Hair Clip

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"A lot of attention will never be enough if it wouldn't be from the person you cherish the most."

Shen Yue's POV

I was seriously scribbling on my notebook when I felt someone pulled something from my hair. I snapped to see who it is and i Immediately saw an annoying smirk.

What a bother. Will there be a day he'll not try to annoy me? Such an attention seeker.

But I got even more annoyed when he showed me the clip that I was wearing a while ago.

"What the heck, Dylan?! That's mine, you dimwit!" I tried to snatch it back from him but his reflexes are better than mine.

I gave him a warning look because I'm already pissed.

I tried harder once again to reach out for my clip  that I even stood up to make sure I'll get it. I held down his left shoulder with my right hand while stretching further for his right hand which holds my clip.

But life is indeed unfair that he was gifted with great extremities. Extremities. His are extremely long while mine are extremely short. And this makes me feel extremely frustrated. Wow. I really used the word 'extreme' so many times in my statement.

"Reach further, Yueyue. Jiayou!" He cheered mockingly.

I was still pursuing my hopeless attempt when I slowly faced him with a grim look. I'm not even sure how many times I mentioned that I am really annoyed but I bet it's more than I used the word 'exreme'.

That stupid smirk suddenly left his face as well as his color. His expression turned scared and he suddenly found it hard to swallow.

That's it boy. Fear me. And give the damn clip back.

"Still not gonna return it, eh?" I made sure my voice is laced with threat.

He managed to regain himself and that annoying grin is back on his face. It's wider this time that his fangs are showing up.

"Let me borrow it for a while"


"Are you gay?!" I was taken aback, suddenly  confused.

I retreated to my seat and left enough space between us. He let out a sigh like he's been relieved. He folded his arm from being stretched while still looking at me, baffled.

I knew it. No man likes being asked with that question. I hope that'll will make him give my thing back.

"Hey! I'm asking you. Are you gay?" I repeated which made him looked pissed right now.

In one swift move, he grabbed my wrist and hardly placed my clip on my palm.

Gotcha. /smirks

But I noticed he's not letting go of my hand.

And I was surprised that he pulled my wrist again and laid it on his head. I got even more puzzled. What is happening? I just raised a questioning eyebrow on him.

"Put it on me."

Say whaaaaaaaaat?!

I can't believe this. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly. What does he think he's doing?

"Okay" I said defeatedly. Maybe I just have to play along.

I quickly clip it on his short hair while he's still gripping on my wrist. Just so weird.

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