frozen, "Midoriya! Breakfast is ready!" my mom shouted behind the door I held the note tightly, "There's no time to be standing right here..." 'Is he Aizawa Sensei's secret love child or something?' I questioned this to myself but I thought that it couldn't be possible because Aizawa Sensei isn't that kind of guy. I walked down the stairs and saw my mom eating her breakfast I sat down with her, "So you guys going out tonight?" she asked me "Yeah..." I spoke silently "What's wrong?" my mom grew concerned "Nothing.. it's just Shinso isn't going to be training with us anymore" I replied while eating "It's okay Midoriya, I know how you feel, after your dad left for his job I couldn't help but feel uneasy... I felt as if the world was going to end, but I didn't let this stop me from giving birth to you... you're my one and only child, I can't afford to lose you... you can overcome this Izuku I know you can just believe and have faith that you can overcome anything I learned this the hard way, Izuku..." my mom spoke to me words, those words scarred me with tears, tears I couldn't forget, tears of sadness I began crying like a baby," Now, now stop crying or you'll make the food soggy. A man with a mask appeared and talked to my mom it wasn't long until... "We need your son" the man spoke "What? What for?" she asked him, "It's an order from the boss" the man pulled out a gun I couldn't help but freeze in my place and quiver in fear "Izuku run!" my mom shouted at me, the man shot her I froze there not knowing what to do "MOM!!!" I screamed then the whole room went pitch black. "So, you're All Might's predecessor... Hmph! How pathetic is that really how much you can use? I think that you don't have a chance against us hahaha..."

"Mom!" I woke up from my nightmare "It was just a dream?" I looked around for a bit and realized that I was in my dorm and I glanced at my table and a letter was there "To “Midoriya” from “Shinso”.." I opened it hoping that it would have a different note but still the same I wrote a letter to him saying "I accept your decision. Do your best!" I mailed it to him afterwards, "Midoriya! You ready for tonight?" Iida asked me and walked up to me "Yeah I guess..." I replied "What's wrong?" he asked me again, "Nothing just a bad dream" I replied silently "Oh well, see ya! I gotta meet with the others" he ran back to Tokoyami and the others. I walked to my room and laid down on my bed, "That's right! I need a costume!" I looked down on the Internet and found one that was too expensive "How can I afford this?" I thought of an idea that I would have to make a costume for myself "With this cloth and my scissors I can easily make a ghost costume!" I cut through the cloth and made holes to represent where my eyes were supposed to be but it was too standard or too typical for a ghost costume so I'll have to put extra effort in making it and create my own version it wasn't long after I had made my own version of a ghost costume "Midoriya!" I hear someone knocking behind the door "Who is it?" I asked him or her, "It's Uraraka!" she replied "Oh! Uh... be right there!" I fixed my things and dashed through the door "Yes?" I opened the door "I wanted to ask you about my costume" she implied "What's wrong with it?" I asked her, "Would you like this or this?" she showed two pictures of her wearing two different costumes one was a witch and the other one was a vampire nurse "I thought you made up your mind with the witch costume?" she was desperate I knew from her eyes so I picked one for her "I think this one" she accepted what I chose and went to her room surprisingly fast "Well I guess I'll just be training for a while" I did nothing but train the whole day until the time has come for Halloween we got ready we put on our costumes and walked out of our rooms "Woah Midoriya! Did you make yours?" Uraraka eagerly asked me "Thanks your's is not bad either Uraraka!" I happily said to her "Where's Kirishima?" Kaminari asked Kacchan "He'll be with us after we get there" he replied hastily "Well let's go!" Iida led us to a street where it was full of other people and kids who were trick or treating "Where's that damn Kirishima?!" Kacchan clenched a fist "It's okay it's not like he's going to leave you or anything" Kaminari eagerly said to Kacchan "A mail for Bakugou" a mailman brought a mail from Kirishima saying "Sorry I can't be with you Bakugou I went somewhere with my family it's very special hope you can understand. Well see ya" "That bastard is going to pay!" Kacchan crushed the note in his hand "Now, now I'm pretty sure he had a good explanation" Kaminari tried to calm him down "Shut up! Or I'll blow you to pieces!" Kacchan shouted again "Let's go" Todoroki implied, we went trick or treating for a half an hour and we got a lot of candy well... except Kacchan "Damn this!" he showed us an angry expression on his face "Well if you hadn't been screaming at the people you could've gotten lots of candy" Kaminari spoke to Kacchan "What did you say?!" Kacchan then started chasing Kaminari with his Quirk "Hey let's move on to the next house" Iida pointed at the scary haunted house across the street "That's scary!" Uraraka held my hand "W-W-Wait!" I blushed 'She's holding my hand!' I said inside my head "Let's just get this over with" Kacchan walked to the house and rang the door bell "Who there?" someone from the inside of the house asked us "It's Bakugou!" he shouted his name then the door slowly opened itself a light could be seen inside it was very bright "Wait why did he..." I asked myself "Hello!" Mineta was the owner of the house "MINETA?!" he gave us a thumbs up and smiled "Yeah he lives near here" Todoroki said to all of us "Seriously?" I asked him again and he showed me some pictures from social media to prove it "Woah it really is true!" we headed towards the house and Mineta gave us candy "Thanks Mineta!" I thanked him and then moved on to the next house 2 hours had passed and we collected many candy by this time we decided to end it here but Kaminari brought up the legend of the haunted table area in the cafeteria in UA he told us that someone died there trying to eat as many food as he can get unfortunately he choked and died because no one was there with him he was all alone it was said that his very soul haunts that table area and he could be seen every midnight "It's too scary!" Uraraka shrieked "Why don't we investigate this supposedly haunted area shall we?" Iida suggested to all of us "If it is real then we would have experienced something extraordinary" he added "You mean we should hunt for this ghost by midnight?" Todoroki asked Iida "Yes!" Iida replied feeling great "Do we have the right equipment for this?" I briefly asked Iida "We do!" Iida replied showing us the equipment "Where did you get these?" Todoroki questioned him "I bought it online" he answered "Let's get ready!" we then walked to our school and snuck inside the cafeteria using Uraraka's Quirk by sneaking on the roof "We did it" I whispered we headed towards the very end of the cafeteria and heard a whisper "Who are you?" we panicked and screamed silently "Let's get it" Iida whispered to us "Right" Uraraka replied.

We ran to the end of the cafeteria and saw a white figure, we shone a flashlight to it but it disappeared the figure grabbed a hold of Uraraka causing her to scream "Uraraka!" I shone a flashlight to her but she was gone "Dammit where could that thing be?!" Kaminari briefly questioned himself we used our ghost hunting equipment to track it luckily we found where it was "Uraraka!" she was possessed by it "What do you want?!" I asked the ghost "I want to finish my food challenge and beat my old high score!" it replied to us "What?" I replied back "With this new body I can accomplish my goal!" the ghost with Uraraka's body raced towards me and landed a punch the ghost was too fast he punched all of us one after another except Kaminari "You won't get away with this!" Kaminari used his ghost hunting box and opened it "Ahhhh!" he screamed "Prepare to be defeated!" the box sucked in the ghost inside of Uraraka and trapped it inside. "You did it!" Kaminari fell down "What?!" there was another ghost behind Kaminari "Haha! You kids are tough!" the ghost called the others and they all appeared at the same time they released the trapped ghost out of the box "Let's have some fun!" we had no choice but to use the equipment that Iida gave us "Iida! Now!" Todoroki shouted Iida used his Recipro Burst and caught all of the ghost with a binding chain in an instant "What is this?" "You're now going to get hunted!" we used our ghost hunting equipment and caught all of them "We did it!" We all shouted in joy "I-Impossible!" the ghosts were now hunted "Izuku!" my mom came barging inside with a bunch of officers into the cafeteria "Are you okay? I heard fighting" she asked me "I'm fine" my mom began crying the others went inside and greeted all of us with joy they also asked questions about what happened "Are you okay?" Jiro asked Uraraka "Y-Yeah" she replied "We finally caught a ghost!" Iida exclaimed "No, it wasn't a ghost" Aizawa Sensei came in dressed as a mummy?

 "You did it!" Kaminari fell down "What?!" there was another ghost behind Kaminari "Haha! You kids are tough!" the ghost called the others and they all appeared at the same time they released the trapped ghost out of the box "Let's have some fun!"...

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"What you caught was a student who was causing trouble inside the school for 6 months now, he's been scaring other students, the staff, the janitors just to name a few we're glad you caught him he uses a Quirk called “Ghostify” it's a Quirk wherein they can have the attributes of a ghost but he can't hold that form for more than 30 minutes he can create other ghostly figures but has limit up to 3 the rumors were lies there was no ghost in the first place" Aizawa Sensei explained briefly to all of us "So, I never caught a ghost?" Iida turned white as if he never had color at all "It's okay Iida" Mina tried to make him feel better "Well now that your all fine I guess you can still celebrate Halloween but for those who were attacked and came inside the cafeteria it's best that you spend your holiday with your family" Aizawa Sensei left the cafeteria with the officers. I went home with my mother and I think that's what the others did still I can't believe that I had a dream like thst last night I just hope it never happens again.


Hey guys! I was late on this special chapter lol I thank all of those people who were able to read this story I couldn't ask for more I hope you like this chapter and please comment I don't care if it is hate or love I just want to know your opinion and what you think of this story! More will come please comment the feedback gives me strength to make more!!! Thank you and as always peace out :)

(This was super late)

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