Spin the Bottle

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Note: I didn't realize until now that a science concept could help me come up with a drabble (or not since it seems to be longer than that). This is quite unruly as I drunk wrote it 😂 But I hope whoever reads this will enjoy.

"An object in a state of motion possesses an inertia that causes it to remain in that state of motion unless an external force acts on it." -Concept of Inertia by Galileo

It was an after office Friday night.

The whole crew of Sina office decided to take a breather and have some fun outside the office. They also planned to have a welcome celebration for all their new colleagues.

As soon as Shen Yue stepped out of the office building together with her crew mates, she suddenly felt that someone was missing. She looked over to her left and right to check if he really wasn't around.

She heaved a sigh upon confirming to herself that he will not be coming. After all, they were not sure when they invited him since he just got transferred  to another department a few weeks ago.

'He might be busy with his work load' she mentally explained to herself.

She shrugged the thoughts off and went on to go along with her office mates. Yue and Jiaqi were chatting when they were all heading to the bus stop.

Not too long, the bus arrived and everyone boarded. Jiaqi was suddenly pulled in by Xize to sit with him, leaving Yue all alone in her row since everyone already got settled on the other seats.

Yue leaned on the window and closed her eyes for a while to take some rest when a familiar scent just came by. She couldn't help but to breathe it in and look for the person wearing it who happened to be Wang He Di---- preferably called as Dylan or Didi.

Wang He Di, who has become a good colleague of Yue when she was new in the office. They didn't interact much when they were in the same department apart from giving each other courteous smiles every time they bump into each other, when talking about work-related matters and when they are talking in groups. And somehow, she thinks he's good-looking. He really is.

Until such time when he transferred to the executive department, obviously bagging a better position with his credentials and hard work...well, anyone who worked with him couldn't agree more that he deserves the promotion.

Yue suddenly felt embarrassed upon being caught breathing in his manly perfume. Dylan flashed his signature boyish smirk at her which made her pull back and avoid his eyes. She tightly closed her eyes and puffed a sigh to calm herself.

"What are you doing, Shen Yue?" he smugly asked with a slight chuckle. He was making fun of her. It has been like this since he transferred. Which was still odd for Yue until now.

"Nothing. I just thought that someone brought peeled onions. The smell reeks. I just had to check" her alibi was not her best idea but Yue felt the need to save face.

"Uh really? I just had stirr-fried beef and onions this afternoon. Does it still smell?" He playfully breathed at her face which she failed to dodge because they are close in a tight space in the bus seats. He laughed hard when she couldn't do anything but to hit his chest.

"Gosh Di! That's so gross" she scrunched and pinched her nose, showing him that his breath didn't smell good. But she was just trying to get even with his teasing though she's trembling being in close contact with him -- or feeling thrilled that he had come when she thought he wouldn't. She had to hide her crimson face.

"Don't worry. I have these" Dylan fished his pocket for a canister of mint candies. Usually consumed after taking a smoke.

He took one and chewed. "Want some?" He offered Yue to which she declined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2019 ⏰

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