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This is a XiJia fic though.. hehe
Happy birthday, Xize!

"It was not STOLEN but it was rather BORROWED. But that BORROWED one cannot be RETURNED."

Jiaqi's POV


It feels like I'm having constipation.


Oh God, please let the ground eat me just for now. I actually can't think of an alibi to tell laoshi.

"Ms. Li, where's your science project?"

Uhm..I..I-I..uhm.. come on Jiaqi! Think! Think! I can't tell how do I look right now but I'm sweating really cold and my hands are shaking. I'm not used to making excuses.

"...uhm...honestly...Someone accidentally hit me this morning. And my project got ruined." Okay. That was not an honest excuse.

"But I can't extend the deadline just for you. We need to display those right away for the fair."

"But I can't just re-do it in a few hours, laoshi" I reasoned out.

I could tell that she's just controlling her temper by letting out a heavy sigh. It's my fault, I know. But I can't just tell her that I forgot to do it. She might burst out if I do that. And that's worse than this. Believe me.

"Okay..Since it cant be helped, I'll just have you to be a staff for the fair. You'll be assigned in the registration because other schools will be coming." She told me. Well, this is better than making my grade a mess. Mom will kill me if I do.

"Yes laoshi" I answered politely and let her call the next student who'll pass their projects.

Being on the registration area doesn't really suck. All that I did was to ask everyone entering to sign on the list. It's a very light work that I could just..RELAX.

"Excuse me! Have you already signed here?" I asked a guy from a different school who was about to enter the fair. He sure is tall, I say. He turned around with a grief face, seeming irritated with my call, but when our eyes met, he suddenly..


He's honestly good-looking and has a good posture but he looks like a freak with that sudden change of expression. Say, is he a bipolar?

A few steps towards my desk and he slightly lowered himself to see the list to find his name. The scent of his perfume is alluring my sense of smell. Well, he smells good. And I grabbed the chance to examine his features in this near distance. I like the bridge of his nose and it matches his eyes ^____^

And he wears an earring on one ear O///O

"Hey!" he waved his hand in front of my face and it woke me up from my trance.

"Aren't you done staring at me?" I furrowed my eyebrows with his greedy attitude. He's so full of himself. Tss. I just averted my gaze and pretended to find something on my back. SomehowI got embarrassed >///<

What have I done? I dont even know if Im blushing because of shame ( __ __ ) Its better if I hide my face.

"Can I borrow a pen?" he suddenly blurted.

"uhm..Here" I handed him my pen, still not looking at him.

He already signed on the list as I waited for him to return my pen. I secretly peeked while he was busily signing and I just found out something. So..his name is Wu Xize. I made a mental nod.

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