Bread of Life

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"It's easier to feed a hungry stomach and a hungry mind than to feed a hungry heart. It always yearns for more."

Dylan and Yue along with their respective teams had to catch the earliest flight to Aershan on 29th of October. A number of fans were already waiting at the airport for them. Though she had not any decent sleep yet, Yueyue managed to greet her mooncakes with a smile. There's even a glint of joy in her eyes.

Meanwhile, Dylan was still feeling sleepy and looked somehow grumpy. He's not a morning person after all. The two even met Kido at the airport and boarded the same plane altogether.

As the plane landed on the snow-covered earth of Aershan, the cold wind greeted them a chilly morning. Alighting from the plane, they went straight to pick up their luggages.

While waiting for their respective luggages, Yueyue could hear Dylan grunting on her side. She caught his eyebrows furrowed while his left hand is on his stomach.

"Ugh. Eating breakfast so early makes me hungry already" he whined to no one in particular. But turned his eyes on Yueyue after a short while.

"Yeah. That's why I brought lots of bread along" she answered, assuming he was talking to her.

"Really? You brought bread?" The mere mention of 'bread' suddenly gave him life and turned his whole body to face Yue. Like her statement caught his whole attention and being.

"Uh-huh" she nodded proudly at him.

"Thank goodness!" He cheered. She knows that behind that mouth mask, he is already grinning with his fangs showing up. "Come on, bring it out now" he said impatiently. Yue was slightly distracted because he is acting as impatient as Dao Ming Si and at the same time, he's wearing the jacket he used in their MG taping in London. Oh, memories.

She started rummaging her bag for food when suddenly,

"Uh-oh." She uttered and raised her head to look at Dylan. "I only have one left" she announced in disappointment. She took out the only piece she has. It was a thick slice of yellowish loaf bread.

"I thought you have lots?" He said in disbelief as he removed his mask. He even sounded more disappointed than her.

"I forgot I gave them to my mooncakes in the airport before leaving Beijing" she explained, suddenly remembering how she got worried that her mooncakes skipped breakfast just to be at the airport earlier than her.

"And you didn't leave any for me?" He lowered his back a little to look at Yueyue eye to eye while both of his hands are inside his pockets. It was like he was trying to nudge her conscience for feeding other people but not him. It was effective though. She felt sorry for this big baobei. She looked down on the bread she's holding.

But an idea suddenly struck her mind.

"Hey! We can share anyways. Glad this was sliced thickly." She brighten up with her own idea. She happily tore the bread into a fair half and gave it to Dylan.

He straightened up and also happily took the bread from her. He started munching delicately like he wanted it to last as long as it could.

"Hey partner," Kido's voice was suddenly within earshot as he was skip-walking towards them. He was referring to Yue. They were task partners in the show.

Both Yue and Dylan looked towards his direction and suppressed a laugh that's about to come out.

Kido surely wore a lot as his bulky clothes are bouncing while he walks.

" you still have some bread left? I'm freakin' hungry. Wasn't able to eat breakfast since I chose to nap some more. Who invented early morning flights anyway?" He whined continuously and he really looked hungry.

"Mefinitely mot me." Dylan's answer was quite muffled since the bread was hanging in between his teeth.

Yueyue's heart sunk again for another hungry kid.

"Uhhhh. I only have half." She raised her half bread to show him. Her heart sunk more when Kido pouted at her.

She turned to look for Dylan who was carefully eating on the side. "Hey Di!" She called his attention, motioning a finger on him "Share your bread with Kido." and pointed at the pouting Kido.

"Man!" He called Kido after chewing "It's not my responsibility to feed you if you chose not to have your breakfast" he took another bite and continued eating bit by bit.

"Wang He Di!" Yueyue reprimanded "I didn't teach you to be selfish. Now share some with your brother." She called him out like a momma scolding her naughty son and put a hand on her hip. She even pursed her mouth with her chin up to show authority.

"Hey man!" Kido replied "I thought we're bros? We used to share a lot in our recent tapings." There's a hint of sulk in his voice. "We even shared a small pack of shampoo we snatch from Taojie. How come you can't share me your bread?"

"Don't wanna" It didn't even touched Dylan's feelings and he almost finished his share.

"What happened to you? You were so giving the last time I checked" Kido continued to castigate his bro.

'Yuh. So giving that he even wanted to give me away to Wu Yi.' Yueyue commented in her mind and made a mental eyeroll.

Dylan didn't say anything. Instead, he stuck his tongue out at Kido.

Yueyue let out a heavy sigh, giving up on Dylan's unfading childish behavior.

"Come here, partner." She motioned Kido to come near. "I'll just tore mine in half. I hope it could somehow ease your hunger while we're not in the inn yet."

"Really?! You're the bestest partner in the universe, I swear!" Kido was overjoyed with the kind gesture. Nobody ever had thought that a piece of bread could be an oasis for Kido's dying stomach.

"Of course. Now you owe me a treat." Yue shrugged while tearing up her bread.

"Sure thing. Any snack would do I guess since you eat almost everything"

"'Coz I don't like wasting food." She said further until she's done tearing. "Here" she extended her arm to hand over the bread to Kido who was waiting in anticipation.

But Dylan quickly snatched the bread before Kido got it from Yue and immediately stuffed the whole bread in his mouth.

"Hey! That's not yours!" Yue and Kido shouted in unison.

Dylan chewed as fast as he could and swallowed hardly.

"Hey Shen Yue!" Dylan retorted. "Just so you know it's not your responsibility to feed all the hungry people." He tried to lecture on her while adjusting his Gucci fanny pack towards his back.

"Hey Wang He Di!" She mimicked his tune. "In case you forgot, I just fed you a moment ago when you told me you were hungry" She talked back.

"Then why not feed me literally? Like this.."

He snatched Yueyue's hand and took a bite on the remaining bread she's holding. He did so without letting go.

For a moment, Yueyue was taken aback by his sudden action that made her eyes grew a bit wider. Both were frozen, looking at each other's eyes for a while.  Didi alternately looked at her eyes, amazed by how its brownish color appeared with a bit ray of morning light. Despite of the cold, Yueyue felt a little heat crept across her cheeks.

"Hey man! How come you're taking YueYue's only bread when you have snacks in your Gucci?" Dylan didn't notice that Kido was rummaging his fanny pack while he's bickering with Yueyue.

"WHAT THE FAAA KIDO--HOLY---" He quickly turned his back on Yue to face Kido. He draped his arm over Kido's shoulder and attempted to strangle him. Kido, on the other hand, struggled to bite on the crackers he got from Dylan's pack.

"LANGUAGE WANG HE DI" Dylan heard her warning.


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