Paper Chat

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"Sometimes we don't expect that the person who appreciates us is just nearby, there, wating for a chance to get noticed."

I puffed a sigh and smiled to myself because I'm finally done arranging my new room. We just moved here this morning and just finished managing things inside our new home. Mom and Dad decided to move here for convenience because this place is indeed nearer to school and office than our recent place. I grabbed my sketchpad and sat in front of the study table which is located by the window. I started sketching and stopped from time to time just to remember the details of what I'm going to draw. My tongue stuck out a little when I am seriously into what I'm drawing. It's a habit when I'm serious, you know.

A crumpled paper suddenly hit my head and caught my attention. Actually, it made me feel annoyed. I don't like it when someone bothers me while I'm busy, especially when I'm sketching. I scratched my head with an irritated face and looked at the direction where the paper probably came from.

I was slightly taken aback with what I saw. I didn't know that there's also a window in front of mine. Hehehe Well, don't blame me. I'm just new here and I was busy a moment ago, right?

The guy in the other window who just looked around the same age as me signaled something. He was pointing at the paper he just threw a while ago. I picked the paper and was about to throw it back to him when he waved his hands telling me not to do it. I just raised an eyebrow because I thought he wanted me to give the paper back but he actually didn't. He made a hand signal again and this time, he wanted me to uncrumple the paper and so I did. There, these words were neatly written

"Hi! What are you doing?" I must admit, his writing is legible and it made me feel envious because I can't write as legible as him.

I looked at his direction again with a confused face but replaced it with a bored look in a split second. He was probably bored so I played along. I want to troll him /evil thoughts

"None of your business Tss" I replied

I crumpled the paper back and threw it towards his window. Haha! I hit his nose. Yeyy~!

I saw him frown a bit but composed himself back to his earlier expression as he started writing. He made the paper into a ball again and made it fly across the windows. The paper passed by me and landed on the floor so I pulled my seat back to pick up the piece of paper.

"Oh, so you're doing 'NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS' hehehe~"

I don't know why he's bothering me at this moment but I'm actually enjoying keeping up this paper conversation with him. WEIRD. However, I still managed playing irritated when I wrote

"Shuttap >"< "

I discharged the paper from my hand once again and he read it.

Did he just laugh? What's funny with what I wrote?

The paper was returned to me again. And he penned there

"I'm not even talking. We're just writing, remember?"

Yeah, yeah. He caught me off guard with that. He's such a philo, really! In response, I rolled my eyes heavenly while inditing

"Whatever smartypants -.-"

After reading my comply, he looked at my direction and stucked a tongue out at me.


And so, I just scrunched my nose while pouting like a squid, making face on him, which I earned a chuckle from him.

The message was once again with me as I decipher

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