Another Shot

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Note: This is WAY TOO DIFFERENT from what I used to write. Please be warned that this is not suitable for innocent minds. It has explicit contents. 🤐

It's been SOOOOOO LOOOOONG since the last time I wrote this kind of stuff. So there'll be a lot of areas to improve. But I hope this will do for the meantime. Hehe

"As the night gets longer, another shot could make it even better."

The year is 2023.

In the dim corner of a high-class bar is a pair of scrutinizing fierce eyes that was scanning the whole area. This person had been savoring his glass of vodka while waiting for the perfect timing.

It was just a few hours since he set foot in Shanghai. He immediately looked for ways to know enough information before coming back since Jiaqi got him immensely bothered with her slip of the tongue.

"I'm excited for the bridal shower! Xiaowen should be keen in bringing her models and I wonder who'll get laid from all the singles!"

Jiaqi was unable to stop herself from blabbering when Ziwei's wedding was into the topic during one of their video chats, the one when he was supposedly talking to Xize but he left his phone with his fiance.

A masked man was walking towards the toilet. That was his cue to follow suit and wait nearby. As soon as the door was heard to open, the man was quickly grabbed into the dark alley. In just a few moments, he was adjusting  the mask to perfectly fit on his face.

He already knew which VIP room the bridal shower was happening. He had quietly watched the guests entered earlier when he was sipping drinks at the counter bar.

"Hey man! You took a while in the toilet. Nervous much?" Another man with a different mask who was standing by the door with his fellows teased him.

He didn't mutter a word for he knows it'll be easily recognized that he was not their mate. He briefly eyed all these male fellows who seemed to be in the modelling industry. All are lean and tall. Moreover, they all radiate the model vibe.

'This must be Xiaowen's'. He thought.

True enough, her head popped out of the door in front wearing a wide silly grin.

"Come on, guys! It's show time!" following a giggle from her, she seemed tipsy.

Men began entering the room and he was the last to walk. Hands in both pockets while walking, the first that he saw was a small woman giggling with her friends. He couldn't tell exactly if she's already red because of the dim-red lights illuminating the room. Nevertheless, he was astounded to find her in a whole new look, but she still gives him the same old feelings.

'Dammit. Being away for a couple of months changed nothing.'

In a brief moment, their eyes met. His eyes turned a shade darker but she was still smiling after a little chitchat with Yihan on the side. But looking closely, her eyes already looked tired.....or tipsy. They might have been drinking before the guys came in.

Shortly, all the naughty drinking games began.


"H-Hey! Why are you.....dragging me out?" She bantered through weary eyes. She's indeed drunk. "We....we're jush about to play....hik...body shotsh" her eyes couldn't focus anymore and she's smiling like an idiot.

She was not even struggling from his grip but she kept on talking.

"Let's go home" he declared nonchalantly which made her halt on her tracks. He also stopped to look at her and find out why she paused.

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