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"Not only the shooting stars could grant wishes, sometimes the moon also could. Even better."

Dylan laid down on the meadows of his favorite place with a hand on the back of his head and the other lied flat on his stomach. He can finally rest after a very long day. And at last, he is able to visit his serene hideout again.

He longingly stared at the night sky and appreciated the peaceful feeling it gives him. He smiled to himself as he suddenly remembered his younger self.

Actually, he really wanted to become an astronaut. It was his childhood ultimate dream. But life came to slap him that it was somehow not possible in his situation before.

"I guess reaching the skies as a flight attendant was the closest that I could get near the outer space." He talked to himself, reaching out his hands to the starry sky.

Since he was young, he had always taken a liking on studying astronomy-- the universe, galaxies, planets, stars and all sorts of heavenly bodies. But since then, he still can't believe that he indeniably adores the moon so much.

Staring at the moon always flatters his heart. It has been his companion every time he felt lonely at night since his parents were almost always away for work during his childhood days. The moon makes him feel that he is not alone and is being watched by someone from there. Be it his imagination or not, it seemed that the moon shines brighter on times he feels down. Like it's comforting him, cheering him up.

He took a deep breath and whispered, "Moon, you're my best bud. I wish someday I'll be able to go there." He lowly chuckled at his own childish wish.

His eyes softened as he saw the moon shined brighter, assuming that it says "Cheer up, it may happen."

"Yeah right. So I guess, see you then?" he replied towards the sky. The moon seemed to dim a little as it hid slightly behind the clouds. Then, it shines again as they passed by.

The moon sure looks shy and playful at the same time.

He suddenly also felt a little embarrassed that he couldn't help but cover his face with the back of his hand. He couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear.

"Uhhhh this is crazy" he complained at his own actions and abruptly disheveled his hair.

He got up from the grass and dusted off his clothes. He was getting ready to leave when suddenly, something caught his peripheral vision.

A light was gradually getting closer that it almost blinded him. With furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes, he shouted at someone who he thought was holding a flashlight.

"Hey! Don't you know that it's rude to blind someone with a flashlight?!"

"What's a flashlight?" He heard an answer from that someone. It was a girl. Hmmm.

"What? Isn't that a flashlight you're holding?? Can you take it away?" He's still trying to look at the person but the light was too much to take.

"But I'm not holding anything" she defended; however, she immediatedly realized something "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. That was rude of me"

The light eventually dimmed and his eyes were slowly adjusting back its sight. It was still a blurr but he could see that she is wearing white.

"Who are you?" He queried while rubbing his eyes.

"You just said 'see you then' a while ago and now you're asking who I am" his sight now becomes clear only to be blinded again by this beauty in front of him.

She looked dismayed with her arms across her chest and a pout on her lips.

Who would have thought that this stance would make her even more stunning? She glistens on the moistened fog that touched her skin. Like the moon that lightens the darkness of the night.

He was taken aback, swallowed hard and almost choked himself with that sight.

"Hey! I didn't bother to come here just for you to gawk on me" she snapped her fingers in front of his face. He did not realize when did she come close. He was fazed just a moment but was brought back to his senses with that snap.

He tried to clear his throat and looked away from the girl. He couldn't think straight.

"I-Im sorry but I don't t-think I know you" he was confused but he tried to play it cool. He even attempted to raise an eyebrow at her but ended up looking away again and swallowing hard.

" bud?" She responded like stating the obvious.

He never thought that there would me more surprising than her beauty. Yeah, he was wrong.

"WHAT THE FAAAAA!" his eyes grew wider and took a step back, not believing what he realized just now. "Don't tell me you're the moon?!"

"Hmmmmm. Yup." She nodded, lips pursed and hands at her back.

"But let's be native. Just call me Yue. Nice to meet you finally, Dylan." Wow, his name sounded better coming out from her. She extended a hand to formally introduce herself.

Dumb-founded and mouth hanging low, Dylan took her hand and shook it.

She held his chin up to close his mouth and let out a small laugh. "I thought you we're cool but you look stupid with that ogling. Just stop it" she was holding in her laughter that left her just to smile widely.

He was awakened from his daze again and batted his eyes to shake his mental state. Once again, he cleared his throat.

"Ehem...Of course, I'm always cool." He looked offended but he still went back to all the questions rumbling in his mind.

" did you become..." He glanced at the sky only to find out that the huge glowing heavenly body was missing in the sky. He immediately returned his stare on the girl in front

"...that?" He asked while looking at her from head to toe and back with confusion and awe in his eyes.

"I came down for a while since you really look like you wanted to go to me...the moon I mean. I heard you could just go as high as the atmosphere so I brought myself to you instead" she explained proudly and sat up on a nearby huge rock.

He went after her and sat just beside. He is still looking at her with all the emotions he didn't know he'd feel all at the same time.

"I told myself when I was young that I would like to set foot on the moon. Since you are the moon and you're already here,

....does it mean that I could step on you?" He suddenly blurted out that made him earn a smack on the head from her.

"Hey! You're not only uncool. You're also mean!" She started throwing light punches on his arm.

He couldn't help but let out a laugh on his own remark especially on her reaction. She was cute though. So he didn't regret his jest despite the hits he's taking.

Her heart was suddenly moved upon hearing his hearty laugh. It always does whenever she hears him talk to her and laugh at himself. She eventually stopped hitting and softly stared at him with a genuine smile.

He gently held both of her hands and his smile reached his eyes. Her smile is just too contagious.

The two just stared at each other with smiles etched on their lips. Hearts beating on the same rhythm with that feeling of familiarity.

"I'm glad to finally meet you, Yue" he called her name softly.

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