Secrets and Wishes

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Author's note: This is quite late for Dylan's birthday but still, I would like to share this.

"Wishful secrets are one of the most difficult to contain. So might as well spill or it will just remain as it is forever."

"I just saw a post from your agency that you'll prepare something for your fans once you get 10M WB followers? Care to share what is it?" Dylan casually opened a conversation as soon as he saw Yue getting a change of sheets for the guest rooms at The Inn. He also started helping while waiting for her response.

"Hmmmm..." Yue pretends to think while putting a  finger on her chin."..It's a secret" she blurted out which made Dylan frustrated in an instant.

"Come on Shen Yue. Buddies don't keep secrets from each other.....errrrr....but some things can be kept" Dylan suddenly had to slow down on what he's saying. He had to be careful not to spill something that he thought he knows only.

"What? Why? Like what?" Yue finished collecting sheets she'll bring and faced Dylan with complete confusion on her face.

He had to also stop and face her while deliberately scratching the back of his head "Errrr... just some things. You're diverting the topic Shen Yue"

"Hehe. Thought I could get away from it. You're so persistent" she sheepishly laughed.

"Would it hurt to share with me?" There's a hint of dismay in his voice.

She stared at him for a short while, hesitant but gradually defeated. She's soft when it comes to a dismayed Dylan. Maybe they teased and bicker a lot but she never wanted him to be dismayed nor mad at her.

"Ugh. Okay fine. I just wrote a song" she finally revealed.

His eyes widened with the unusual revelation.

"WHAT? SERIOUSLY SHEN YUE?!" The tone of disbelief and excitement were mixed up in his voice.

"Gahd Dylan. Quit calling my full name all the time" she complained.

"What? I feel like saying it. You can't stop me" he argued.

Still staring at him, she looked exasperated.

"Seriously, Wang He Di?" She put a hand on her hip.

"It's Didi. Stop with the Wang He Di. So formal" He mirrored what Yue did.

Yue smirked at his annoyance and carried the sheets with two hands, hugging them.

"Heh. Now it sounds fair Wang He Di." She replied while turning her back on him, going to the guest rooms to do some work.

But she could still hear him at her back, complaining "Ugh. Stop it, I said"

She suddenly stopped on her tracks. "Alright."

He did so too. But his head was filled with confusion because of the quick answer he got. No fights. Just an 'Alright'.

"Alright? Didn't know that you could be this easy to deal with" he was still in doubt as he watched her turn a little towards him with a sly smile.

"Of course in one condition"

He took a step back upon confirming his doubt.
"I KNEW IT SHEN YUE! YOU'RE REAL SLEAZY AT THIS MOMENT" Dylan took the sheets in one hand and the other just pointed at her accusingly.

Yue shrugged it off as she continued walking on the path while castigating his scandalous reaction.

"Hey, tone it down! It's pretty easy you know"

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